文法: Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ まだしも (madashimo) ]

まだしも (madashimo) - would be much better, would be acceptable

--- Examples ---
Once would be acceptable, but you've misspelled that word six times now.

This would be better than that.

I would rather die than have such a terrible experience.

A few days would have been excusable but you are in arrears for 10 days.

--- Comments ---
often appears with 'nara' in front, meaning '(if it were this) then that
would be OK, but...'
This was a correct answer on the 1kyuu in 2005. (contributor:

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ に即して (nisokushite) ]

に即して (nisokushite) - in line with, in keeping with

--- Notes ---
this phrase is rather formal and used mostly in written material.

--- Examples ---
In line with japanese customs

His biography is quite true to life.

appraise someone realistically

do something that is not part of the rules of the game

be pertinent to the line of work

in view of the facts

be developed from a recommendation

give a faithful account of

think realistically

face up to heavy stress realistically

--- Comments ---
You do realize that this phrase is rather formal and used mostly in written
material. (contributor: bamboo4)

i had no idea, so it will be noted! (contributor: dc)

perhaps is a similar but less formal phrase? (contributor: dc)

Yes, it is. にしたがって(従う) is not as casual as
にそって(沿う) and is also not formal as
に即して。に従って and に沿って are used in conversation as
(contributor: Miki)

I thought に従って implied more hierarchy, or cause and effect,
whereas is more in parallel?

(fact) (effect)

It was expensive. Accordingly, I did not buy it.

the street parallel with the river (contributor: dc)

Your 従って in the eg above is 接続詞 conjunction.
My 従って is a transformation of 従う。Yes, 従う implies hierarchy
but not all the time. Also 沿う and 従う aren't the same meaning but
implications are the same here.
example :
Please answer following the example
例題に従って、回答してください。 (contributor: Miki)

See also に即した 'based on, adapted to'
As professionals we present solutions adapted to the facts of the
situation. (contributor: Paul)

According to two of my texts, this phrase is written using different 漢字
depending on the nuance: に即して (in accordance with the facts,
objective reality, experience, etc.) and に則して (in accordance with
arbitrary rules, laws, etc.) Following that, #5151 is not written correctly
(boo to ALC). However, I also see that another source uses に即して in
both cases, so maybe this is just a nitpicky distinction. Can any native
speakers address this? (contributor: srobertson)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ きらいがある (kiraigaaru) ]

きらいがある (kiraigaaru) - there is a tendency for ~ to happen (and
it is somewhat bad and/or a cause for concern)

--- Notes ---
きらいがある is used for tendencies or characteristics that people
have, usually unfavorable ones.

This is a formal grammar structure.

--- Examples ---
It seems people have a tendency not to listen to things they dont want to
hear, right?

She is a nice person; however, she tends to say hurtful things

As humans get on in years, they tend to not listen to what others say.

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 4 [ 常呂で (tokoro de) ]

常呂で (tokoro de) - by the way

--- Notes ---
Tokoro de is normally written in Hiragana although Kanji is possible. It
will always be used to change the topic in a conversation. So if you were
to see, 'By the way....' it could start a clause or be after a complete
sentence where you or someone says something and you use tokoro de to add
more information or something that popped into your mind because of it.

--- Examples ---
Hey, it's starting to rain By the way you want to go get something to eat?

( 「ところで」の他の意味
(alternate usage) No matter how much I try to persuade him, that guy won't

ところで、あなたの仕事は何ですか。[tokorode, anatano
shigotoha nandesuka]
By the way, what do you do?

By the way, have you done your homework?

ところで、ちょっと君に話がある。[tokorode, chotto kimi ni
hanashi ga aru]
By the way, I have something to tell you.

ところで、あなたは今晩暇ですか。[tokorode, anata wa konban
hima desuka]
By the way, are you free tonight?

--- Comments ---
different ways of saying 'by the way'

chinami ni > related to that...
tokorode > by the way (unrelated)
soieba > speaking of that

from here

(contributor: dc)

By the way, congratulations to getting to the 70th page on a Google search
for 'Japanese Grammar' + database. ;-) (contributor: Amatuka)

By the sounds of it I'd guess 'Talking about which' would work well for
ちなみに. (contributor: Amatuka)

それはさておき would be another similar expression.Perhaps the two
should be linked.
ちなみに can also be 'now that you mention it.' (contributor: bamboo4)

Added another meaning of ところで (contributor: bamboo4)

not to be confused with tokoro as in place or time (contributor: dc)

〜たform of verb + ところで
and just ところで、ちがうのものです。
If it is just ところで,which being used at the beginning of a separate
sentence, it means 'By the way'.
If it is a verb in 〜たform + ところで 、then it is
(contributor: 誠)

To be specific, #1101 is in 〜たform + ところで and as such it is
different from other examples under this head.  (contributor: bamboo4)

Is it used when we want to change the topic?? (contributor: holland)

holland, yes, it is used when you want to change the topic.

Also, as far as example 1099 is concerned, I'm thinking that it's better to
say, ”...ところでご飯(ごはん =
meal)食べにいかない(か)?” (contributor: ozonitabetai)

Is example #1101 the reason this entry is marked as -1? because other than
that example this is a solid entry that I have heard used a million times
since I have been in Japan. 日常の日本語だよ (contributor: tigert)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 4 [ ないで (naide) ]

ないで (naide) - without

--- Notes ---

negV + で

--- Examples ---
I went to school without eating breakfast.

leave without paying

--- Comments ---
this is also a connective negative:

行かないでください - dont go, please
払わないで欲しい - i dont want you to pay (contributor: dc)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 4 [ 〜は (ha) ]

〜は (ha) - 'topic marker' (also shown as 'wa')

--- Notes ---
Introducing は 'wa' and です。'desu.'
the particle は marks the topic.
(Remember particles attach to the word which they follow, and that when は
is a particle it is pronounced wa.)
です。functions like 'is' or 'topic is.'

--- Examples ---
Mr. Tanaka is a university student.

I am Michael.

The apple is green.

--- Comments ---
See here and here for two very interesting Japanese pages on using ha vs.
ga (contributor: Amatuka)

When to use は vs が?
Both sentences like 雨は降っている。[ame ha
futteiru] and 雨が降っている。 are
valid, so working out when to use which form is a
tricky point.

First: In answering a question such as
Q. 机の上に何がありますか。
A. 鉛筆があります。.
Here が is used. (contributor: Amatuka)

On the other hand if attention has been placed on something in advance and
the question is asked with that object as the topic...
Q. 本はどこにありますか。
A. 本はイスの下にあります。
then は is used. (contributor: Amatuka)

が is also used to indicate a specific choice.
_I'll_ go. (not any of the other possibilities). (contributor: Amatuka)

は is used for contrastative sentences (see ha-2).
For example normally you'd say
犬が好きです。 I like dogs.
However if you want to contrast how you feel about dogs with how you feel
about other animals then
犬は好きだが、猫はどうも・・・[inu ha suki da ga, neko ha
doumo ...]
I like _dogs_ but I really don't (get on with) cats. (contributor: Amatuka)

は [ha / wa] follows a noun or a noun phrase.
(e.g. 犬は 'as for dogs'
知るのは 'as for what (I) know'
The latter case の nominalizes (turns into a noun) 知る)

N = noun (contributor: Amatuka)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ 〜ようとする (Try to 〜) ]

〜ようとする (Try to 〜) - Try to do something, but the nuance is
that it was unsuccessful.

--- Notes ---

uses the conjectural/hortatory form of the verb

--- Examples ---
I tried to use this computer, but I couldn't.

I was about to get on the train when the door closed on me.

He was trying to kiss his girlfriend when his mom walked in the room. (so I
did not get to kiss her)

--- Comments ---
I'm not sure if this is warranted... but I think so. I'll try to clean it
up once I get home tonight :)

(contributor: ninja_k)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ 前に (maeni) ]

前に (maeni) - before

--- Notes ---
Verb (dictionary form) + まえに
Noun + のまえに

食べるまえに / (たべるまえに) Before eating

行くまえに (いくまえに)Before going

会議のまえに (かいぎのまえに) Before the meeting

--- Examples ---
Be sure to put out the fire before you leave.

Before you answer the test please read the instructions first.

Wash your hands before eating your breakfast

--- Comments ---
前に is a different kettle of fish (contributor: Amatuka)

kettle of fish :
(contributor: Miki)

It's also 'horse of a different color.' (contributor: bamboo4)

we don't discrimate against horses of color :) (contributor: dc)

oops. coloUr (contributor: dc)

horse of a different colo(u)r :
 (^_^;)お勉強になります。 (contributor: Miki)

bird of a different feather も言う! (contributor: dc)

Comparing apples and oranges (contributor: bamboo4)

I really dunno what u guys are talking about :'( (contributor: Belle)

Belle, All expressions are similar to 'kettle of fish'. I'd be the only one
studying English in this site. hehe f(^_^;) (contributor: Miki)

I like to say 'a different brand of tobacco'
or 'from a different planet' and if that doesn`t get the point across, I`ll
throw a little 'a completely different kind of animal' into the mix........
(contributor: Gren)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ -方 (-kata) ]

-方 (-kata) - way

--- Examples ---
I know how to write a letter in English.

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ 到底 (toutei) ]

到底 (toutei) - (can't) possibly / very much

--- Notes ---
到底(toutei) itself means 'possibly', but grammatically it is usually
used with a negative:
 I really doubt it.

this is a little similar to 's way of use

--- Examples ---
She can't possibly kill her own boyfriend.

You can't possibly say that Blabby is smart.

I really doubt it.

I think that your story is far from the truth.

I am hopeless of ever meeting him.

His room is far from neat.

He couldn't possibly part with his dear dog.

--- Comments ---
Can anyone come up with a better translation? Ive seen lots of
translations such as 'after all', 'possibly' and 'とても'. (contributor:

how about 'far from'? seems a little similar to (contributor: dc)

到底 is similar to どんなにしても, どうしても. Used with a
negative. (contributor: Miki)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ 以上 (ijou-2) ]

以上 (ijou-2) - exceeding, above

--- Examples ---
I waited more than two hours.

More than 1000 issues are listed on the stock exchange.

I don't want to spend more than $10.

There are over 15 different kinds of pies.

Between 1820 and 1973, the United States admitted more than 46 million

Anyone eighteen years of age and over counts as an adult.

Better than twenty people.

I can't think of you as more than a friend.

You take more calories than necessary.

I can't put up with that noise any longer.

Taking everything into consideration, the result is better than I expected.

This plan can hardly be improved upon.

Is this the best price you can offer?

I love you more than you love me.

My grandmother gave me more than I wanted.

There is more in life than meets the eye.

Plants and animals require more sunshine than is generally supposed.

--- Comments ---
Formed from noun (or noun phrase?) + ijou
N = noun (contributor: Amatuka)

500g以上 : 500 grams and over
500g未満 : less than 500 grams
500g以下 : 500 grams and below (contributor: Miki)

ex4572-4575 Please move or delete the examples if these are not fit. These
are not fit to . (contributor: Miki)

Technically, X以上 includes X, but in normal usage people often use it to
mean 'more than.'
(contributor: bamboo4)

Ex 4564: It should be ' You take more(not move) calories than necessary'.
(contributor: prahlad)

ex #4564 fixed! (contributor: Miki)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ に際して (nisaishite) ]

に際して (nisaishite) - when; on the occasion of; at (the time of); in;
upon (doing something)

--- Notes ---
*The crucial difference between に当たって/に当たり and
に歳して is that the former indicates an occasion with a formal
sentence, but the latter indicates a special occasion.
*Therefore, do NOT use に際して when speaking of trivial, everyday

N + に際して

--- Examples ---
Upon leaving school, we presented him with a table clock as a token of our


When reading, the great writers of the past must be given the most

When making your reservation you need to have your credit card number, as
well as the expiration date and similar information.

Upon their graduation, the mayor sent his congratulatory words to the

On the occasion of the factory tour, the person in charge laid out various

--- Comments ---
You have to keep in mid that 際し is rather formal and would not normally
be used in conversation. (contributor: bamboo4)

what is the non-formal version to 'ni saishite' ? (contributor:

chrispy_bear, see or any other level-3 time expressions. (contributor:

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ に過ぎない (nisuginai) ]

に過ぎない (nisuginai) - nothing more than

--- Notes ---
にすぐない can also be replaced by だけ or ただ.

--- Examples ---
That was nothing more than the start of a period of great confusion.

Thats nothing but a dream.

In one letter he remarks, 'Life is but a dream'.

The circulation of the newspaper is only one-third that of its competitor.

Women, then, are only children of a larger growth.

San Francisco is only one-tenth as populous as New York.

Luciano might have the crowd behind him, but he's still wet behind the

Although rain forests make up only two percent of the earth's surface,
over half the world's wild plant, animal and insect species live there.

Permanent peace is nothing but an illusion.

Our world is only one small part of the universe.

Your scheme is like a multistoried building built on the sand.

Permanent peace is nothing but an illusion.

In my opinion, permanent peace is nothing but illusion.

I am nothing but a poor peasant.

All you're doing is trying to escape reality.

It's alright. I 'm just a little tired.

--- Comments ---
In #3853 浮フ should be 面 instead.
Ex #3857 and Ex #3858 are too close from Ex #3854.
In notes にすぐない should be replaced by にすぎない.
(contributor: 赤毛)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ だけに (dakeni) ]

だけに (dakeni) - as expected, after all

--- Notes ---
see for examples, explanation. identical.

だけに can be used for both good and bad merits. However,
だけあって is used for good merits. It should not be used for negative

--- Examples ---
As might be expected of those who trod the path of hardships, he is a man
of character.

As might be expected of a city like Tokyo, world-wide cuisine is available

Mars is all the more interesting for its close resemblance to our earth.

As expected of someone who studied in France, her pronunciation of French
is lovely.

(Her) parents are living together in the countryside. As expected of those
getting older, they worry about their daughter.

As expected he performed well and got the promotion

--- Comments ---
ex#3094 can be read as 'only in Tokyo world-wide cuisine is available.'
(contributor: Miki)

To avoid that, I have added やっぱり.
(contributor: bamboo4)

I have seen Dakeni in several Level 2 grammar books before, so I think it
would be safe to say that Dakeni should be a Level 2 expression, instead of
level 1. (contributor: nhk9)

nhk9 - updated thanks. (contributor: dc)

[ex#6176] This may be picky, but I disagree with the translation. If I am
mistaken please correct me as it is important for other learners to
understand. 'Her parents are living alone in the countryside. (As one would
expect) Since they are getting older, as a daughter she is worried (about
them).' (contributor: benni)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ かと思うと (katoomouto-2) ]

かと思うと (katoomouto-2) - When I think it may

--- Examples ---
When I think that this state may continue from now on I get really

When I think that now I may have to do those things my parents did for me
it gives me the shivers.

Just when I was thinking he was English, he said he was American

I fear I'm getting a headache thinking about how annoying Chris is.

--- Comments ---
When you think [___] you get . (contributor: Amatuka)

I don't think that this usage is limited to かと思うと. と思うと
probably has plenty of examples. (contributor: Amatuka)

often this is used when a second, contradicting thought follows.
(contributor: dc)

I don't think that last example is the same usage.
What the others have in common are
1. Continuing, every time type occurrence (e.g. When I think X ...)
2. The result is feeling / emotion related.

The third example is a) Past tense, once off.
b) The second half of the sentence /isn't/ the result of the first.
c) Isn't かおもうと but かおもったら (contributor: Amatuka)

Kono joutai ha kono mama da to tsudzuku ka to omou to ochikonde shimau.
When i think this situation might continue on like this i get really
What do you guys think about how this sounds?
(roomaji de Gomen ne ^^') (contributor: Exrulez)

I think it doesn't need that 'da to' in there hehe (contributor: Exrulez)

When 'dato' is used, J would be
ちなみに、type tuduku で つづく、続く (contributor: Miki)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ 〜をぬきにして・はぬきにして (〜wo nuki ni shite・〜 wa nuki ni shite) ]

〜をぬきにして・はぬきにして (〜wo nuki ni shite・〜 wa
nuki ni shite) - without, leaving out

--- Notes ---
[wo nuki ni shite/wa nuki ni shite] can have two generally the same usages.
It can be used to show that something is without, or left out. Wa does not
have to follow after shite but it does give extra emphasis as is
frequently called the highlighting particle. itself can be used to follow
a noun directly to mean 'without' especially when listing ingredients or
talking about doing something 'without'. itself gives meaning to nuki
showing that it is 'for' whatever is excluding that causes/does such and
such. So could be looked at as meaning for without...
I would also like to mention that a lot of people need to watch their
Romanization on this site as somethings are just wrong. This page should be
wo nuki ni shite/ wa naku ni shite not ha, wa is just a spelling rule since
the Heian period to be written with the Kana character for ha.

--- Examples ---
Without a strong will, it's not possible for this work to be finished.

Without Mr Yamada, who is a really good cook, we can't have a party.

--- Comments ---
一級の模擬試験でも出題されています。 (contributor:

I think you don't need the ending 'は', the actual grammar part seems to
be 'nukinishite', which means 'leave off or leave out.'
(contributor: EvilKyra)

EvilKyra presented the fact that 'nukinishite' means 'leave off or leave
out' how does that affect the English translations? (contributor: timmy43)

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nuki ni shite

文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ 〜ことに 「は」 (kotoni) ]

〜ことに 「は」 (kotoni) - Very; Quite; The 〜 thing is that....

--- Notes ---
いA + ことに
なA + な + ことに
Vた(past plain form) + ことに

This grammar should be used at the head of the sentence. It should be used
to emphasize feelings, emotions, or sentiments.

--- Examples ---
It is a totally great thing, from April my salary goes up by 10%

残念なことに、 ポケットの穴から全部のお釣りを落としてしまいました。
Unfortunately, I lost all my change through a hole in my pocket.

My boss gets his kicks out of torturing monkeys.

Quite unfortunately, the bullet trains have been stopped because of a
strike, and our trip got cancelled.

Quite surprisingly, I heard that she can speak seven foreign languages.

To my great surprise, my lost wallet made it to the police intact.

The unfortunate thing is that the camp I had looked forward to was canceled
due to rain.

--- Comments ---
I think the English translation should be better with 「The 〜 thing is
that, .....」for 「〜ことに」. So for
ex#310 嬉しいことに、四月から給料が一割ほど上がる
「The happy/hearthening thing is that, from April onwards my salary will
go up by around 10%.」I prefer to use 'hearthening' in this case.
Notice the comma is at the ことに

ex#5256「The unfortunate thing is that, I dropped and lost all my change
through a hole in my pocket.」  (contributor: 誠)

Example #5935 does not belong in this entry. This must be 'koto ni (ha).'
Also, you can only use the plain past tense of a verb before it, not plain
dictionary form. (contributor: rubyhatchet)

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