文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ にとって・として・の上で・からいうと・から見ると (viewpoint-group) ]

(viewpoint-group) - from the point of view, based on

--- Notes ---
for me it was tough...

even for
even for him it was hard

as a teacher...

based upon (my conjecture)
based upon my consideration

based on (outside fact)
based on
this novel is based on real life

based on the result of

takes as its basis
this novel takes Love as its basis

by looking at X
by his expression, you could tell...

on the basis of
on the basis of grammar, chinese is easy

looking from
from the criminals point of view...

if you look from
if you look at it from my point of view

(in their own way?)

from the way of looking
from the old way of looking at the issue...

--- Examples ---
As an English Teacher, I think the most difficult part is building a
relationship with my students.

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ 兎も角 (tomokaku) ]

兎も角 (tomokaku) - anyhow; anyway; somehow or other; generally
speaking; in any case

--- Notes ---
1 とにかく。ともかくも。



--- Examples ---
No matter what the result was, every one has done their best.

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ 〜にしては (nishitewa) ]

〜にしては (nishitewa) - even though (it is) ; for

--- Notes ---

V/i/na/N[普通形] + にしては

意外な気持ち - An unexpected feeling

--- Examples ---
Even though he's old, he looks young.

For (eg: even though he is) a rich person, he drives an old car.

It is a cold morning for June.

For a man of seventy he still has surprising vigour.

This hotel is relatively expensive for this town.

This warm weather is abnormal for February.

Despite being a taxi driver , he don't even know the way.

It was out of the ordinary for Chris to behave so roughly.

You shouldn't count on others for help.

For somebody which makes cakes for the fist time, she did it very well.

Billy is very tall for his age.

You must not rely too much on appearance.

Despite being in primary school , this child is studying really good.

You are doing well for a cub reporter.

He looks surprisingly old for someone in his 20s.

You shouldn't do things by halves.

It goes without saying that Rome was not built in a day.

It's a warm day for this jogging for an hour.

What do you say calling it a day.

The price is kind of high for a used car.

For a foreigner, his Japanese is very good.

洗ったの? それにしてはきれいじゃないね。
You washed it? Even still, it's not clean, is it?

--- Comments ---
closer to 'wari ni' than 'nimokakawarazu' (contributor: dc)

Meaning: contrary to one's (natural) expectation (contributor: halx)

I think the にしてはいけない examples sentences don't belong here.
(contributor: halx)

X にしてはいけない must mean, 'Even though you are doing X, that's
not okay.' (contributor: adamstudio)

I think there are two types of にしては mixed up in these examples.
(contributor: bamboo4)

I also agree that the にしてはいけない examples should be moved.
(contributor: hana)

I don't understand '乱魔ノ' in [ex #3520]. Perhaps it means '乱麻の'?
I don't understand the English translation of [ex #3530] and [ex #3531].
Perhaps an alternative translation for にしては is despite (Ex: despite
being a foreigner, his Japanese is very good. ). (contributor: 赤毛)

I created the entry for the にしてはいけない examples sentences. I
moved Ex #3519, #3521, #3522, #3524, #3525, #3527 and #3528 to this new
entry. They became #6770, #6771, #6772, #6773, #6774, #6775 and #6776
respectively. I found the way to conserve Dbxさん as author in the new
entry. I changed Ex #3519, #3522, #3525 and #3527 to fit the entry. Is it
too much contribution? (contributor: 赤毛)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ て形くる (tekuru) ]

て形くる (tekuru) - Vte go, do something, and return

--- Examples ---
I'll go buy the newspaper. (implying you'll be back)

I went to the doctor and got some medicine (and came back with it) .

Little by little, I  came to  understand Japanese.

Prices continue to fall.

--- Comments ---
contrast with verb-te+iku
 I'll go and buy (on the way to somewhere else) (contributor: dc)

maybe this grammar entry should be more ーてくる as it is about
appending -kuru to compound a verb.
買ってくる、持ってくる 等 (contributor: dc)

Maybe we could transfer that example into -nagara (contributor: bi-ru)

its done, on page (contributor: dc)

As I found on (Takasugi Shinji's site) - contrast the difference of -tekuru
and -teiku in the following:


Both mean that prices continue to fall. Both tekuru and teiku indicate
continuation in this example. However teiku implies motion away from,
whereas tekuru implies motion towards.

You think prices are going away from you in sentence 1, such as when you
don't like the trend. You think prices are approaching you in sentence 2,
such as when you like it. (contributor: bi-ru)

wow! わかった。I get it. Thanks (contributor: anna.kendall)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ 上で (joude) ]

上で (joude) - N, On

--- Examples ---
Virtual PCじょうで、 Xwindowsが立ち上がりません。.
X windows doesn't start up on Virtual PC.

Many kinds of animals have vanished from the earth.

If it were not for air, we could not live on the earth.

--- Comments ---
Formed from noun + joude
N = noun (contributor: Amatuka)

I often hear people at work use joude as in 'PC jyou' on the PC...
(contributor: dc)

ex#4599 this is for reference. (contributor: Miki)

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文法: Grammar Summary


文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ 通り (toori) ]

通り (toori) - in that way

--- Notes ---
see [basis-of-action-group] for similar items and comparisons.

V(dict. form/たform/ているform) + とおり(に)
N + の + とおり(に)
N + どおり(に)

--- Examples ---
Just like the prediction, the Japan team won.

She's back to her original energetic self.

Didn't it come out to be the way I said?

That's right !

That question has answers in three ways.

Would you mind if I browse through them first?

It's okay. If you do it just like the manual says, it'll work.

At yesterday's soccer game, Country A won just as expected .

Just as predicted , it started raining in the afternoon.

Just as my doctor instructed, I decided to exercise every day.

--- Comments ---
The example is actually 'doori'. 予想通り 【よそうどおり】
(exp) as expected (neutral and negative events); as feared (contributor:

Many '通り' 'toori' examples are actually a literal 'way' as in street.
(contributor: Amatuka)

watashi ga itta _toori_ ni natta deshou! (contributor: Miki)

Formed from (plain) verb + toori or
noun + toori.
Note that a euphonic change to doori is possible depending on what it

V = Verb
N = Noun (contributor: Amatuka)

when does it have に after?
私が教えた通りに、、 (contributor: dc)

You can also say
予想 通りに 日本チームが優勝した。
彼女は もと 通りに 元気になった。
(contributor: Miki)

chizu no toori ni mairimashta kara, zenzen mayoimasen deshta. (contributor:

toori ni.... expreses the idea that something takes place in the same way
as something... or it could be negative also.. means doesn't take place..
(contributor: prachi_saurabh)

'expreses the idea that something takes place in the same way as something'
does not make any sense at all. (contributor: bamboo4)

In ex #6257, I don't understand '卵z'. So instead of 'Checked' I changed
it to 'suspicious'...
(contributor: 赤毛)

I have always thought of 
「〜 通りに」 as ”like 〜”

「〜通り」as 'same way as 〜'

while in rome, do like the romans do.

while in rome, do things the way romans do.

the meaning doesn`t change much, but thinking of it like this makes
translation less complicated.
(contributor: tigert)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ について (nitsuite) ]

について (nitsuite) - regarding, about

--- Notes ---
In more instances, につきまして is used.

--- Examples ---
I want to mention the release of our new software edition at the banquet.

regarding the plan

regarding my going there

How about Noon'ish?

I want a book regarding the usage of computers.

--- Comments ---
ex#4716 The Japanese is awkward. We would
say 正午ごろはどうですか? So this doesn't fit to the entry.
More casual, 正午ごろは、どう? (contributor: Miki)

I agree with Miki (contributor: Narender)

I agree with Miki (contributor: Narender)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ 上で (uede) ]

上で (uede) - upon, after

--- Notes ---
「Vta+上で」have the meaning of upon/after.

Ex: #43
I will reply upon careful consideration.

But, 「Vru+上で」have the meaning of when

Ex: #392


Etiquette to pay attention when using email?

「N + の + 上で」also means upon/after

Please sign after confirming the details.

--- Examples ---
I will reply upon careful consideration.

Etiquette to pay attention to upon using email?

For the documents about the procedures, upon/after filling in the necessary
events on them, please send it back here

Since this conclusion is made upon/after the thorough discussion by
everyone, (we/I) would like every member to follow it.

I will give you my reaction after I have consulted my family.

I would like to decide whether or not I rent the apartment after I have had
a look inside the rooms.

After I have listened to every explanation, I think I will enjoy the

After I have been told everybody's opinion, I will inform you next week.

A television is pretty useful to study a foreign language.

It is a conclusion upon the deliberation.

I decided upon the opinions of everyone.

Please sign after confirming the content.

--- Comments ---
Careful not to get じょうで mixed up with うえで because they look
exactly the same with kanji. (contributor: Amatuka)

Second example has an implied なんですか at the end of the sentence.
(contributor: Amatuka)

Oops. On second thoughts kill that -> ueha 'see also' (contributor:

(Too darn many 上's to get confused) (contributor: Amatuka)

I finally saw joude when i was installing debian on my laptop ^_^ it was
something like
(contributor: Snake)

*の上で even (contributor: Snake)

I often hear people at work use as in 'PC jyou' on the PC... (contributor:
your name)

As for
is not natural for me. このベースシステムじょう(上)で
would be better. I think when 上 is followed by noun, 上 would be read as
'じょう'. (contributor: Miki)

You means when 上 is 'precceded' by noun. (contributor: bamboo4)

I think there is a need for の after the 名詞, before the
上で(うえで), 名詞+の上で
If it is verb 動詞 , then it is 動詞(た形)+
上で (contributor: 誠)

Sometimes, you can omit the で : 上(で) (contributor: 誠)

PC 上 means ' about/for/relating about the PC' same as ex#392
'upon/relating about the using of email'
Like ex#392, here 上で means ' 〜に関連して ', whereas the
remaining 3 examples mean ”〜してから” (contributor: 誠)

A minor point, but in #5889, 'the necessary events' should be 'the
necessary particulars'. (contributor: bamboo4)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ 続ける (tsuzukeru) ]

続ける (tsuzukeru) - keep on doing ...

--- Examples ---
even though I'm on a diet, I will keep on eating sweet things until the

If she continues to live with a man she doesn't love for his money, the day
will come when she will be utterly frustrated and between the devil and the
deep blue sea.

People will keep talking about this mistake forever.

I love, and will continue to love, my mother country.

無視しろぅ! じゃ、書き続けて!
Ignore it! Keep writing!

Because I have been writing continuously small characters, my hand got

When you keep watching TV for a long time, your eyes become painful.

--- Comments ---
'dsu' is not a generally used romaji variant.
I think it should be 'du'. (contributor: your name)

hmm, thats true. using the windows IME, 'dsu' = 'dす' which is silly.
but 'du' when you read it in romaji doesn't look like... dzu, even though
the hiragana comes out correct as づ
まあ、難しいね。どうすればいい。 I want people who don't
read hiragana to be able to use the site ideally. altho we may be way past
that with all the kanji... (contributor: dc)

Every book I have spells this as 'tsuzukeru'. (contributor: Synonymous)

To be fair... づ and ず have theoretically merged, except in names...
so zu is ok.

on a side note, is this really level 1? I use / hear this so often at work
that I'm rather surprised. (contributor: ninja_k)

#5703 I would write 無視しろっ! to emphasize. Though this is not
CORRECT Japanese writing. Also, it is not appreciated that female speaks
like this. I feel 無視して! is more sophisticated. (contributor: Miki)

This entry does certainly not belong to Level 1 but to Level 2 and it is so
commonly used that before reaching Level 3, you get to know this pattern.
Please downgrade this entry. (contributor: Olivier)

The input pattern for づ should be 'du' and not 'zu.'
(contributor: bamboo4)

Olivier, I went ahead and changed to level 2 - anybody disagree with that
classification? (contributor: yookoso)

Total number of results searching from Google:
- 923 for tsudsukeru
- 14 100 for tsudukeru
- 14 100 for tsudzukeru
- 67 800 for tsuzukeru
So I changed the name entry according to the last one.
I think the level of this entry is 3 because I founded 2 examples in JPLT3
http://www.mlcjapanese.co.jp/DownloadF/3-5-GrammarInPastTest.pdf and none
in JPLT2
http://www.mlcjapanese.co.jp/DownloadF/2-5-GrammarInPastTest.pdf, so I
changed the level too.
(contributor: 赤毛)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ 挙げ句 (ageku) ]

挙げ句 (ageku) - in the end, afterall

--- Notes ---
'after much (verb)-ing'

ageku implies doing something a lot.

'after much to-ing and fro-ing we finally decided to ..'

'after a lot of worrying, we gave up caring'

and do both seem to be negative
seems to be mostly positive
can be both

after much studying, i graduated
(implies a long sigh about the process of studying... even though the
result was positive)

thanks to all the studying, I passed!

finally! I passed!

after studying, I passed.

注意→ 日本語のnative speakerチェックして下さい!

corrections to note above:

勉強したあげくに卒業しました It's better to add adjectives to
make it natural.
→suggestion : 散々(さんざん) or

→suggestion : 折角(せっかく)
Since I studied it all the way, I passed with a teacher's license.

after studying, I passed.

Often used with さんざん

According to a native speaker, this grammar adds a negative feeling to the
sentence, so either the first part preceding the 挙句 or the following
part should have a negative feel to reflect that.

In the example:
this is equivalent to
in feeling due to the presence of 挙句.

Similarly in another example
sounds unnatural, because the decision to marry someone is a positive one.
If it was instead
then it would sound more natural because divorce has a negative

ageku should return a bad result

--- Examples ---
In the end he landed up in jail.

Four elephants get drunk and in the end crashed into high-voltage power
lines, electrocuted.

After much dithering, in the end I turned down his invitation.

After hard thinking , I carried out the plan

After talking with both (his) parents the end result was that I decided to
divorce him.

After she gave people a great deal of trouble, she left the company
without even saying good-bye.

I shopped around for my computer and ended up paying $200 less than David.

I accepted the offer after due consideration.

Since I had made all the effort of studying, I obtained my teacher's
license and graduated with it.

After a lot of eating , I threw up.

One way or another how much I wanted to studying abroad in an university,
after much being harshly worried about it , I decided to go to a Japanese

After making so many complaints , she just got up and left.

--- Comments ---
挙げ句の果て is an emphatic way of saying 挙げ句 so that it sounds
more like 'at the very end.' Comes from the last stanza in 連句.
(contributor: bamboo4)

JDict examples (contributor: dc)

(n-adv,n-t) Noun-Adverb (a noun that can be used as an adverb) +
Noun-timelike (a noun that can be used where a 'time' reference is

Noun use 'ageku no hate' - ageku modifies hate
'time-like' use 'ageku kare no sasoi wo kotawatte shimatta.' (ageku
specifies when 'kare no ...') (contributor: Amatuka)

あげくに seems to be used much as あげく、(obviously you can't have
あげくにの though). (contributor: Amatuka)

electrocute : ile'ktrэkju`:t vt usu passive 感電しさせる
(contributor: Miki)

what's the difference between あげく & 後? (contributor: shrek)

後 is just 'after'
挙(げ)句 implies 'there was the process to reach the result' or
'after all'. (contributor: Miki)

I always thought that あげく is used for negative results. (contributor:

It might be that the -process- has negative mood, but the result is not
necessarily bad. See ex5 above.

eg After a lot of hard work, I passed the test.

I added a note to this, pending confirmation. (contributor: dc)

In the second exmaple, 彼と結婚することにした should be
translated as 'I decided to marry him.' If you say,
彼と結婚することとなった, than it is possible to say 'it was
decided that I marry him.'
(contributor: bamboo4)

↑ changed.
And the notes are accurate with ageku and yatto? (contributor: dc)

In notes, they are not natural.
勉強したあげくに卒業しました It's better to add adjectives to
make it natural.
→suggestion : 散々(さんざん) or

→suggestion : 折角(せっかく)
Since I studied it all the way, I passed with a teacher's license.

after studying, I passed. (contributor: Miki)

you should update your entry with Miki's corrections, she is absolutely

Since I studied it all the way, I passed with a teacher's license ->
I think i understand your Japanese but I am not sure about your English
translation. Which of the two do you mean:
1. Since I studied all the way, I graduated with the help of my teacher's


2. Since I studied all the way, I passed my teacher's license exam.
(contributor: ezi)

i quickly copied these suggestions above. if someone can combine/edit the
two notes, i will delete the extra ones. (contributor: dc)

The use of 折角 in せっかく勉強したので is archaic. Nowadays,
people would say 一生懸命 or 頑張って勉強したので. In modern
usage, 折角 is used in negative sense, such as
折角勉強したのに落第した (Though or despite the fact that I
studied hard, I failed to make the grade)
(contributor: bamboo4)

I don't think there is a に at the back of
あげく、 色々勉強したあげく、卒業しました。
(contributor: 誠)

Since I had made all the effort of studying, I obtained my teacher's
license and graduated with it. (contributor: 誠)

In the See Also section, it says that 挙句 is always used in the
negative. However the examples and comments suggests that it can be used in
both the negative and positive.
(contributor: xabre24)

Hi, In this example

Since I had made all the effort of studying, I obtained my teacher's
license and graduated with it.

The translation is incorrect... since the Japanese mentions nothing about a
teacher's license. This simply says 'After studying so much, I graduated'
(contributor: マリ)

Hi マリ, 誠's translation left out the
part but is implying the same thing as miki's example. (contributor:

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ て形しまう (teshimau) ]

て形しまう (teshimau) - finished

--- Notes ---
Verb(て) + しまう。

It may be worth mentioning that sometimes
Vて しまいました is sometimes shortened to

--- Examples ---
Watching that movie, I ended up crying.

I've finished my homework.

I always read myself to sleep.

What money he earns he spends on books.

That kind of talk leads to an argument.

Don't leave here until you have done it.

'Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I (ended up) have the wrong number.'

After two days our food gave out.

I had not run five minutes when I got out of breath.

Because I finally came into possession of a book I was looking after for a
long time, at once in a sleepless night I finished reading it until the

Sorry I'm late.

Sorry I'm late.

--- Comments ---
The title should be 'shimau' instead of 'teshimau.' 'te' is a particle and
does not form the root of 'shimau.' (contributor: bamboo4)

Wouldn't this fall under the other category of
Watching that movie, I cried (not that I wanted to, or expected to cry).
Perhaps because this would be a case where there isn't regret?
(contributor: ninja_k)

I think 〜てしまう can imply two meanings:
1) completed
2) to my regret
I'm really not sure how one can distinguish which one a person is trying to
imply.. I guess it's based on the context of what one is saying?
(contributor: eastmael)

I agree with eastmael. Here is some explanation from text :
E.g. : 作文をかいてしまったら、公園に行きましょう

E.g.: 1.大切な結婚指輪を無くしてしまいました。

I think if something bad happened unwillingly, 〜しまう goes to the 2nd
meaning.Otherwise, if it is something done without any special adverse
effects or just a plain task or action, it goes to the 1st meaning.
(contributor: 誠)

I don`t know about everyone else, but I have never heard しまう used to
mean 'I finished Ving'
It always seems to have a negative meaning attached to it. (contributor:

Tigertさん, I added example #6786 caught from JPLT2 in this level 3 entry
exactly for the note you wrote. (contributor: 赤毛)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ における・おいて (niokeru) ]

における・おいて (niokeru) - at, in, as for

--- Notes ---
used as ni

used for places and fields

--- Examples ---
Next years general meeting will be held in London

The progress in medical science is amazing.

The examination took place in the conference room.

As for this point, my opinion differs from his

The situation that is overseas (from Japan)

In an extreme situation, I believe that the same reaction would take place
in terms of all the community pulling together.

--- Comments ---
ex#1199 it would be 私と彼の instaed of 私わかれと. We also say
この点において、私と彼と 意見が食い違っています
(contributor: Miki)

Unlike に於いて and に於ける、に於いては implies assumption.
(contributor: Miki)

Could a native speaker kindly explain why this goes beyond the simple place
particle に? Also, I had thought that おいて implies a sense of
'for future convenience' -- is that true? Many thanks. (contributor:

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ そう (sou-2) ]

そう (sou-2) - I hear that

--- Notes ---
see [looks/seems/heard-group] for similar examples

There are two connotations to sou
note the difference in verb ending

they say/i heard
genki-da sou

[sou-2] looks like/seems

--- Examples ---
When I listened to the weather forcast they reckoned it's going to snow.

Upon phoning, I was told that he wasn't there.

When I asked if he was not there, I was told that it was so.

Is that so!

なんでそうやねん(Kansai Dialect)
Why so?

I said it was so! (that way)

--- Comments ---
I don't like that example. I should have looked a little longer and got a
better one. ^^v (contributor: Amatuka)

Formed by [V-ru] + sou. (contributor: Amatuka)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ 為 (tame) ]

為 (tame) - In order to, because of, for

--- Examples ---
I telephoned to make sure that he was coming.

He died last year of old age.

What's this key for ?

There are no good dictionaries for foreigners

The Japanese work hard for ( the sake of ) their company

What for?

Because a lot of snow fell, the match was canceled.

--- Comments ---
Two slightly different usages here (split them out if you want to).
1. 'In order to'
2. 'Because of' (contributor: Amatuka)

Usually either ___の為に___ or [V-る]為に___.
But not always :-P (contributor: Amatuka)

Hey DC, I'm catching up with you on Grammar entries :-P (contributor:

thats why i made the batch form, so i can speed ahead! (contributor: dc)

hah, I've NEVER seen the kanji for tame before. (contributor: Grant)

tame is also used sometimes to mean 'therefore/so', like

nothing pops out,so the user doesnt know what to do
(contributor: dc)

為 seems a bit like the word 'para' in Spanish... give or take a few uses,
no? (contributor: Saralynne)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ もので (monode) ]

もので (monode) - because of (that thing)

--- Examples ---
As I'm a newbie ...

Since I cannot afford to pay my monthly tuition, would you mind lending me
some money?

だって、 高いもん〜!
But its really expensive!

--- Comments ---
This is often used when saying excuses. Shortened to もん in spoken
Japanese. I really hate hearing people say this to me. (contributor:

sorry, I often use
もん... だって暑いんだもん。いらいらするんだもん。;)
(contributor: Miki)

I often hear this in the context of a whiney complaint. Several Japanese
friends advised me that only children and sometimes women use it and that
adult males rarely or never use it (depending on the person). (contributor:

I would add that 〜もん is not necessarily always in the context of
complaining. However, it is VERY cheeky; using this can absolutely project
a bad impression, unless you really are among the bold, frank, and
sometimes even careless. (For an example of usage among men, see the
Japanese language version of Red Dwarf) (contributor: sanjiyan)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ にくい (nikui) ]

にくい (nikui) - Is diffcult to do

--- Notes ---
formed with Vm + (難い) にくい, making it an i adjective.

--- Examples ---
He's difficult to understand,isn't he?

I don't like difficult to eat foods.

This rare stamp is hard to come by.

tigert`s explanation is very difficult to understand.

--- Comments ---
As for the comment in Notes, t should be にくい, not いくい. typo?
In kanji 'にくい' is in 難い or 悪い
'verb conjugation + にくい'.
(contributor: Miki)

fixed, thanks!
(contributor: ninja_k)

What's the difference between むずかしい and にくい? (contributor:

The different is that 難い is added to a verb stem to change it to an
adjective, whereas 難しい is an existing adjective meaning 'difficult',
and thus can't be conjugated to a verb stem.

For example:

That word is difficult to remember (lit. That word's remembering is

as compared to:

Remembering that word is difficult (lit. That word's remembering is

EDIT 10/15/07: You're right; thanks tiger! (contributor: Groove)

Hey groove in your second example. I don`t think you need the する.

思い出す is a verb already. other than that I like your explaination
very clear I added a vocabulary note for yasui (contributor: tigert)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ 〜ことか (kotoka) ]

〜ことか (kotoka) - a lot

--- Notes ---
Some commonly used 'interrogative' words used with this grammar include:
何〜, なんと, どんなに, どれだけ, etc.

V(plain form) + ことか
いA + い + ことか // いA + かった + ことか
なA + な + ことか // なA + だった + ことか

--- Examples ---
Just how many years did we wait for his return!

To educate three kids, will take a lot (LIT: I dont know *how* much ) of

What the hell (is this) !

How pretty this flower is!


He reflected on how quickly time passes.

Having to say farewell to friends that were always with you is so sad.

The people were so happy about the fact that peace had returned.

How happy would I be if I passed!

How many times have I warned you?

--- Comments ---
ことか has the sense of exclamatory sentence. Thus, in the first
example, 'Ohm how many years did we wait for his return!' and the second
exmaple, 'Imagine how much money it would take to get three kids educated.'
3人の子供を教育するには sounds like 'to educate three kids' in
which the speaker is the educator. More precisely, it should be
3人の子供に教育を受けさせるには(to have three kids receive
education). However, The expression used in the example would probably be
acceptable except for a perennial nitpicker like me.

(contributor: bamboo4)

I'm going to see if bold works in the example text. (contributor: Amatuka)

Nope. Think that's better then? (contributor: Amatuka)

How well does 教育 work as 'bring up' rather than 'educate' anyway?
On the '教育する' front here's a similar example from Edict, but it's
still ambiguous.
I take great pains in educating my daughter. (contributor: Amatuka)

I guess this keeps it's -2 check mark for now. ;-) (contributor: Amatuka)

教育 and 養育 are two different animals. (contributor: bamboo4)

As you appear to agree with me I'll change the translation. (contributor:

Amatuka-san, I took the liberty of changing #665. If you don't like it,
change it back.
(contributor: bamboo4)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ 〜は (ha-2) ]

〜は (ha-2) - 'ha (wa)' used to indicate contrast

--- Examples ---
I don't eat / meat / . (but I eat fish)

'Show me Serena!' 'No need to worry. She's / alive / . Alive (but _not_

No, but I like * going to baseball.

I like * addition but * subtraction.

Because he was living in Shang-hai, the war was being fought (lit.
performed) in places that did not have a connection with him at all.

--- Comments ---
The 'normal' negative sentence would be 私は肉を食べない。'I don't
eat fish'.
With the object marker を overridden by は this implies that not eating
meat is in contrast to eating something else (for example fish).
Note: When Japanese refer to meat (肉) they generally would not understand
that as including fish (魚). (contributor: Amatuka)

This contrastative は can fit in places that you might not expect. Take
生きている '(she's) alive.' vs. 生きてはいる '(she's) alive (but
not well).'. (contributor: Amatuka)

P.S. How's the Hero / Villain / Hostage example? (contributor: Amatuka)

Very helpful :) (contributor: Kana-chan)

In your comment, you said '私は肉を食べない。'I don't eat
fish'”, but obviously you meant to say 'I don't eat meat'. I also liked
the hostage example! :-) (contributor: khyron)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ をもとに (womotoni) ]

をもとに (womotoni) - on basis of

--- Notes ---
see [basis-of-action-group] for similar items and comparisons.

--- Examples ---
Based on inspecting the fans popularity vote, we will decide this years
Best Ten.

This film is an adaptation of a novel.

Around his facts the scientist weaves a logical pattern or theory which
gives the facts meaning, order, and significance.

From now on I wish that we decide the objectives on the basis of the result
of the survey about the people of Yamakawa.

About the class of Japanese, the decision will be taken on the basis of the
period of study until now and the score points of the tests .

--- Comments ---
を is used to mark a noun or noun phrase.

N = noun. (contributor: Amatuka)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ 訳 (wake) ]

訳 (wake) - meaning; reason; circumstances

--- Examples ---
And for reason

By no means do I dislike farming. (Lit: The reason is not that I dislike

I felt sad for no reason .

A couple with some amorous circumstances

Not difficult to resolve that issue.

You are trying to compare apples and oranges.

That is not the way the ball bounces.

Don't tell me such nonsense!

This's not reason to drop your study, even if you are doing a part-time
job. .

There's no way I can eat that much!

There's no way I've been to her room!

--- Comments ---
Often used with 'わけじゃない' for 'not like that',
'that's not the reason' (contributor: Amatuka)

is it ok to say this?

(unagi is delicious. thats why I eat it every week). (contributor:

Yes, it's ok but I think それが毎週食べる訳です。is more
natural. (contributor: Miki)

like zen seems one of the most difficult multipurpose phrases to
translate in japanese. it means reason, circumstance, method, many things.
(contributor: dc)

What is zen wasabi? Do you mean wabi sabi? (contributor: Miki)

それが毎週食べる訳です might be
I kinda like 'zen wasabi' as a subsitute for 'wabi and sabi'!
(contributor: bamboo4)

私は 訳 もなく悲しくなった。
shouldn't it be:
私は 訳 もなくて悲しくなった。 (contributor: KotatsuSama)

訳 もなく悲しくなった is better, while the other is kind of
awkward. (contributor: bamboo4)

”わけ” is usually use in oral ? moreover, is it same use to
'理由”? appreciate in teaching me. (contributor: hkhkhk8888)

'訳(わけ)' is used in oral and written.
訳 does not always mean 理由 as you can see english for this 訳 entry.
訳 in ex #1268, #1269, #1270 means different from '理由'. (contributor:

わけ originally comes from the act of dividing things into what is right
and what is wrong.Therefore, わけ came to mean 'reason' or the rationale
of how things are done. That later got expanded to include the amorous
relationship in the sense of 'there is a reason for them to be together or
in love,' as suggested by #1268.
(contributor: bamboo4)

1.〜ということが納得できる (no wonder.../ that's why....)

2. 〜という結論になる;
(contributor: 誠)

「〜というわけだ。」: (Therefore) 〜as a conclusion / 〜as a
result / 'By this reason....., therefore can be concluded that 〜'/ 'It
can be said that 〜 as a conclusion/result'

「〜というわけで...」: 'By 〜 as the conclusion,... '/
'Concluding with 〜 as a result,...'

「〜というわけではない」: 'It can't be concluded that 〜' /
'It doesn't mean that 〜' / 'It doesn't follow that 〜 as a

〜次第だ:〜というわけだ (事情/経過を示す)
e.g.「 ...。以上のような次第で、....」=
(contributor: 誠)

#5735 勉強を残るわけにはいかない。doesn't make sense. Need to
change the verb.
(contributor: Miki)

A slang term that's used a LOT is '訳分からない”:”I don't get
it.'/'what the heck are they talking about'... very useful! ^_^
(contributor: EvilKyra)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ 続ける (tsuzukeru) ]

続ける (tsuzukeru) - keep on doing ...

--- Examples ---
even though I'm on a diet, I will keep on eating sweet things until the

If she continues to live with a man she doesn't love for his money, the day
will come when she will be utterly frustrated and between the devil and the
deep blue sea.

People will keep talking about this mistake forever.

I love, and will continue to love, my mother country.

無視しろぅ! じゃ、書き続けて!
Ignore it! Keep writing!

Because I have been writing continuously small characters, my hand got

When you keep watching TV for a long time, your eyes become painful.

--- Comments ---
'dsu' is not a generally used romaji variant.
I think it should be 'du'. (contributor: your name)

hmm, thats true. using the windows IME, 'dsu' = 'dす' which is silly.
but 'du' when you read it in romaji doesn't look like... dzu, even though
the hiragana comes out correct as づ
まあ、難しいね。どうすればいい。 I want people who don't
read hiragana to be able to use the site ideally. altho we may be way past
that with all the kanji... (contributor: dc)

Every book I have spells this as 'tsuzukeru'. (contributor: Synonymous)

To be fair... づ and ず have theoretically merged, except in names...
so zu is ok.

on a side note, is this really level 1? I use / hear this so often at work
that I'm rather surprised. (contributor: ninja_k)

#5703 I would write 無視しろっ! to emphasize. Though this is not
CORRECT Japanese writing. Also, it is not appreciated that female speaks
like this. I feel 無視して! is more sophisticated. (contributor: Miki)

This entry does certainly not belong to Level 1 but to Level 2 and it is so
commonly used that before reaching Level 3, you get to know this pattern.
Please downgrade this entry. (contributor: Olivier)

The input pattern for づ should be 'du' and not 'zu.'
(contributor: bamboo4)

Olivier, I went ahead and changed to level 2 - anybody disagree with that
classification? (contributor: yookoso)

Total number of results searching from Google:
- 923 for tsudsukeru
- 14 100 for tsudukeru
- 14 100 for tsudzukeru
- 67 800 for tsuzukeru
So I changed the name entry according to the last one.
I think the level of this entry is 3 because I founded 2 examples in JPLT3
http://www.mlcjapanese.co.jp/DownloadF/3-5-GrammarInPastTest.pdf and none
in JPLT2
http://www.mlcjapanese.co.jp/DownloadF/2-5-GrammarInPastTest.pdf, so I
changed the level too.
(contributor: 赤毛)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ 為 (tame) ]

為 (tame) - In order to, because of, for

--- Examples ---
I telephoned to make sure that he was coming.

He died last year of old age.

What's this key for ?

There are no good dictionaries for foreigners

The Japanese work hard for ( the sake of ) their company

What for?

Because a lot of snow fell, the match was canceled.

--- Comments ---
Two slightly different usages here (split them out if you want to).
1. 'In order to'
2. 'Because of' (contributor: Amatuka)

Usually either ___の為に___ or [V-る]為に___.
But not always :-P (contributor: Amatuka)

Hey DC, I'm catching up with you on Grammar entries :-P (contributor:

thats why i made the batch form, so i can speed ahead! (contributor: dc)

hah, I've NEVER seen the kanji for tame before. (contributor: Grant)

tame is also used sometimes to mean 'therefore/so', like

nothing pops out,so the user doesnt know what to do
(contributor: dc)

為 seems a bit like the word 'para' in Spanish... give or take a few uses,
no? (contributor: Saralynne)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ 条件形 (eba) ]

条件形 (eba) - if

--- Notes ---
this is also used for soft suggetsions to do something.
タバコを消せばいい if you could put out your cigarette

--- Examples ---
If you go, you'll understand.

If I read this book again, I will have read it five times.

You will soon come up with him if you run.

If you sleep for a while, you will feel much better.

If you join this club, you will be entitled to use all of its facilities.

You will be in time for the train if you start at once.

If you do it that way you won't be mistaken.

If that book was cheaper , I might just buy it.

If you take this medicine, you will get well. If-conditional

--- Comments ---
ichidan (regular group 2) verbs replace -ru with -reba たべる (taberu)
→ 食べれば (tabereba).
godan (regular group 1) verbs change last kana to -e column and add -ba.
行く (iku) → 行けば (ikeba) (contributor: Amatuka)

The following is not good Japanese - えば can't be used in sentences of
the form 'If X then please do Y.'

(BAD) 彼がそちらに着けば、知らせてください。
If he arrives there, let him know.

Instead -tara can be used.

(GOOD) 彼がそちらに着いたら、知らせてください。
When he arrives there, let him know. (contributor: Amatuka)

えば can be used if the following sentence is expressed as a likely
(GOOD) 彼がそちらに着けば、知らせてくれるでしょう。
I guess you'll let me know if he turns up there. (contributor: Amatuka)

what is the differences between tara and eba? wakarimasen (contributor:

simply, ~ seems to have more of an impression of 'when', not just if. eg:
when/if you come to tokyo, be sure to contact me.

there is probably more on this in Tae Kim's pages. (contributor: dc)

yep, check the bottom of this page:
different from my explanation tho. (contributor: dc)

Actually, the command form is okay as long as the えば is not a verb.
(BAD) 田中さんが着ければ、教えてください。
(GOOD) よろしければ、食べてください。 (contributor: Mukade)

I think that the English in ex #4977 is a little strange:

You will soon come up with him if you run.

I think that either of the following better reflects the Japanese text.

You will soon catch up to/with him if you run.
You will soon overtake/pass him if your run.

Also, in ex #4980, I think leave would be better than start.

You will be in time for the train if you leave at once.

Depart could also be used in place of start (or leave), though it sounds a
little misleading as there is a strong connection between trains and
departing. (contributor: horms)

Maybe in ex #6441 ーたら form is more preferable?

Some more examples:
秋が来れば雨が降る。(Expresses usual occasion. In this case 'と'
may be used, but not 'ーたら')
one expresses usual occasion too. As in above example えば may be
replaced with 'と', but not with ーたら)

新しくなければ買いません。 [If it is not new, I will not buy
it.] (Expresses intention)
怖ければ後ろに隠れたほうがいい。[If it is scary, you'd
better hide behind.] (This is not a command, but in this example なら
would be better, I think). (contributor: dante)

Okay, let me see if I've got this straight...

「えば」 and 「たら」 are similar, but 「えば」 is used to
express more of a cause-and-effect sort of relationship, and that's why
it's used to express natural consequences. 「たら」 has less of a
cause-and-effect tone, and it implies 'when' or 'after' more than
「えば」. (contributor: kinoko)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ 有りえる (arieru) ]

有りえる (arieru) - To be possible, to be conceivable

--- Examples ---
Even in Japan I think that could well happen.

That state called safety - no matter where you look can't be found.

Can there be a computer intelligent enough to tell a joke?

It is within the bounds of possibility that she will succeeded.

--- Comments ---
Often used in negative for 'That't not possible!' (contributor: Amatuka)

often used as slang by young people - ありえない! or even worse
ありえねえ〜! I cant believe it! (maybe, 'you're shitting me
right?' might be more accurate mood translation) (contributor: dc)

The seconde one roughly means
安全という状態は、どこにも ない. (contributor: Miki)

In a J-dictionary, a believable tale = 信じられる話. With that's
Japanese, I could not accept the 1st one.
Now the current translation sounds nice.:) (contributor: Miki)

trustworthy tale だと、「信頼できる話」かな。混乱。
(contributor: Miki)

I'm satisfied with the new one.
Even in Japan I think that could well happen. (contributor: Miki)

OK, I've trimmed down the comments.
In summary (and it may just be me) I just think 'possible tale' sounds a
little odd for the context of the example sentence. I wouldn't try to
overanalyse it. (contributor: Amatuka)

I think 'Possible' & 'Not Possible' would be more accurace. (contributor:

See my comment re ありうる. (contributor: bamboo4)

There is no example showing how to use this word with a verb. As in the
sentence, 'Is it possible to eat too much chocolate?' Also, is this word
somewhat rhetorical (as in my previous example)? (contributor: YakkSoho)

It cannot be used with a verb together.Its usage is the same as
可能(あり得る)and 不可能(あり得ない). (contributor:



Sounds fine.

#3394 and #3395
ありうる, not ありえる.
A message to Japanese people:
Please study Japanese very hard. (contributor: Nick)

I would say
(contributor: Nick)

Nick, a language is changing. An expression which is thought to be wrong
becomes a standard. (contributor: Miki)

ありうる is standard Japanese, but ありえる is not. (contributor:

have you checked how many japanese people use ありえる on the web? it
would be much easier for non-japanese to learn correct japanese.
(contributor: gooogle)

Nick, 'correct' or 'incorrect' depend only on the majority of speakers of a
language. You might want to read something by Wittgenstein on that (it's
kinda common sense though). Otherwise we'd now be speaking whatever
Germanic accent is at the origin of English.
Oh, and if you don't agree, perhaps you should lecture Murakami on his
'wrong' use of arieru and tell him to 'please study Japanese very hard'
(contributor: mankind)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ 可能性 (kanousei) ]

可能性 (kanousei) - Existence of possibility

--- Examples ---
There's a slight possibility of a recurrence.

Concerning terrorist biological weapons with high infection risk.

UFO theory is held to be rather low probability .

You can pretty much say that there is no chance but,

You can't escape the possibility that this fact could be used as an
opportunity to get mixed up in a incident.

--- Comments ---
Often 可能性が高い and similar phrases. (contributor: Amatuka)

You can just say 可能性がある。Don't need to say how mcuh
possibility there is.
Anybody pls translate them. (contributor: Miki)

You're working me hard. ;-)
What do you think of those translations - close enough? (contributor:

As for the seconde example, if English is correct, Japanese word order is
生物兵器テロの 可能性 が高い感染症について →
高い感染症の可能性のある 生物兵器テロについて
(contributor: Miki)

If the Japanese correct, English would be...
Concerning infection could be used by terrorist biological weapons.
Not sure. Please correct the English. (contributor: Miki)

because the key word here is RISK, you'll still have to keep that in the
sentance Miki:
'Concerning terrorist biological weapons, there's a high risk of
infection.' sounds very natural in English. (contributor: dadako)

Silly question perhaps, but is this really grammar? Seems like just a
vocabulary word to me... (contributor: yookoso)

yookoso, you are right. I didn't mind if this is grammar or not.
Anyway, let's finish. English is correct. With RISK, how about this?
(contributor: Miki)

i guess this isn't real grammar, but i find it a very often used
_construct_, so put it in. I use it a lot (working in the realm of the
可能性がある (there is a possibilty that...)
可能です (is possible...)
are two separate ways of using the phrase that took a while to get used to.
(contributor: dc)

The second Japanese example is a sentence fragment, and a better
translation would probably be:

'Regarding the high risk of a terrorist biological weapon spreading an
infectious disease, ... '

The other translations given sound clumsy. (contributor: Paul)

I found a site used the Japanese sentence. I think
is better as an example here. Concerning infections used with high
possibility as bioterrorism agents/disease かな?
(contributor: Miki)

らずだ - I was not able to use any tool to translate or explain this
phrase (contributor: jokuah)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ 出す、出して、出した (dasu, dashite, dashita,) ]

出す、出して、出した (dasu, dashite, dashita,) - to pay, to
place, to issue, to stick out, to put forth, to serve,

--- Notes ---
Often a second verb that denotes an outward motion.
歩き出す -- to walk away.
刷り出す -- print out, publish.

--- Examples ---
Please take out the garbage by 8:00am.

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http://www.jgram.org/pages/viewOne.php?tagE=dasu, dashite, dashita,

文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ 儚い (hakanai) ]

儚い (hakanai) - vain; hopeless

--- Examples ---
Unrequited love

Ephemeral life

The transient beauty of flowers

It was only an empty dream.

vain efforts

fleeting happiness

transient [short-lived] joy

this transitory life

The common people hope against hope that they might win in a lottery.

--- Comments ---
はかmeans the results gained from your efforts. はかない therefore
means that no results were gained despite your efforts.
(contributor: bamboo4)

isn't it strange how 儚い looks very similar to 夢 hehe (Allusion to
(contributor: KotatsuSama)

Wait, isn't 'unrequited love' 片思い? (contributor: Ayumi)

Sorry if you can't read that. It should say 'kataomoi'. (contributor:

bamboo4: Are you sure about はか meaning 'the results gained from your
efforts'? I searched wwwjdic for it, and couldn't find anything. Plus, if
儚い (contributor: Xepo)

Grr, sorry, hit enter too early. If 儚い is the はかない that this
article is speaking of, then how would you write はか? (contributor:

my japanese isnt very good but isnt there another meaning to hakanai...
like shooting star or soemthing? (contributor: *)

Another definition for hakanai「儚い」is 'fleeting; transient;
added an example with that usage. (contributor: EvilKyra)

片思い Is unrequited love isnt it? (contributor: shiho-chan)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ を聞いた (wokiita) ]

を聞いた (wokiita) - I heard

--- Examples ---
You want to go to France (that fact) from Tom, I heard

I heard you don't like alcohol

I've heard of Tom's marriage to a rich woman.

I heard my name called from behind.

It was until yesterday that I heard about the accident.

We heard the crack of thunder.

I heard the children singing together.

I heard him mumble to himself.

I listened to him explain a new product.

I heard of his involvement in crime.

I have never heard her say 'no'.

--- Comments ---
Q: does this
construct put more emphasis than just using a simple verb ending
I guess you can't use the second form to indicate exactly -who- you heard
it from...or can you?
  トムから、(あなたは)フランスに 行きたい そうです

行きたいそうです ね。
Maybe it would be the same sentence in English....

ということを聞いた would indicate what precedes that phrase is a
hearsay, while そうです would indicate your view of what someone wants
to do. (contributor: dc)

As for the first example, the Japanese is not natural. I would say
あなたが酒嫌い だと 聞いた。
あなたが 酒が好きでない/酒嫌いである ということを
聞いた。 (contributor: your name)

thanks, changed. (contributor: dc)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ る 所 です/でした (rutokoro) ]

る 所 です/でした (rutokoro) - I am about to / I was about to

--- Examples ---
I caught my son stealing from a cookie jar.

The bus was about to start.

Right now, I'm just about to eat.

I'm just about to start cleaning up my room.

Thanks for telling me the food wasn't good, I was just about to eat it.

--- Comments ---
+ tokoro (contributor: Amatuka)

'about to' is also volitional form
Just as I was about to ring her, the phone rang. (contributor: dc)

1. That's a 'たところ'
2. I'd translate it as 'Just as I decided to phone her ' because the
'とした' is past tense. (contributor: Amatuka)

dc,very detailed correction
電話がかかってきた。or (sbが)電話をかけてきた。

(contributor: Miki)

OK, I've added it to tatokoro - further discussion over there.
(contributor: your name)

(contributor: dc)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ より (yori-2) ]

より (yori-2) - more ____

--- Examples ---
Don't you know a better method?

I liked you even more when I met you.

Isn't there a train that gets there earlier?

--- Comments ---
in this case, could 'motto' be raplaced by yori? (contributor: victor)

'yori' could be replaced by 'motto'. もっといい方法 (contributor:

How would you translate 'yori' in this case?: -->

It seems its is more of 'from' rather than 'more'.

I understood it as 'Selects the Discount Price which is deducted from the
Net Price.'
:-/ (contributor: maikeru)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ やすい (yasui) ]

やすい (yasui) - easy to V

--- Notes ---
this is a simple way to say something is easy to do because of some reason.

美しい女性が 好き合いやすいですね
Beatiful women are easy to love.

Pizza that is both deliciouse and affordable is easily eaten.

--- Examples ---
雨がよく降ってる日が 家の中に
Its easy to play inside on rainy days.

If you do things like read and write in Japanese every day, Japanese will
become easy to understand.

These shoes here are easier to put on than the ones over there.

As this glass doll break easily, please don't touch.

The stairs are wet. They are slippery (easy to slip), so please be

This question is easy to err.

Do you think Tokyo is a place where it is easy to live?

This pen is easy to write with, isn't it?

--- Comments ---
I would have called this entry simply , the same you did with . For me, the
level is JPLT3 rather than JPLT2. The examples I added are caught from
JPLT3 list of vocabulary and grammar points which appears in past
examination papers (http://www.mlcjapanese.co.jp/DownloadF/3-all.pdf).
(contributor: 赤毛)

hey 赤毛 I think your rigth about the name for it. I have often said
that it would be good to standardize the entry format a little better, but
then I forget to follow my own advice lolol thanks. (contributor: tigert)

ex #6863
The translation should read...

The stairs are wet.

They are slippery, so please be careful.
(They're slippery, so please use caution.)

(contributor: nasu)

Nasuさんへ Thanks for your translation. I modified my example according
to your alert. In my contribution, the Japanese sentence use to be copied
from other sites or from books, but the English one is mine, and my English
will be improving all time but very slowly, because I don't use English
outside of this site. Feel free to modify all my English sentences and mark
them 'neutral' after. But keep in mind that a literally translated sentence
is easier to understand in a scholar point of view. Tae Kim said it in
http://www.guidetojapanese.org/start.html :
'the English translations for the examples will also be as literal as
possible to convey the Japanese sense of the meaning'. (contributor:

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ まま (mama) ]

まま (mama) - as it is, leave as it is, (remain) unchanged

--- Notes ---
Vinf+past mama
Adj(i) mama
Adj(na)stem na mama
N no mama

--- Examples ---
Two problems remained unsolved.

I like this house as it is.

This house will not sell as it stands.

This bicycle has been left here since the beginning of this month.

This window has been broken for a month.

Hold on for a while, please.

Everything was as it had been when I left there.

--- Comments ---
Thanks. The examples really help, showing all of the different ways まま
is used. (contributor: Cone)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ のに (noni-2) ]

のに (noni-2) - in order to, to

--- Notes ---
-my notes-
のに is different from ので

EX)From Jgram,Jlpt3

のにis used the same exact way as ので, but のに means 'despite' or
'in order to'.

Another Example:(From tai kims japanese guide)

-end my notes-

--- Examples ---
It takes time in order to , learn japanese

What would be the good time/place in order to /to see you?

--- Comments ---
Form is + [nominaliser の] + に (contributor: Amatuka)

I'm not that certain of what I typed in the 'see also' now - although the
two are quite different usages. (contributor: Amatuka)

ex #4747 has furigana for 何時 as どこ, which is simply not true and
should be read なんじ, which has nothing to do with place but is asking
'what time'.

Doko is normally written in just hiragana anyway.

reguarding the first example #586
Is there an easy way to tell that it wasn't intended to mean 'despite that
I am going to remember Japanese, it will take time' ?
(and wouldn't the verb 習う(ならう) 'to learn' fit this best?)
(contributor: Norgus)

@Norgus, it does not sound like the 'although' のに because when using
the form AのにB to show a contrast, A and B must be contrastive. 'I
am going to remember Japanese' and 'It will take time' are not really that
contrastive. It just doesn't sound like that. That's all I can offer on the
topic. (contributor: KyleGoetz)

ex#4747 何時 read as いつ, too. (contributor: Miki)

hi everyone.Correct me if I'm wrong but as I was searching for more
examples on のに, I found that sometimes you can put it at the end of the
sentence so as to create. For example: I wish he could have driven a car a
year ago.
The translation is . Is it a kind of ように?
thanx for the answer... (contributor: のぶた)

Hi のぶたさん、The のに of your question is not a kind of
ように. Please refer to [noni3]. (contributor: Miki)

In #586, I agree that 習う would be the better choice of word.
(contributor: bamboo4)

ex #4747 is just plain wrong. (contributor: Televangelist)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ について (nitsuite) ]

について (nitsuite) - regarding, about

--- Notes ---
In more instances, につきまして is used.

--- Examples ---
I want to mention the release of our new software edition at the banquet.

regarding the plan

regarding my going there

How about Noon'ish?

I want a book regarding the usage of computers.

--- Comments ---
ex#4716 The Japanese is awkward. We would
say 正午ごろはどうですか? So this doesn't fit to the entry.
More casual, 正午ごろは、どう? (contributor: Miki)

I agree with Miki (contributor: Narender)

I agree with Miki (contributor: Narender)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ なし (nashi) ]

なし (nashi) - without

--- Examples ---
Although it is very cold, she went out without a coat on

she went out without wearing a coat

--- Comments ---
Do you have to add 'de' at the end? (contributor: Ayumi)

で indicates a way something is done. Thus コート無しで means
literally 'in a coatless fashion'. But you don't have to always use で,
for example, 名前無し means nameless or anonymous. Also, it's an
noun-like suffix, and you use it with の in adjectival context、 like in

For fun factor, it seems that -無し was the negative suffix in classical
Japanese, equivalent of modern-day -ない. So although it's an equivalent
of a suffix inflected like i-adjectives (形容詞), it behaves like a noun
today. (contributor: mathrick)

An error crept in, 名前無し there should have really been 名無し.
(contributor: mathrick)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ なさい (nasai) ]

なさい (nasai) - Please ____ (request form)

--- Examples ---
directed that (just) people who had the confidence that they could sing,
on their own, without error should sit down.

Do it quickly.

Shape up!

Eat your vegetables!

Sit down.

--- Comments ---
I guess this is half way between a 'polite command' and a 'fairly forceful
request'. (contributor: Amatuka)

[V-masu base] + nasai (contributor: Amatuka)

'' isn't explicitly in the Japanese version, but the English might look odd
without it.

'(just)' wouldn't be natural in the English - the だけ in the Japanese
doesn't explicitly tranlate. (contributor: Amatuka)

The Japanese translation is quite nice except the tense.
(contributor: Miki)

thanks, updated.. (contributor: dc)

In the English version of the first example, perhaps 'just those' instead
of '(just) people.'
Also, I don't know how they do it in schools abroad, but in Japan, the
teacher normally says 'should stand up' instead of 'should sit down.'
(contributor: bamboo4)

The coloring in ex #1248 is very confusing. The 'し' looks to be part of
'早く', which is not the intention, if I understand correctly.
(contributor: anon)

fixed. (contributor: dc)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ て形は行けない (tehaikenai) ]

て形は行けない (tehaikenai) - you shouldn't, one should not

--- Notes ---
Gerund form (Vて形) + は + いけない
Gerund form (Vて形) + は + いけません
Doing that, it cannot work. => You should not do that.

--- Examples ---
Please refrain from taking pictures in the museum.

One must not harass the animals.

You are not allowed to smoke here, because this is a no-smoke area.

- Mistress, is it allowed to play here?
- No, it is forbidden .

Don't waste any more time responding to that customer.

You shouldn't count on others for help.

Don't leave the door open.

You must not rely too much on appearance.

Don't look to me for any help except in case of emergency.

Don't set your failure down to bad luck.

You shouldn't do things by halves.

You are not allowed to drink alcohol.

It is forbidden to park bicycles here.

--- Comments ---
Technically 行けない is as ok as is いけない. But since it is part
of a grammatical structure, the 'directed walking' aspect of 行 is
unpreferable, thus Hiragana-form is found more often. (contributor: adnim)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ たり する form (tari suru form) ]

たり する form (tari suru form) - doing things like V+ing

--- Notes ---
The [-tari] form is used when a sequence of verbs occur in a row. The last
one cannot be a tari, it needs to conclude the sentence.

 Eating and drinking, I relaxed.

 not reading, not going, not doing anything, he was a bad guy.

with adjectives:
 good service, low prices... alright eh?

neg with adjectives:
 the service is not bad, the prices aren't high...

Is also used fo repeated actions, like:
Watashi wa nomitari tabetari shimasu.
(I drank and ate repeatedly)
You must add 'suru/shimasu' at the end.

I changed this grammar note a little.
form means 'doing things like'. the Verb takes the plain past tense form IE
食べる become 食べた and then you add the り
買う will become 買った then you add the り,etc...

きのう、私は テレビを見たり、ゲームをしたり しました。

--- Examples ---
We drank, ate, sung, danced - we generally had one big fun time!

パーテイーで飲んだり, 食べたり, 踊ったりした。
We did things like drinking, eating and dancing at the party.

私達は, 先生に誉められたり, 叱られたりします。
Sometimes we are praised and sometimes scolded by our teachers.

夏には, 登山したりする。
In summer I do things like mountain climbing.

私は, 朝コーヒーを飲んだり, 飲まなかったりする。
Sometimes I drink coffee in the morning and sometimes I don't.

天気によって富士山が見えたり, 見えなかったりする。
Sometimes Mt.Fuji can be seen and sometimes it can't be seen, depending on
the weather.

金曜日には木村さんは来たり, 来なかったりします。
On Fridays, Mr.Kimura sometimes comes and sometimes he doesn't.

あの店の包装紙は, 赤かったり, 白かったり,
The wrapping paper at that store is sometimes red, sometimes white and
sometimes blue.

The data in this report is sometimes correct and sometimes not (correct).

--- Comments ---
in notes, neg: it should be 何もしなかったり instaed of
何もしなかたり. (contributor: Miki)

fixed. thanks for your help explaining this one... if only entering it in
the website would substitute for remembering it! (contributor: dc)

This should be in GR category.
(contributor: bamboo4)

My teacher told me -たり actually means more like 'we did things such
as... blah blah.' It's more generalizing, not specifying, isn't it? That is
what my teacher told me. He also told me the same meaning for -し, but I
can't really find such an explanation for the usage of -し anywhere - is
it the same? (contributor: gtunak85)

is more like a separate word (conjunction?) whereas [-tari] is a verb
ending (conjugation?) (contributor: dc)

-し is usually used for phrases that describes your subject. for example
you can say that you like a certain singer because he has a good voice,
nice attitude and he is handsome. you end the sentence with a conclusion
that you like the singer, and enumerate the reasons by using し.
(contributor: infinite_trial)

can anyone come up with the conjugation rule? (contributor: wrooffy)

to my understanding the [V-tari] is simply the [V-ta] + 'ri', hence (as in
the WWWJDIC example):
飲む - 飲んだり
食べる - 食べたり
歌う - 歌ったり
する - したり
and (as gtunak85's 先生 says) it's used to 'examplify' things done, eg,
'we did things like this and this and that', where (as usual) the last verb
determinates the tempus for all the verbs in the sentance.

At least that's my understanding of it, but I've only been studying since
august so I could be wrong... (contributor: mojibake)

I have never encountered a たり form where the last verb was not する.
I learned you should do:

V-たり、V-たり、V-たりする。 (contributor: KyleGoetz)

Many rather stupid and simple examples. :3; ...Vocabulary practise, yes?
(contributor: Naino)

do the actions follow the exact sequence? for example maiasa koohii o nonde
kara shimbun o yomimasu. or shimbun o yomu maeni koohii o nomimasu. here
the sequence is explicit. does this apply to tari form as well?
(contributor: molu)

do the actions follow the exact sequence? for example maiasa koohii o nonde
kara shimbun o yomimasu. or shimbun o yomu maeni koohii o nomimasu. here
the sequence is explicit. does this apply to tari form as well?
(contributor: molu)

Hey Molu, tari doesn`t specify what order the things happened in. it just
expresses the idea that you did things like Vtari, and Vtari.

Also I think that a Vtari statement must end in する or できる。 
(contributor: tigert)

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http://www.jgram.org/pages/viewOne.php?tagE=tari suru form

文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ たい (tai) ]

たい (tai) - Vm, wanting to do ___

--- Examples ---
I wanna see the Bond movie!

I want to buy this car but I don't have the money.

What would you like to do?

--- Comments ---
Note that when speaking of what somebody else wants you should use the
-がる form. E.g. たい→たがる. Basically you shouldn't say 'She
wants to ___' but 'She looks like she wants to ___'.

In asking questions the direct 〜たい form is fine. (contributor:

In modern Japanese 〜たい generally takes を with が being used for
emphasis when strong feelings are involved. (contributor: Amatuka)

Formed from
noun + wo / ga Verb-masu base + tai

Vm = Verb -masu base (contributor: Amatuka)

Could someone explain the な〜 at the end of the example sentance?
(contributor: Rich)

な〜 is a collequial sound. 'ya know?'
A little bit like 'ne' but more plain. (contributor: dc)

な〜 is express your feeling by put 〜 written sentence. You can also
write 見たいな。見たいな〜。見たいよ〜。見たいね!
(contributor: Miki)

From what I've heard (and seen used), 〜たい / 〜ほしい is used even
when referring to other people, because it's regarded more polite than
〜がる forms. This might be limited only to 2nd person, though, I'm not
completely sure. (contributor: mathrick)

I've found an example, notice bottom-middle panel in
http://mathrick.org/files/03_032.jpg .
用があるからちょっと顔を出して欲しいってさ。 'He had
some business for you, so wanted you to show up' (contributor: mathrick)

Mathrick, the sentence you've provided is a quotation, as indicated by the
quote-marker って (って is a common abbreviation of と). Therefore, in
your example sentence, it is appropriate to use the first-person form of
欲しい, because the speaker is quoting/paraphrasing another's
first-person remark. (contributor: thekaje)

Why use 買いたいんですin ex #5242 but したいのです in ex
#6529? Wouldn't 買いたいです and したいです be correct?
(contributor: twk)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ そう (sou-2) ]

そう (sou-2) - I hear that

--- Notes ---
see [looks/seems/heard-group] for similar examples

There are two connotations to sou
note the difference in verb ending

they say/i heard
genki-da sou

[sou-2] looks like/seems

--- Examples ---
When I listened to the weather forcast they reckoned it's going to snow.

Upon phoning, I was told that he wasn't there.

When I asked if he was not there, I was told that it was so.

Is that so!

なんでそうやねん(Kansai Dialect)
Why so?

I said it was so! (that way)

--- Comments ---
I don't like that example. I should have looked a little longer and got a
better one. ^^v (contributor: Amatuka)

Formed by [V-ru] + sou. (contributor: Amatuka)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ し (shi) ]

し (shi) - and

--- Notes ---
Shi is different from a mere 'and' because it carries a connotation of 'not

This is why you often see constructions utilizing both 'shi' and 'sore ni'
together, in the following format: '---- shi, sore ni ------'

Technically, this is a way of saying 'and', but it also emphasizes that the
first quality listed is not the extent of it.

In English, think of the difference between 'The restaurant is cheap and
has delicious food', and 'Not only is the restaurant cheap, it also has
delicious food.'

Same meaning conveyed, slightly different connotation.

'Sore ni' in this context roughly translates to 'besides that...' and
there's no hard and fast rule that says you have to use it or not, but it's
generally more seen in situations where the second quality is not something
one would directly expect from hearing the first. For instance, 'Not only
is he good at math, besides that he's also a marathon runner'.

--- Examples ---
The debate has been interesting, (and) confusing, and sometimes horrifying.

I've done rock climbing and deep-sea diving and slept in rain forests in
the jungle of Indonesia.

Pioneer men and women had a hard life, and so did their children.

He is happy. For onething, he's got a promotion and for another he has just
got married.

My mother was happy about the news, and so was I.

Yoko igonored John completely, and he did the same to her.

For one thing, I'm busy; (and) for another, I'm not interested.

That painting is beautiful, and so is this one.

--- Comments ---
ex #5244 and ex #5245 are incorrect.
(contributor: bamboo4)

Finally corrected. Are they good enough? (contributor: Miki)

Is there a rule or principle about when to use だ in a
し、、し、、construction? It seems to overlap with な adjectives.
For example:


... but also with temporal nouns as in:


Thoughts about a principle? (contributor: adamstudio)

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