文法: Grammar a Day - Level 4 [ い形容詞変化 (I-adjective Conjugation) ]

い形容詞変化 (I-adjective Conjugation) - How to conjugate regular
adjectives ending in 'i'.

--- Notes ---
This is the conjugation of an I-adjective with Plain and Polite form and
timing tenses (present and past)

The plain form of an I-adjective does not use the da coupula it leaves it

--- Examples ---
chikai. (plain non-past)
is near. is near.  (plain non-past) 

Chikai desu.(polite non-past)
is near.  (polite non-past)  

Chikakunai. (plain neg. non-past)
isn't near. (plain neg. non-past)  

Chikaku arimasen. (polite neg. non-past)
isn't near. (polite neg. non-past)  

Chikakatta. (plain past)
was near.  (plain past)  

Chikakatta desu. (polite past)
was near.  (polite past)  

Chika kunakatta.(plain neg. past)
wasn't near.  (plain neg. past) 

Chikaku arimasen deshita.(polite neg. past)
wasn't near.  (polite neg. past) 

--- Comments ---
I changed the information about this entry, because it is not just about
the adjective 'chikai', but rather about the method of conjugating
i-adjectives as a whole. I also fixed a typo.

The spacing of the romanized words need to be fixed in the example
sentences -- the current formatting muddies the logic behind the grammar.
Instead of 'chika kunakatta', it should be 'chikaku nakatta', because the
grammatical construct behind the form is the adverbial form of 'chikai'
('chikaku') plus the plain negative past form of 'aru' ('nakatta').

Of course, I believe it is better to have no space, favoring
chikai, chikakunai, chikakatta, chikakunakatta
chikai desu, chikakunai desu (or chikaku arimasen), chikakatta desu,
chikakunakatta desu (or chikaku arimasen deshita). However, if you feel the
need to put spaces, they more logically should be as follows:
chikai, chikaku nai, chikakatta, chikaku nakatta
chikai desu, chikaku nai desu (or chikaku arimasen), chikakatta desu,
chikaku nakatta desu (or chikaku arimasen deshita).

Edit: Well, I tried to make a full-fledged entry, but this site doesn't
allow freaking tables. Screw that, then. (contributor: KyleGoetz)

my name is radha and i have been studying 4 th level of japanese language.
ur site is very usuful for me but i find it very difficult in some
sentences where only kanji is given which i cannot read at this juncture.
it will very helpful to give in brackets the english version so that we can
read the sentence and understand the meaning.thanking you always

(contributor: radhagop)

@radhagop... it takes a while to get used to but maybe you should start
referencing to a dictionary.  knowing kanji is a must to fully use the
language.  (contributor: jomni)

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http://www.jgram.org/pages/viewOne.php?tagE=I-adjective Conjugation

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