文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ ながら (nagara) ]

ながら (nagara) - Vm, despite while, although

--- Examples ---
While knowing that medicine is dangerous I continued to take it.

They just looking intently at Harry while smiling.

While taking keenly into account the supply surplus risk, each company
will be proceeding with the deployment of its business.

Despite saying 'I'll come, I'll come', you didn't show up, did you.

Despite being compact, this vacuum cleaner works well.

This week, despite having a cold, I went to work.

秋子さんは, ピアノを 弾きながら 歌いました。
Akiko sang while playing the piano.

運転しながら, 音楽を聞きます
I listen to music while driving.

Mr. Mori is watching TV while drinking tea.

Why don't we talk while walking?

Let talk while drinking tea.

Please take notes while listening to the conversation.

Please don't talk on the phone while driving.

Are you able to sing while playing the piano?

--- Comments ---
Pls see also つつ (contributor: Miki)

On a minor note, in Japanese '二人' this, that and the other is common
usage while in English 'the pair' would generally sound odd - and 'They' be
used in its place. (contributor: Amatuka)

Formed from Verb -masu base + nagara.

Vm = Verb -masu base (contributor: Amatuka)

The third example is an abstract taken from the Jap newspaper.......
(contributor: drgon76)

So what?
(contributor: bamboo4)

while 'ながら' is a word used in speaking, ”つつ' is used in
writing. if you know some other similar situations regarding other words
listed on JGram, please post this kind of explanation, won't you.
(contributor: beholder)

ながら is used in both in speaking and in writing. (contributor: anon)

ながら can only be used when the subject of the two actions is the same;
use Vte-iru aida if there are two different people doing two things at the
same time. Also, the action expressed by Vm nagara is always secondary to
the action expressed in the main clause. (contributor: yookoso)

Should not ー?゚、ト_、ト_、ア、ニ、、、ソ。。be changed to
ー?゚_、ナ_、ア、ニ、、、ソ。ゥ (contributor: sorarobu)

Ooops, sorry..

Should not 'nomitsu_tsu_kete ita' be changed to 'nomitsu_zu_kete ita'?

(Please delete the above mojibake) (contributor: sorarobu)

I might be repeating it but..nice and short from my handbook:

Vconj + ながら 'while doing~'

Vconj + nagara expresses simultaneous actions performed by one subject.

From my mouth:

Of the two verbs in a sentence, -nagara is added to the one in which you'd
in English use -ing.

*Vconj = Verb, conjunctive-form.
Conjunctive form is the 2nd base (or as I always think it, the 'i' base) in
the japanese syllabary chart. The base you use in -masu, -nasai, -sou da,
-tai/tagara etc. (Can you tell I dislike the name 'masu-base'? :D)
(contributor: Naino)

ex #5814 had the incorrect form 性狽ェいい。 Corrected this to a
possible 性能がいい。 (contributor: fugu68)

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