文法: Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ にひきかえ (nihikikae) ]

にひきかえ (nihikikae) - in contrast with; compared to

--- Examples ---
In contrast to my old car, his is really fast.

We harvested 50 tomatoes last year. In contrast, this year we harvested
only 30. This may be due to the weather...

He is very intelligent in compare with the same age

--- Comments ---
Is this often used in spoken japanese as well? (contributor: Bree)

ex#5166 needs to have 'this year' added somewhere 'In contrast, we
harvested only 30 this year.' (contributor: Stephen)

done (contributor: dc)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ ながら (nagara) ]

ながら (nagara) - Vm, despite while, although

--- Examples ---
While knowing that medicine is dangerous I continued to take it.

They just looking intently at Harry while smiling.

While taking keenly into account the supply surplus risk, each company
will be proceeding with the deployment of its business.

Despite saying 'I'll come, I'll come', you didn't show up, did you.

Despite being compact, this vacuum cleaner works well.

This week, despite having a cold, I went to work.

秋子さんは, ピアノを 弾きながら 歌いました。
Akiko sang while playing the piano.

運転しながら, 音楽を聞きます
I listen to music while driving.

Mr. Mori is watching TV while drinking tea.

Why don't we talk while walking?

Let talk while drinking tea.

Please take notes while listening to the conversation.

Please don't talk on the phone while driving.

Are you able to sing while playing the piano?

--- Comments ---
Pls see also つつ (contributor: Miki)

On a minor note, in Japanese '二人' this, that and the other is common
usage while in English 'the pair' would generally sound odd - and 'They' be
used in its place. (contributor: Amatuka)

Formed from Verb -masu base + nagara.

Vm = Verb -masu base (contributor: Amatuka)

The third example is an abstract taken from the Jap newspaper.......
(contributor: drgon76)

So what?
(contributor: bamboo4)

while 'ながら' is a word used in speaking, ”つつ' is used in
writing. if you know some other similar situations regarding other words
listed on JGram, please post this kind of explanation, won't you.
(contributor: beholder)

ながら is used in both in speaking and in writing. (contributor: anon)

ながら can only be used when the subject of the two actions is the same;
use Vte-iru aida if there are two different people doing two things at the
same time. Also, the action expressed by Vm nagara is always secondary to
the action expressed in the main clause. (contributor: yookoso)

Should not ー?゚、ト_、ト_、ア、ニ、、、ソ。。be changed to
ー?゚_、ナ_、ア、ニ、、、ソ。ゥ (contributor: sorarobu)

Ooops, sorry..

Should not 'nomitsu_tsu_kete ita' be changed to 'nomitsu_zu_kete ita'?

(Please delete the above mojibake) (contributor: sorarobu)

I might be repeating it but..nice and short from my handbook:

Vconj + ながら 'while doing~'

Vconj + nagara expresses simultaneous actions performed by one subject.

From my mouth:

Of the two verbs in a sentence, -nagara is added to the one in which you'd
in English use -ing.

*Vconj = Verb, conjunctive-form.
Conjunctive form is the 2nd base (or as I always think it, the 'i' base) in
the japanese syllabary chart. The base you use in -masu, -nasai, -sou da,
-tai/tagara etc. (Can you tell I dislike the name 'masu-base'? :D)
(contributor: Naino)

ex #5814 had the incorrect form 性狽ェいい。 Corrected this to a
possible 性能がいい。 (contributor: fugu68)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ げ (ge) ]

げ (ge) - Ab, seems (〜そう)

--- Notes ---
When using this grammar with an adjective or verb, you can only use those
that express emotions or feelings of the heart. For example,

いA(take off い)+げ


--- Examples ---
He smiled with a very lonely looking expression..

Those kids seem happy don't they?

Not worthy of a man of age.

With a proud face, he showed everyone the new camera.

He,like a lonely person, was sitting on a bench in the garden.

The children that came on the hike seemed to be happily eating their boxed

He looked like he wanted to say something.

That person has a lonely look in his eye.

He seemed very happy when he heard that news.

--- Comments ---
Generally used with i adjectives for feelings / emotions. (contributor:

Formed from Adjective base + ge (e.g. i-adjectives lose final i)
Ab = Adjective Base (contributor: Amatuka)

Is there a げ used for N adjectives? (contributor: Exrulez)

bamboo4, I thought 大人げない is a good example but is this irregular?
This is different from others. 大人げ is always followed by ない.
大人げ が ない or 大人げない. (contributor: Miki)

I'm not sure, but I'd guess 大人げない follows a similar pattern to
何げない、さりげない、すげない etc., rather than following
this grammar pattern. Adjectives combined with げ inflect as ーな
adjectives. 大人げない doesn't seem to work that way. (contributor:

〜げcan be used for i- and na-adjectives (contributor: angelitosh2004)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ くらい、ぐらい (kurai, gurai) ]

くらい、ぐらい (kurai, gurai) - to the extent that; so ~ that ~
almost ~; at least; the only ~; rather than ~

--- Notes ---
This grammar does exist on another page, but I believe the old page did not
include enough of the other possible meanings in English, and I did not
want to heavily edit the old grammar page.

[kurai / くらい] with a negative predicate indicates a superlative. (Mr.
Yamada is the most forgetful.)

It also expresses the idea of 'at least.' ?くらい in this use implies
that the degree of a state is such that one cannot expect much more than X
from that state.

Sのは?くらいのものだ expresses the idea that the speaker cannot
think of anyone or anything else but ? that meets the description in S.
In other words, ? meets the description in S to the highest degree among
those the speaker can think of.

V1くらいならV2ほうがましだ expresses the idea the one would
rather V2 than V1.

A related is expression is . This can replace くらい *sometimes,* such
as in examples #6081, #6082, and #6083.

--- Examples ---
It's so warm this evening that we (almost) don't need a heater.

We were so tired that we couldn't take a single step.

There's no one as forgetful as Yamada (who forgets things as much as

I'm a poor cook, but I can at least cook rice.

He's the only person who can do this job now. (The person who's capable
enough to do this job is he.)

I would rather die than do such a thing.

When I received the notice that I had passed, I was so happy that I almost
leaped for joy.

--- Comments ---
does matter which one you use, or are くらい and ぐらい
interchangable? (contributor: pupurun)

pupurun, it doesn't matter. Both mean the exact same thing. It just depends
on your preference. (contributor: rubyhatchet)

how is it different to hodo? is it that literally, kurai='this little' and
hodo='this much'?? (contributor: karekora)

I think this grammar point is a little misleading,
くらい、ぐらい means approximately, about, almost. it is used to
state unspacific amounts of what comes before it. it does not carry a
meaning of minimal amount, rather than, so〜that,the least or the only.

I think that you need to look at other sections of each of the examples to
understand their true meaning.

#6085 does not translate to he is the only one. if you wanted to say he is
the only or no one else could do the job, you would say.
今この仕事ができるのは 彼だけです。 

because you use ぐらい your saying that if it wasn`t someone that has
about as much (unidentified ablility) as he does they couldn`t do the job.

The next example #6086

the real operator in the sentence is the last part.
”ほうがました” and くらい is not nessasary to hold the
meaning I would rather die than do such a thing.
そんなことするなら already has the meaning. (contributor:

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ か〜ないかのうちに (kanaikanouchini) ]

か〜ないかのうちに (kanaikanouchini) - just as, at that instant

--- Notes ---
This grammar also gives the sense that X was not sure if action A had or
hadn't occurred/started/finished before the subsequent action B commenced.
(note copied from Groove note in sister entry 'ka nai ka no uchi ni')

--- Examples ---
just at the moment when the train doors are opening, the passengers fly

Just as the pistol sounded, they started

The party had hardly left when it began to rain.

No sooner had I entered the hall than the ceremony began.

I had hardly fallen asleep when the telephone rang.

He is such a good DJ, no sooner has one song finished, he already has the
next record ready to play.

I took the phone off the hook before it had a chance to ring.

This shops sushi lunchbox is no sooner put on sale, it sells like hot

--- Comments ---
This usage seems to be fairly rare - most of the references to it are from
Japanese grammar sites & similar. (contributor: Amatuka)

its usually used for a small instant of time. (contributor: dc)

LIT: in the time between the doors not being open and them opening...
(contributor: dc)

You would see this expression in written word. I don't often use this in a
converation as I would bite my tongue. Instead I say,
電車のドアが開いた瞬間に、--。 (contributor: Miki)

瞬間=しゅんかん ?
(contributor: dc)

瞬間=しゅんかん (contributor: Amatuka)

I think this one should be good to go. Any problems or should we revise
the check mark up? (contributor: Amatuka)

I agree that 電車のドアが 開く か 開かないかのうちに is a
mouthful and an ordinary Japanese would say
電車のドアが開いたかどうかのうちに. Recommend that this
item is modified accordingly.
(contributor: bamboo4)

bamboo - since that seems to be a different grammar construct, i added it
as a new item kadoukanouchini and put miki's example there. This one should
then be noted as 'rare' - but it may turn up in the JLPT test...
(contributor: dc)

ex# 4605 ぬ of ねいらぬかのうちに is the same meaning as ない.
(contributor: Miki)

in these examples can か・・・かないこのうちに be replaced by
かともうったら? (contributor: sagittarius)

I moved ex #6923, #6924 and #6925 from sister entry
〜か〜ないかのうちに. After that I changed #6924 which was almost
the same than #318. (contributor: 赤毛)

I think this grammar and the かどうかのうち should be in the same
entry. This grammar is just a contracted form of かどうか.

you could just add a note to the かどうか entry and save a little
server space. (contributor: tigert)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ 〜さえ〜ば (sae-ba) ]

〜さえ〜ば (sae-ba) - If ~ just If ~ only

--- Notes ---
さえ is often used in a pattern like:

noun-sae verb-ba = result
noun-only verb-if = result

ひまさえ あれば 幸せです
free time only if I had = I would be happy
if only i had some free time, i would be happy

薬さえ 飲めば、直ります
medicine only if you drink = get better
if you just take your medicine, you will get better

ば - most commonly used
たら - can be used, but is less common
なら - only in limited contexts
*と - unacceptable

As long as you agree (to our plan), we are planning to begin this project
right away

--- Examples ---

If only we had a map we'd get to our destination without going astray.

If only I had the money, I would have bought this car.

If you would only check the documents, you'd understand immediately.

If only I knew the address, I will search in the map and go there.

--- Comments ---
In the example, 何の迷いもなく到着します does not make sense.
It should be 迷わないで到着できたのに(we would have gotten to
our destination without going astray). 迷いもなく is okay, but
normally it is used to describe abstruct mental confusion rather than
physical or concrete one. (contributor: bamboo4)

sentence pattern 'sae..ba'= coditional sentence type III??? (contributor:

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 攻めに (zemeni) ]

攻めに (zemeni) - Overwhelmingly

--- Examples ---
I was overwhelmed with advertisments.

To bombard someone with questions.

Every day I am overwhelmed by an amazing amount of emails.

--- Comments ---
Should the pronunciation be せめ rather than ぜめ? (contributor:

Godfrey, I'm guessing that the ze is a result of being combined with the
noun. So like a ka would become ga (te+ kakari= tegakari) the se of seme
becomes ze (contributor: abhishekpandit)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ ように (youni-2) ]

ように (youni-2) - became

--- Examples ---
So, I want to become able to speak better english

I don't care whatever you do.

Can you imagine what the 21st century will be like?

It crawls on all fours as a baby, then learns to walk on two legs, and
finally needs a cane in old age.

We are hoping for your quick recovery.

--- Comments ---
ように has a meaning of 'to do' or 'so that one can do' which I guess
would include 'become.' The first example can literally be translated as
'For that reason, I want to do so that I can speak better English.'

My second example follows that vein.
(contributor: bamboo4)

Um, this might be of use but it's especially for the youni NARU -sentence
pattern. But it said in the comments of the 'youninaru' that this grammar
entry would do, so...One of the possible usages of ように:

ようになる expresses a change that takes place gradually.

With verbs:

Vdic + you ni naru= 'reach the point where~'/'come to~'

(My) child has reached the point where she cleans her room herself.

Vneg + you ni naru= 'reach the point where ~not'

Mr.Hayashi has reached the point where he does not smoke.

*Vdic= Verb, dictionary form


Besides なる, there's also する and 言う verbs that can be connected
with ように to create more specific meanings...Did some of these have
their own entries...? (contributor: Naino)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ ものを (monowo) ]

ものを (monowo) - But...! / But If (you) had just... / But (I) could

--- Notes ---
Verb(普通形) + ものを

This grammar is almost always in the form of 〜ば〜ものを。
Sometimes it becomes 'もんを' in casual speech.

〜ものを: (...だったら)〜のに (実際は〜でなくて残念だという気持ち)
If only ... had.... , then....would..

--- Examples ---
If you knew, why didn't you tell me!?

You didn't have enough people? If you had just called me, I would have
helped you.

If she had just used the internet, she could have easily made the
reservation, but she made an international call.

He should have told the truth, but he lied and lost their trust.

--- Comments ---
This can often be replaced with 〜のに

This is used to express the speakers moderate disappointment or regret.
(contributor: blabby)

Isn't ものを always used with 〜た形?
Because, ものを is 'but...' where something regrettable happened , and
couldn't/almost impossible to be recovered from. (contributor: 誠)

So, i feel ex#5494 is better to be :
(contributor: 誠)

ex#5493 は同じです。
(contributor: 誠)

you had known, it would be OK even you told me.'(But now it means not OK to
the speaker since before this , the listener DIDN'T KNOW about that
particular thing and told the speaker about it already.) Sounds strange to
me, unless the speaker wanted it to be known to him at that particular time
, in that case :

Is better to say :
would be nice if you had known and told me.'

I think if you wanted to say :
' If you have known, why didn't you tell me?' (Of agony) :

'If you have known, isn't it ok to tell me?' :
(contributor: 誠)

You have to keep in mind that ものを is not a conversational phrase, and
it is predominantly literal diction. (contributor: bamboo4)

I don't thinsk it always used with 〜た形。blabby's exmples are all
natural to me.
(contributor: Miki)

Miki and blabby are right. It doesn't have to be 〜た形. (contributor:

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ によると (niyoruto) ]

によると (niyoruto) - according to

--- Notes ---
(person/source) によると (information)
according to (person), (information)

According to him, it will rain tomorrow

Don't get confused with によります [niyotte-2] which means depending

depending on the weather, I will come

according to the weather report, it will rain tomorrow

--- Examples ---
According to what my friend said, that movie is very interesting.

According to America's NBC News, Reuters and such news agencies US
President Bush is in the process of preparing an anouncement of a new plan
for space exploration


The invention of electric light is accredited to Edison.

He estimates that the new house will cost roughly thirty million yen.

He attributed his success to the good teaching he had received.

The research done by them shows that Americans are not interested in Japan.

According to their opinions, that boy is a very good singer

According to the vice president, the company has yet to receive a contract
from a foreign company.


From what I've heard, their marriage is on the rocks.

According to what the doctor said, this illness doesn't seem to be one
you can recover from quickly.

--- Comments ---
First example : によれば is used much as によると, but obviously
doesn't have quite the same kana ;-) (contributor: Amatuka)

I don't think 'nioujite' is that close in meaning. (contributor: Amatuka)

I agree with Amatuka. (contributor: Miki)

how about:

? niyoruto =
'according to..' (eg a person who said something)

? nioujite =
according to a certain condition (eg according to how strong you feel...
do X or Y). Guess this is more like 'depending on/according to (your mood)'

can niyoruto be used for the same second meaning?
体力 によると、運動をして下さい。
exercise your strength (contributor: dc)

体力によると、is weird. (contributor: Miki)

hmm, maybe
niyoruto: according to a persons statement
'according to fred/the news/your mum...'

nioujite: according to a condition, or situation
'according to your certificate/the rules/whats written here...'
(contributor: dc)

maybe nioujite is more used for measurable items that vary.
(your age | air pressure | time of day) nioujite

and niyoruto is more reports/information
(your friend | the news | that report) ni yoruto

... ? (contributor: dc)

に応じて means 'in step with' or 'in response to' and that is quite
different from によると, which simply denotes what you are describing
is a hearsay. (contributor: bamboo4)

in response to that tairyoku ni yoruto;
how about 体力の限界の内に、どんどん運動をして下さい
(contributor: Snake)

The Japanese is not natural. This would be slight difference but would be
できるだけ運動をして下さい。This would be used when a doctor
advise a patient how to recover faster. (contributor: Miki)

i would like to ask about the structure of the sentence in which
'によると”has the meaning'according to'. In vietnam school, i studied
its tag is 'そうです”or 'ようです”and i seached in this webpage
but i cann't find it. please explain it to me. thank you very much.
(contributor: uyen)

ex#3342 (by), #3344 (based on) these によると are not 'accodring to'.
(contributor: Miki)

uyen eg #50 you can also say
(contributor: Miki)

Is it ok to add によれば under the notes/examples as well? (There's
currently no entry for it). (contributor: nadine)

One thing which I've learnt, but never really understood is that:
先生の話によると is correct, but
先生によると is wrong.
May I ask if there's any explanation for this? (contributor: wribbit)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ に あたらない (ni ataranai) ]

に あたらない (ni ataranai) - no need to do st

--- Examples ---
A weather report is rarely on target.

It is not to be wondered at.

no need to feel sorry for him, he was drunk-driving so its his own fault.

--- Comments ---
Although example 3680 is correct in structure, its context is somewhat
--Ni Ataranai = isn't worthy of --
Ataranai = opposite of ataru (to be right on)
(contributor: Yuto)

自業自得 = As you sow, so shall you reap.
(contributor: bamboo4)

あたらない in this case if different from other examples because
あたる mere means 'hit the target' like bullet. Accordingly, 'A weather
forecasts are rarely near the mark' would be more appropriate.
(contributor: bamboo4)

This is often used with words such as 驚く, 嘆く, 褒める, etc.
(contributor: blabby)

Can also be used without the する. When used with just the noun
(非難、同情、称賛、etc.) this phrase could be translated as
'doesn't merit (criticism, sympathy, admiration, etc.)' (contributor:

Therefore, i think #3680 does not belong to this category since
it doesn't imply the meaning 「〜no need to ...」 (contributor: 誠)

Correct, 誠 (contributor: bamboo4)

I disagree with bamboo4 and 誠. I think that the given definition
itself is too restrictive and wrong. The literal meaning of #4233 could be
more accurately described as 'sympathy (for that person) DOES NOT MATCH the
reality (of what that person has done) = sympathy is not warranted in this
case.' I think that #3680 should stay, because it shows the diversity and
the true basic spirit of this expression. That is, all examples here have
the meaning of something 'not matching,' 'being off the mark' or 'not
appropriate.' I think we should change the definition since it is
misleading. (contributor: godfrey)

当たる in #3680 does not mean 'match' but it really means phyisical
striking like an arrow hitting the target. The other examples of あたる
does not have that physical meaning. While I agree that the definition is
not appropriate, I still think #3680 stands alone here.
(contributor: bamboo4)

Isn't the construction of #4045 and #4233 this:
but #3680 actually:
「副詞」あたらない (副詞=めったに) (contributor:

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ なり (nari) ]

なり (nari) - As soon as

--- Notes ---
Verb(辞書形) + なり

[AなりB] - B is often an unexpected or unusual thing.

--- Examples ---
As soon as he got home, he went to bed without eating.

As soon as he opened the door, he walked in still wearing his shoes.

As soon as he got to the party, Sam made a bee line for the food.

On encountering the celebrity, the fans asked for his autogaph.

On entering the classroom, our teacher burst into angry speech.

The instant he came in, he fell down.

--- Comments ---
My book says that this is for a strange or unexpected event.

X スイッチを入れるなり電気がついた。
O スイッチを入れると電気がついた。
O スイッチを入れるなり爆発が起きた。

However, my book says it is only used for Verb(辞書形)+なり, but I
have sometimes seen cases of Verb(た形)+なり from other sources. Does
anyone know which is correct? (contributor: blabby)

Verb(た形)+なり is used in a different way. It implies one movement is
continuing. 〜したまま。
会社を出たなり、いつまでも帰らない。He left the office
and hasn't come back.
stared at her and didn't move an inch for a while.
You can find better translations. (contributor: Miki)

that sounds like a totally different nari, so i created a new page for it:
[nari2] (contributor: dc)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ ならともかく (naratomokaku) ]

ならともかく (naratomokaku) - I'm not sure if it is [possible/so]

--- Notes ---
名詞句 + ならともかく, B

--- Examples ---
Maybe you can do it, but I don't do such a thing.

Maybe it's possible for a foreigner, but Japanese people would never do

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ これ以上〜ば (koreijyou-ba) ]

これ以上〜ば (koreijyou-ba) - if ~ any more than this

--- Examples ---
If it rains any more than this the river will flood.

Having received many kind compliments from all of you, I cannot feel any
more honored than this.

It's a waste of time to wait any longer.

これ以上何を失えば 心は許されるの
How much more do I have to lose, before my heart is forgiven? (from 'one
more time, one more chance' by yamasaki masayoshi)

--- Comments ---
It doesn't look like examples #3008 or #4042 actually use the grammar
construct. (contributor: Nanashi)

I agree with Nanashi. (contributor: bamboo)

これ以上待てば時間を浪費するばかりだ。 (contributor:

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ かわきりに, 皮切りに (kawakirini) ]

かわきりに, 皮切りに (kawakirini) - beginning of, starting with

--- Examples ---
introduce the speech with a joke.

Begin statements with openers like, 'In my experience, ...',

Starting from Sapporo, we hold seminars at five places across the contry.

--- Comments ---
For #5720, Wo Hajime sounds more natural... (contributor: SARIRU)

It may be so but the meaning is the same. kawakiri maybe used rather in
speech or in written form. (contributor: Miki)

#3536 冗談をかわきりに話をする is a bit odd. 話をする
shold be changed to 話を始める.
(contributor: bambo4)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ あっての (atteno) ]

あっての (atteno) - Thanks to (various things), (outcome)

--- Examples ---
My success is thanks to your support.

What I am today is thanks to my parents who gave me a life twenty some
years ago.

I just said so without thinking much about it. I didn't mean anything

I know you're complaining about your car being totaled but it's just a good
thing you weren't injured. You should be thankful to be alive.

While there is life, there is hope.

Victory is not possible without everyday practice. .

--- Comments ---
Noted on a site as 'JLPT 2' level. (contributor: your name)

ケータイで読めるだ! (contributor: まさか)

I can't find this in my copies of JPLT2 grammar... (contributor: halx)

English version of the example is kinda awkward. (contributor: bamboo4)

Its JLPT1 (contributor: dc)

A good translation of AあってのB might be 'B exists because of A' or
more naturally, 'B wouldn't be anything without A'? (contributor: blabby)

AあってのB means 'there ain't no B except for A.'

平和があっての経済の発展 would therefore mean 'There would be
no economic prosperity without peace.' (contributor: bamboo4)

What if you said,

Does that still make sense? (contributor: rogen)

I think so. (contributor: Miki)

#3645 is seems to be different in meaning and form from the あっての
construction described here; rather it seems to simply be a form of ある.
(contributor: mochabean)

I read from 'Japanese Grammar level 1' Japanese book and it wrote:'Because
of existence of A so the existence of B is necessary, certainly. If A does
not exist, B becomes unnecessary, too'.
Example:'学生あっての教師だ' (contributor: chohongsieudieu)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜まじき (majiki) ]

〜まじき (majiki) - not likely

--- Examples ---
It's something that cannot be forgiven

It's government service one should avoid.

She used offensive language that cannot be forgiven.

--- Comments ---
まじ is a predecessor of まい, both archaic foorm of auxilliary verb
meaning negation of べし.

In the modern Japanese, it is not commonly used in conversation excpet for
some archaic set phrase such as すまじきものは宮仕え、This was
written about 1,000 years ago by 清少納言(Seishonagon) in her essay
called 枕草子(Makurano Soushi). (contributor: bamboo4)

can this be translated as 'no need to'? (contributor: dc)

No, it's more emphatic 'should not.' (contributor: bamboo4)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜でなくてなんだろう (denakute-nandarou) ]

〜でなくてなんだろう (denakute-nandarou) - If thats not ... I
don't know what is

--- Notes ---
always follows a noun. written only

〜でなくてなんだろう literally means : 'If it is not 〜,then
what it is/ what can it be?'

--- Examples ---
If this isn't the world's best cake, then I don't know what is.

The president of that country decides everything himself ignoring nation's
concerns. If that's not dictatorship, then i don't know what is.

That man who sacrificed his own life to help so many people, if he isn't a
hero I don't know who is. でなくてなんだろう

--- Comments ---
JLPT Level 4? (contributor: anon)

well spotted. Level 1 i think. (contributor: dc)

JPLT Level 1 without a doubt. (contributor: olivier)

not to be a nit-picker, but how does that example sentence fit in with
'written only'? (contributor: rasmusjp)

suppose we're talking about a person, is 〜でなくてだれだろう
acceptable? (same goes for places, time, etc) (contributor: cosmo)

think its grammatically correct its just probably not used. Also consider
that when speaking about other people you have to be careful about
politeness, so saying なくてだれだろう?might be considered a
little bit rude. (contributor: iamharenchi)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜だに (dani) ]

〜だに (dani) - Even; just

--- Notes ---
is similar to , and . The particle is often inserted between a noun and
dani but is not necessary. There is a difference between and . Dani gives
the definition just/ even. As do and and can directly follow nouns,
adverbs, and verbs. is different. One main difference is the fact that it
is from 未だに showing a relation to the word mada. Infact, some
dictionaries say that is a variation of mada ni. therefore reflects the
range of meaning is mada ni. Meaning still and yet. It is placed in the
sentence the same way as a normal Ni-type adverb while dani being after
what it modifies. is often in practice written as 今だに although
according to Meikyou dictionary to be be a common misinterpretation which
would be in turn on how Japanese people themselves think about the phrase
as Imada ni does influence the state in the present more than anything

--- Examples ---
I never even imagined it

Just hearing about it is dreadful

even now

The clock, which my grandfather bought, is still in good order. だに

That question still sticks me.

The anthropologist says old customs still prevail in the province.

The wound has not healed yet.

The mother was still grieving over her child's death.

Why he killed himself is still a mystery.

Our tax system is still without coherent philosophy.

Even thinking about it is scary.

They won't even give the idea a chance.

--- Comments ---
いまだに(未だに) is one word. 副詞
(contributor: Miki)

未だに is parsed into 未だ and に.
(contributor: bamboo4)

いまだに = even now
いまどき = in this age (contributor: dc)

ex #3747 is a little off. The word 直る actually means to be fixed or
repaired. 治る is to heal. They have the same pronounciation (なおる)
but the kanji have different meanings. (contributor: CWebb)

just wondering, but how formal is this? Would you use this in everyday
speech, or formal speech, or writing only?
thanks! (contributor: EvilKyra)

EvilKyra, in my experience this is not an expression that you use in
everyday speech. Also, someone does indeed have to clear out all of the
未だに(イマダニ)examples erroneously listed as examples of this
grammar point. (contributor: Lorenz)

According to JDIC, 未だに (いまだに) is an adverb by itself, and
seems to be most of the examples. Is there a difference here between
今だに and 未だに? (contributor: Forveya)

Yes there is a difference and I'm going to put all the examples of imada ni
onto a seperate page with my own editing of the translations. (contributor:

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ まだしも (madashimo) ]

まだしも (madashimo) - would be much better, would be acceptable

--- Examples ---
Once would be acceptable, but you've misspelled that word six times now.

This would be better than that.

I would rather die than have such a terrible experience.

A few days would have been excusable but you are in arrears for 10 days.

--- Comments ---
often appears with 'nara' in front, meaning '(if it were this) then that
would be OK, but...'
This was a correct answer on the 1kyuu in 2005. (contributor:

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ に即して (nisokushite) ]

に即して (nisokushite) - in line with, in keeping with

--- Notes ---
this phrase is rather formal and used mostly in written material.

--- Examples ---
In line with japanese customs

His biography is quite true to life.

appraise someone realistically

do something that is not part of the rules of the game

be pertinent to the line of work

in view of the facts

be developed from a recommendation

give a faithful account of

think realistically

face up to heavy stress realistically

--- Comments ---
You do realize that this phrase is rather formal and used mostly in written
material. (contributor: bamboo4)

i had no idea, so it will be noted! (contributor: dc)

perhaps is a similar but less formal phrase? (contributor: dc)

Yes, it is. にしたがって(従う) is not as casual as
にそって(沿う) and is also not formal as
に即して。に従って and に沿って are used in conversation as
(contributor: Miki)

I thought に従って implied more hierarchy, or cause and effect,
whereas is more in parallel?

(fact) (effect)

It was expensive. Accordingly, I did not buy it.

the street parallel with the river (contributor: dc)

Your 従って in the eg above is 接続詞 conjunction.
My 従って is a transformation of 従う。Yes, 従う implies hierarchy
but not all the time. Also 沿う and 従う aren't the same meaning but
implications are the same here.
example :
Please answer following the example
例題に従って、回答してください。 (contributor: Miki)

See also に即した 'based on, adapted to'
As professionals we present solutions adapted to the facts of the
situation. (contributor: Paul)

According to two of my texts, this phrase is written using different 漢字
depending on the nuance: に即して (in accordance with the facts,
objective reality, experience, etc.) and に則して (in accordance with
arbitrary rules, laws, etc.) Following that, #5151 is not written correctly
(boo to ALC). However, I also see that another source uses に即して in
both cases, so maybe this is just a nitpicky distinction. Can any native
speakers address this? (contributor: srobertson)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ きらいがある (kiraigaaru) ]

きらいがある (kiraigaaru) - there is a tendency for ~ to happen (and
it is somewhat bad and/or a cause for concern)

--- Notes ---
きらいがある is used for tendencies or characteristics that people
have, usually unfavorable ones.

This is a formal grammar structure.

--- Examples ---
It seems people have a tendency not to listen to things they dont want to
hear, right?

She is a nice person; however, she tends to say hurtful things

As humans get on in years, they tend to not listen to what others say.

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 4 [ 常呂で (tokoro de) ]

常呂で (tokoro de) - by the way

--- Notes ---
Tokoro de is normally written in Hiragana although Kanji is possible. It
will always be used to change the topic in a conversation. So if you were
to see, 'By the way....' it could start a clause or be after a complete
sentence where you or someone says something and you use tokoro de to add
more information or something that popped into your mind because of it.

--- Examples ---
Hey, it's starting to rain By the way you want to go get something to eat?

( 「ところで」の他の意味
(alternate usage) No matter how much I try to persuade him, that guy won't

ところで、あなたの仕事は何ですか。[tokorode, anatano
shigotoha nandesuka]
By the way, what do you do?

By the way, have you done your homework?

ところで、ちょっと君に話がある。[tokorode, chotto kimi ni
hanashi ga aru]
By the way, I have something to tell you.

ところで、あなたは今晩暇ですか。[tokorode, anata wa konban
hima desuka]
By the way, are you free tonight?

--- Comments ---
different ways of saying 'by the way'

chinami ni > related to that...
tokorode > by the way (unrelated)
soieba > speaking of that

from here

(contributor: dc)

By the way, congratulations to getting to the 70th page on a Google search
for 'Japanese Grammar' + database. ;-) (contributor: Amatuka)

By the sounds of it I'd guess 'Talking about which' would work well for
ちなみに. (contributor: Amatuka)

それはさておき would be another similar expression.Perhaps the two
should be linked.
ちなみに can also be 'now that you mention it.' (contributor: bamboo4)

Added another meaning of ところで (contributor: bamboo4)

not to be confused with tokoro as in place or time (contributor: dc)

〜たform of verb + ところで
and just ところで、ちがうのものです。
If it is just ところで,which being used at the beginning of a separate
sentence, it means 'By the way'.
If it is a verb in 〜たform + ところで 、then it is
(contributor: 誠)

To be specific, #1101 is in 〜たform + ところで and as such it is
different from other examples under this head.  (contributor: bamboo4)

Is it used when we want to change the topic?? (contributor: holland)

holland, yes, it is used when you want to change the topic.

Also, as far as example 1099 is concerned, I'm thinking that it's better to
say, ”...ところでご飯(ごはん =
meal)食べにいかない(か)?” (contributor: ozonitabetai)

Is example #1101 the reason this entry is marked as -1? because other than
that example this is a solid entry that I have heard used a million times
since I have been in Japan. 日常の日本語だよ (contributor: tigert)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 4 [ ないで (naide) ]

ないで (naide) - without

--- Notes ---

negV + で

--- Examples ---
I went to school without eating breakfast.

leave without paying

--- Comments ---
this is also a connective negative:

行かないでください - dont go, please
払わないで欲しい - i dont want you to pay (contributor: dc)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 4 [ 〜は (ha) ]

〜は (ha) - 'topic marker' (also shown as 'wa')

--- Notes ---
Introducing は 'wa' and です。'desu.'
the particle は marks the topic.
(Remember particles attach to the word which they follow, and that when は
is a particle it is pronounced wa.)
です。functions like 'is' or 'topic is.'

--- Examples ---
Mr. Tanaka is a university student.

I am Michael.

The apple is green.

--- Comments ---
See here and here for two very interesting Japanese pages on using ha vs.
ga (contributor: Amatuka)

When to use は vs が?
Both sentences like 雨は降っている。[ame ha
futteiru] and 雨が降っている。 are
valid, so working out when to use which form is a
tricky point.

First: In answering a question such as
Q. 机の上に何がありますか。
A. 鉛筆があります。.
Here が is used. (contributor: Amatuka)

On the other hand if attention has been placed on something in advance and
the question is asked with that object as the topic...
Q. 本はどこにありますか。
A. 本はイスの下にあります。
then は is used. (contributor: Amatuka)

が is also used to indicate a specific choice.
_I'll_ go. (not any of the other possibilities). (contributor: Amatuka)

は is used for contrastative sentences (see ha-2).
For example normally you'd say
犬が好きです。 I like dogs.
However if you want to contrast how you feel about dogs with how you feel
about other animals then
犬は好きだが、猫はどうも・・・[inu ha suki da ga, neko ha
doumo ...]
I like _dogs_ but I really don't (get on with) cats. (contributor: Amatuka)

は [ha / wa] follows a noun or a noun phrase.
(e.g. 犬は 'as for dogs'
知るのは 'as for what (I) know'
The latter case の nominalizes (turns into a noun) 知る)

N = noun (contributor: Amatuka)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ 〜ようとする (Try to 〜) ]

〜ようとする (Try to 〜) - Try to do something, but the nuance is
that it was unsuccessful.

--- Notes ---

uses the conjectural/hortatory form of the verb

--- Examples ---
I tried to use this computer, but I couldn't.

I was about to get on the train when the door closed on me.

He was trying to kiss his girlfriend when his mom walked in the room. (so I
did not get to kiss her)

--- Comments ---
I'm not sure if this is warranted... but I think so. I'll try to clean it
up once I get home tonight :)

(contributor: ninja_k)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ 前に (maeni) ]

前に (maeni) - before

--- Notes ---
Verb (dictionary form) + まえに
Noun + のまえに

食べるまえに / (たべるまえに) Before eating

行くまえに (いくまえに)Before going

会議のまえに (かいぎのまえに) Before the meeting

--- Examples ---
Be sure to put out the fire before you leave.

Before you answer the test please read the instructions first.

Wash your hands before eating your breakfast

--- Comments ---
前に is a different kettle of fish (contributor: Amatuka)

kettle of fish :
(contributor: Miki)

It's also 'horse of a different color.' (contributor: bamboo4)

we don't discrimate against horses of color :) (contributor: dc)

oops. coloUr (contributor: dc)

horse of a different colo(u)r :
 (^_^;)お勉強になります。 (contributor: Miki)

bird of a different feather も言う! (contributor: dc)

Comparing apples and oranges (contributor: bamboo4)

I really dunno what u guys are talking about :'( (contributor: Belle)

Belle, All expressions are similar to 'kettle of fish'. I'd be the only one
studying English in this site. hehe f(^_^;) (contributor: Miki)

I like to say 'a different brand of tobacco'
or 'from a different planet' and if that doesn`t get the point across, I`ll
throw a little 'a completely different kind of animal' into the mix........
(contributor: Gren)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ -方 (-kata) ]

-方 (-kata) - way

--- Examples ---
I know how to write a letter in English.

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ 到底 (toutei) ]

到底 (toutei) - (can't) possibly / very much

--- Notes ---
到底(toutei) itself means 'possibly', but grammatically it is usually
used with a negative:
 I really doubt it.

this is a little similar to 's way of use

--- Examples ---
She can't possibly kill her own boyfriend.

You can't possibly say that Blabby is smart.

I really doubt it.

I think that your story is far from the truth.

I am hopeless of ever meeting him.

His room is far from neat.

He couldn't possibly part with his dear dog.

--- Comments ---
Can anyone come up with a better translation? Ive seen lots of
translations such as 'after all', 'possibly' and 'とても'. (contributor:

how about 'far from'? seems a little similar to (contributor: dc)

到底 is similar to どんなにしても, どうしても. Used with a
negative. (contributor: Miki)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ 以上 (ijou-2) ]

以上 (ijou-2) - exceeding, above

--- Examples ---
I waited more than two hours.

More than 1000 issues are listed on the stock exchange.

I don't want to spend more than $10.

There are over 15 different kinds of pies.

Between 1820 and 1973, the United States admitted more than 46 million

Anyone eighteen years of age and over counts as an adult.

Better than twenty people.

I can't think of you as more than a friend.

You take more calories than necessary.

I can't put up with that noise any longer.

Taking everything into consideration, the result is better than I expected.

This plan can hardly be improved upon.

Is this the best price you can offer?

I love you more than you love me.

My grandmother gave me more than I wanted.

There is more in life than meets the eye.

Plants and animals require more sunshine than is generally supposed.

--- Comments ---
Formed from noun (or noun phrase?) + ijou
N = noun (contributor: Amatuka)

500g以上 : 500 grams and over
500g未満 : less than 500 grams
500g以下 : 500 grams and below (contributor: Miki)

ex4572-4575 Please move or delete the examples if these are not fit. These
are not fit to . (contributor: Miki)

Technically, X以上 includes X, but in normal usage people often use it to
mean 'more than.'
(contributor: bamboo4)

Ex 4564: It should be ' You take more(not move) calories than necessary'.
(contributor: prahlad)

ex #4564 fixed! (contributor: Miki)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ に際して (nisaishite) ]

に際して (nisaishite) - when; on the occasion of; at (the time of); in;
upon (doing something)

--- Notes ---
*The crucial difference between に当たって/に当たり and
に歳して is that the former indicates an occasion with a formal
sentence, but the latter indicates a special occasion.
*Therefore, do NOT use に際して when speaking of trivial, everyday

N + に際して

--- Examples ---
Upon leaving school, we presented him with a table clock as a token of our


When reading, the great writers of the past must be given the most

When making your reservation you need to have your credit card number, as
well as the expiration date and similar information.

Upon their graduation, the mayor sent his congratulatory words to the

On the occasion of the factory tour, the person in charge laid out various

--- Comments ---
You have to keep in mid that 際し is rather formal and would not normally
be used in conversation. (contributor: bamboo4)

what is the non-formal version to 'ni saishite' ? (contributor:

chrispy_bear, see or any other level-3 time expressions. (contributor:

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ に過ぎない (nisuginai) ]

に過ぎない (nisuginai) - nothing more than

--- Notes ---
にすぐない can also be replaced by だけ or ただ.

--- Examples ---
That was nothing more than the start of a period of great confusion.

Thats nothing but a dream.

In one letter he remarks, 'Life is but a dream'.

The circulation of the newspaper is only one-third that of its competitor.

Women, then, are only children of a larger growth.

San Francisco is only one-tenth as populous as New York.

Luciano might have the crowd behind him, but he's still wet behind the

Although rain forests make up only two percent of the earth's surface,
over half the world's wild plant, animal and insect species live there.

Permanent peace is nothing but an illusion.

Our world is only one small part of the universe.

Your scheme is like a multistoried building built on the sand.

Permanent peace is nothing but an illusion.

In my opinion, permanent peace is nothing but illusion.

I am nothing but a poor peasant.

All you're doing is trying to escape reality.

It's alright. I 'm just a little tired.

--- Comments ---
In #3853 浮フ should be 面 instead.
Ex #3857 and Ex #3858 are too close from Ex #3854.
In notes にすぐない should be replaced by にすぎない.
(contributor: 赤毛)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ だけに (dakeni) ]

だけに (dakeni) - as expected, after all

--- Notes ---
see for examples, explanation. identical.

だけに can be used for both good and bad merits. However,
だけあって is used for good merits. It should not be used for negative

--- Examples ---
As might be expected of those who trod the path of hardships, he is a man
of character.

As might be expected of a city like Tokyo, world-wide cuisine is available

Mars is all the more interesting for its close resemblance to our earth.

As expected of someone who studied in France, her pronunciation of French
is lovely.

(Her) parents are living together in the countryside. As expected of those
getting older, they worry about their daughter.

As expected he performed well and got the promotion

--- Comments ---
ex#3094 can be read as 'only in Tokyo world-wide cuisine is available.'
(contributor: Miki)

To avoid that, I have added やっぱり.
(contributor: bamboo4)

I have seen Dakeni in several Level 2 grammar books before, so I think it
would be safe to say that Dakeni should be a Level 2 expression, instead of
level 1. (contributor: nhk9)

nhk9 - updated thanks. (contributor: dc)

[ex#6176] This may be picky, but I disagree with the translation. If I am
mistaken please correct me as it is important for other learners to
understand. 'Her parents are living alone in the countryside. (As one would
expect) Since they are getting older, as a daughter she is worried (about
them).' (contributor: benni)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ かと思うと (katoomouto-2) ]

かと思うと (katoomouto-2) - When I think it may

--- Examples ---
When I think that this state may continue from now on I get really

When I think that now I may have to do those things my parents did for me
it gives me the shivers.

Just when I was thinking he was English, he said he was American

I fear I'm getting a headache thinking about how annoying Chris is.

--- Comments ---
When you think [___] you get . (contributor: Amatuka)

I don't think that this usage is limited to かと思うと. と思うと
probably has plenty of examples. (contributor: Amatuka)

often this is used when a second, contradicting thought follows.
(contributor: dc)

I don't think that last example is the same usage.
What the others have in common are
1. Continuing, every time type occurrence (e.g. When I think X ...)
2. The result is feeling / emotion related.

The third example is a) Past tense, once off.
b) The second half of the sentence /isn't/ the result of the first.
c) Isn't かおもうと but かおもったら (contributor: Amatuka)

Kono joutai ha kono mama da to tsudzuku ka to omou to ochikonde shimau.
When i think this situation might continue on like this i get really
What do you guys think about how this sounds?
(roomaji de Gomen ne ^^') (contributor: Exrulez)

I think it doesn't need that 'da to' in there hehe (contributor: Exrulez)

When 'dato' is used, J would be
ちなみに、type tuduku で つづく、続く (contributor: Miki)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ 〜をぬきにして・はぬきにして (〜wo nuki ni shite・〜 wa nuki ni shite) ]

〜をぬきにして・はぬきにして (〜wo nuki ni shite・〜 wa
nuki ni shite) - without, leaving out

--- Notes ---
[wo nuki ni shite/wa nuki ni shite] can have two generally the same usages.
It can be used to show that something is without, or left out. Wa does not
have to follow after shite but it does give extra emphasis as is
frequently called the highlighting particle. itself can be used to follow
a noun directly to mean 'without' especially when listing ingredients or
talking about doing something 'without'. itself gives meaning to nuki
showing that it is 'for' whatever is excluding that causes/does such and
such. So could be looked at as meaning for without...
I would also like to mention that a lot of people need to watch their
Romanization on this site as somethings are just wrong. This page should be
wo nuki ni shite/ wa naku ni shite not ha, wa is just a spelling rule since
the Heian period to be written with the Kana character for ha.

--- Examples ---
Without a strong will, it's not possible for this work to be finished.

Without Mr Yamada, who is a really good cook, we can't have a party.

--- Comments ---
一級の模擬試験でも出題されています。 (contributor:

I think you don't need the ending 'は', the actual grammar part seems to
be 'nukinishite', which means 'leave off or leave out.'
(contributor: EvilKyra)

EvilKyra presented the fact that 'nukinishite' means 'leave off or leave
out' how does that affect the English translations? (contributor: timmy43)

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nuki ni shite

文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ 〜ことに 「は」 (kotoni) ]

〜ことに 「は」 (kotoni) - Very; Quite; The 〜 thing is that....

--- Notes ---
いA + ことに
なA + な + ことに
Vた(past plain form) + ことに

This grammar should be used at the head of the sentence. It should be used
to emphasize feelings, emotions, or sentiments.

--- Examples ---
It is a totally great thing, from April my salary goes up by 10%

残念なことに、 ポケットの穴から全部のお釣りを落としてしまいました。
Unfortunately, I lost all my change through a hole in my pocket.

My boss gets his kicks out of torturing monkeys.

Quite unfortunately, the bullet trains have been stopped because of a
strike, and our trip got cancelled.

Quite surprisingly, I heard that she can speak seven foreign languages.

To my great surprise, my lost wallet made it to the police intact.

The unfortunate thing is that the camp I had looked forward to was canceled
due to rain.

--- Comments ---
I think the English translation should be better with 「The 〜 thing is
that, .....」for 「〜ことに」. So for
ex#310 嬉しいことに、四月から給料が一割ほど上がる
「The happy/hearthening thing is that, from April onwards my salary will
go up by around 10%.」I prefer to use 'hearthening' in this case.
Notice the comma is at the ことに

ex#5256「The unfortunate thing is that, I dropped and lost all my change
through a hole in my pocket.」  (contributor: 誠)

Example #5935 does not belong in this entry. This must be 'koto ni (ha).'
Also, you can only use the plain past tense of a verb before it, not plain
dictionary form. (contributor: rubyhatchet)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ にとって・として・の上で・からいうと・から見ると (viewpoint-group) ]

(viewpoint-group) - from the point of view, based on

--- Notes ---
for me it was tough...

even for
even for him it was hard

as a teacher...

based upon (my conjecture)
based upon my consideration

based on (outside fact)
based on
this novel is based on real life

based on the result of

takes as its basis
this novel takes Love as its basis

by looking at X
by his expression, you could tell...

on the basis of
on the basis of grammar, chinese is easy

looking from
from the criminals point of view...

if you look from
if you look at it from my point of view

(in their own way?)

from the way of looking
from the old way of looking at the issue...

--- Examples ---
As an English Teacher, I think the most difficult part is building a
relationship with my students.

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ 兎も角 (tomokaku) ]

兎も角 (tomokaku) - anyhow; anyway; somehow or other; generally
speaking; in any case

--- Notes ---
1 とにかく。ともかくも。



--- Examples ---
No matter what the result was, every one has done their best.

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ 〜にしては (nishitewa) ]

〜にしては (nishitewa) - even though (it is) ; for

--- Notes ---

V/i/na/N[普通形] + にしては

意外な気持ち - An unexpected feeling

--- Examples ---
Even though he's old, he looks young.

For (eg: even though he is) a rich person, he drives an old car.

It is a cold morning for June.

For a man of seventy he still has surprising vigour.

This hotel is relatively expensive for this town.

This warm weather is abnormal for February.

Despite being a taxi driver , he don't even know the way.

It was out of the ordinary for Chris to behave so roughly.

You shouldn't count on others for help.

For somebody which makes cakes for the fist time, she did it very well.

Billy is very tall for his age.

You must not rely too much on appearance.

Despite being in primary school , this child is studying really good.

You are doing well for a cub reporter.

He looks surprisingly old for someone in his 20s.

You shouldn't do things by halves.

It goes without saying that Rome was not built in a day.

It's a warm day for this jogging for an hour.

What do you say calling it a day.

The price is kind of high for a used car.

For a foreigner, his Japanese is very good.

洗ったの? それにしてはきれいじゃないね。
You washed it? Even still, it's not clean, is it?

--- Comments ---
closer to 'wari ni' than 'nimokakawarazu' (contributor: dc)

Meaning: contrary to one's (natural) expectation (contributor: halx)

I think the にしてはいけない examples sentences don't belong here.
(contributor: halx)

X にしてはいけない must mean, 'Even though you are doing X, that's
not okay.' (contributor: adamstudio)

I think there are two types of にしては mixed up in these examples.
(contributor: bamboo4)

I also agree that the にしてはいけない examples should be moved.
(contributor: hana)

I don't understand '乱魔ノ' in [ex #3520]. Perhaps it means '乱麻の'?
I don't understand the English translation of [ex #3530] and [ex #3531].
Perhaps an alternative translation for にしては is despite (Ex: despite
being a foreigner, his Japanese is very good. ). (contributor: 赤毛)

I created the entry for the にしてはいけない examples sentences. I
moved Ex #3519, #3521, #3522, #3524, #3525, #3527 and #3528 to this new
entry. They became #6770, #6771, #6772, #6773, #6774, #6775 and #6776
respectively. I found the way to conserve Dbxさん as author in the new
entry. I changed Ex #3519, #3522, #3525 and #3527 to fit the entry. Is it
too much contribution? (contributor: 赤毛)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ て形くる (tekuru) ]

て形くる (tekuru) - Vte go, do something, and return

--- Examples ---
I'll go buy the newspaper. (implying you'll be back)

I went to the doctor and got some medicine (and came back with it) .

Little by little, I  came to  understand Japanese.

Prices continue to fall.

--- Comments ---
contrast with verb-te+iku
 I'll go and buy (on the way to somewhere else) (contributor: dc)

maybe this grammar entry should be more ーてくる as it is about
appending -kuru to compound a verb.
買ってくる、持ってくる 等 (contributor: dc)

Maybe we could transfer that example into -nagara (contributor: bi-ru)

its done, on page (contributor: dc)

As I found on (Takasugi Shinji's site) - contrast the difference of -tekuru
and -teiku in the following:


Both mean that prices continue to fall. Both tekuru and teiku indicate
continuation in this example. However teiku implies motion away from,
whereas tekuru implies motion towards.

You think prices are going away from you in sentence 1, such as when you
don't like the trend. You think prices are approaching you in sentence 2,
such as when you like it. (contributor: bi-ru)

wow! わかった。I get it. Thanks (contributor: anna.kendall)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ 上で (joude) ]

上で (joude) - N, On

--- Examples ---
Virtual PCじょうで、 Xwindowsが立ち上がりません。.
X windows doesn't start up on Virtual PC.

Many kinds of animals have vanished from the earth.

If it were not for air, we could not live on the earth.

--- Comments ---
Formed from noun + joude
N = noun (contributor: Amatuka)

I often hear people at work use joude as in 'PC jyou' on the PC...
(contributor: dc)

ex#4599 this is for reference. (contributor: Miki)

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文法: Grammar Summary


文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ 通り (toori) ]

通り (toori) - in that way

--- Notes ---
see [basis-of-action-group] for similar items and comparisons.

V(dict. form/たform/ているform) + とおり(に)
N + の + とおり(に)
N + どおり(に)

--- Examples ---
Just like the prediction, the Japan team won.

She's back to her original energetic self.

Didn't it come out to be the way I said?

That's right !

That question has answers in three ways.

Would you mind if I browse through them first?

It's okay. If you do it just like the manual says, it'll work.

At yesterday's soccer game, Country A won just as expected .

Just as predicted , it started raining in the afternoon.

Just as my doctor instructed, I decided to exercise every day.

--- Comments ---
The example is actually 'doori'. 予想通り 【よそうどおり】
(exp) as expected (neutral and negative events); as feared (contributor:

Many '通り' 'toori' examples are actually a literal 'way' as in street.
(contributor: Amatuka)

watashi ga itta _toori_ ni natta deshou! (contributor: Miki)

Formed from (plain) verb + toori or
noun + toori.
Note that a euphonic change to doori is possible depending on what it

V = Verb
N = Noun (contributor: Amatuka)

when does it have に after?
私が教えた通りに、、 (contributor: dc)

You can also say
予想 通りに 日本チームが優勝した。
彼女は もと 通りに 元気になった。
(contributor: Miki)

chizu no toori ni mairimashta kara, zenzen mayoimasen deshta. (contributor:

toori ni.... expreses the idea that something takes place in the same way
as something... or it could be negative also.. means doesn't take place..
(contributor: prachi_saurabh)

'expreses the idea that something takes place in the same way as something'
does not make any sense at all. (contributor: bamboo4)

In ex #6257, I don't understand '卵z'. So instead of 'Checked' I changed
it to 'suspicious'...
(contributor: 赤毛)

I have always thought of 
「〜 通りに」 as ”like 〜”

「〜通り」as 'same way as 〜'

while in rome, do like the romans do.

while in rome, do things the way romans do.

the meaning doesn`t change much, but thinking of it like this makes
translation less complicated.
(contributor: tigert)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ について (nitsuite) ]

について (nitsuite) - regarding, about

--- Notes ---
In more instances, につきまして is used.

--- Examples ---
I want to mention the release of our new software edition at the banquet.

regarding the plan

regarding my going there

How about Noon'ish?

I want a book regarding the usage of computers.

--- Comments ---
ex#4716 The Japanese is awkward. We would
say 正午ごろはどうですか? So this doesn't fit to the entry.
More casual, 正午ごろは、どう? (contributor: Miki)

I agree with Miki (contributor: Narender)

I agree with Miki (contributor: Narender)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ 上で (uede) ]

上で (uede) - upon, after

--- Notes ---
「Vta+上で」have the meaning of upon/after.

Ex: #43
I will reply upon careful consideration.

But, 「Vru+上で」have the meaning of when

Ex: #392


Etiquette to pay attention when using email?

「N + の + 上で」also means upon/after

Please sign after confirming the details.

--- Examples ---
I will reply upon careful consideration.

Etiquette to pay attention to upon using email?

For the documents about the procedures, upon/after filling in the necessary
events on them, please send it back here

Since this conclusion is made upon/after the thorough discussion by
everyone, (we/I) would like every member to follow it.

I will give you my reaction after I have consulted my family.

I would like to decide whether or not I rent the apartment after I have had
a look inside the rooms.

After I have listened to every explanation, I think I will enjoy the

After I have been told everybody's opinion, I will inform you next week.

A television is pretty useful to study a foreign language.

It is a conclusion upon the deliberation.

I decided upon the opinions of everyone.

Please sign after confirming the content.

--- Comments ---
Careful not to get じょうで mixed up with うえで because they look
exactly the same with kanji. (contributor: Amatuka)

Second example has an implied なんですか at the end of the sentence.
(contributor: Amatuka)

Oops. On second thoughts kill that -> ueha 'see also' (contributor:

(Too darn many 上's to get confused) (contributor: Amatuka)

I finally saw joude when i was installing debian on my laptop ^_^ it was
something like
(contributor: Snake)

*の上で even (contributor: Snake)

I often hear people at work use as in 'PC jyou' on the PC... (contributor:
your name)

As for
is not natural for me. このベースシステムじょう(上)で
would be better. I think when 上 is followed by noun, 上 would be read as
'じょう'. (contributor: Miki)

You means when 上 is 'precceded' by noun. (contributor: bamboo4)

I think there is a need for の after the 名詞, before the
上で(うえで), 名詞+の上で
If it is verb 動詞 , then it is 動詞(た形)+
上で (contributor: 誠)

Sometimes, you can omit the で : 上(で) (contributor: 誠)

PC 上 means ' about/for/relating about the PC' same as ex#392
'upon/relating about the using of email'
Like ex#392, here 上で means ' 〜に関連して ', whereas the
remaining 3 examples mean ”〜してから” (contributor: 誠)

A minor point, but in #5889, 'the necessary events' should be 'the
necessary particulars'. (contributor: bamboo4)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ 続ける (tsuzukeru) ]

続ける (tsuzukeru) - keep on doing ...

--- Examples ---
even though I'm on a diet, I will keep on eating sweet things until the

If she continues to live with a man she doesn't love for his money, the day
will come when she will be utterly frustrated and between the devil and the
deep blue sea.

People will keep talking about this mistake forever.

I love, and will continue to love, my mother country.

無視しろぅ! じゃ、書き続けて!
Ignore it! Keep writing!

Because I have been writing continuously small characters, my hand got

When you keep watching TV for a long time, your eyes become painful.

--- Comments ---
'dsu' is not a generally used romaji variant.
I think it should be 'du'. (contributor: your name)

hmm, thats true. using the windows IME, 'dsu' = 'dす' which is silly.
but 'du' when you read it in romaji doesn't look like... dzu, even though
the hiragana comes out correct as づ
まあ、難しいね。どうすればいい。 I want people who don't
read hiragana to be able to use the site ideally. altho we may be way past
that with all the kanji... (contributor: dc)

Every book I have spells this as 'tsuzukeru'. (contributor: Synonymous)

To be fair... づ and ず have theoretically merged, except in names...
so zu is ok.

on a side note, is this really level 1? I use / hear this so often at work
that I'm rather surprised. (contributor: ninja_k)

#5703 I would write 無視しろっ! to emphasize. Though this is not
CORRECT Japanese writing. Also, it is not appreciated that female speaks
like this. I feel 無視して! is more sophisticated. (contributor: Miki)

This entry does certainly not belong to Level 1 but to Level 2 and it is so
commonly used that before reaching Level 3, you get to know this pattern.
Please downgrade this entry. (contributor: Olivier)

The input pattern for づ should be 'du' and not 'zu.'
(contributor: bamboo4)

Olivier, I went ahead and changed to level 2 - anybody disagree with that
classification? (contributor: yookoso)

Total number of results searching from Google:
- 923 for tsudsukeru
- 14 100 for tsudukeru
- 14 100 for tsudzukeru
- 67 800 for tsuzukeru
So I changed the name entry according to the last one.
I think the level of this entry is 3 because I founded 2 examples in JPLT3
http://www.mlcjapanese.co.jp/DownloadF/3-5-GrammarInPastTest.pdf and none
in JPLT2
http://www.mlcjapanese.co.jp/DownloadF/2-5-GrammarInPastTest.pdf, so I
changed the level too.
(contributor: 赤毛)

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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ 挙げ句 (ageku) ]

挙げ句 (ageku) - in the end, afterall

--- Notes ---
'after much (verb)-ing'

ageku implies doing something a lot.

'after much to-ing and fro-ing we finally decided to ..'

'after a lot of worrying, we gave up caring'

and do both seem to be negative
seems to be mostly positive
can be both

after much studying, i graduated
(implies a long sigh about the process of studying... even though the
result was positive)

thanks to all the studying, I passed!

finally! I passed!

after studying, I passed.

注意→ 日本語のnative speakerチェックして下さい!

corrections to note above:

勉強したあげくに卒業しました It's better to add adjectives to
make it natural.
→suggestion : 散々(さんざん) or

→suggestion : 折角(せっかく)
Since I studied it all the way, I passed with a teacher's license.

after studying, I passed.

Often used with さんざん

According to a native speaker, this grammar adds a negative feeling to the
sentence, so either the first part preceding the 挙句 or the following
part should have a negative feel to reflect that.

In the example:
this is equivalent to
in feeling due to the presence of 挙句.

Similarly in another example
sounds unnatural, because the decision to marry someone is a positive one.
If it was instead
then it would sound more natural because divorce has a negative

ageku should return a bad result

--- Examples ---
In the end he landed up in jail.

Four elephants get drunk and in the end crashed into high-voltage power
lines, electrocuted.

After much dithering, in the end I turned down his invitation.

After hard thinking , I carried out the plan

After talking with both (his) parents the end result was that I decided to
divorce him.

After she gave people a great deal of trouble, she left the company
without even saying good-bye.

I shopped around for my computer and ended up paying $200 less than David.

I accepted the offer after due consideration.

Since I had made all the effort of studying, I obtained my teacher's
license and graduated with it.

After a lot of eating , I threw up.

One way or another how much I wanted to studying abroad in an university,
after much being harshly worried about it , I decided to go to a Japanese

After making so many complaints , she just got up and left.

--- Comments ---
挙げ句の果て is an emphatic way of saying 挙げ句 so that it sounds
more like 'at the very end.' Comes from the last stanza in 連句.
(contributor: bamboo4)

JDict examples (contributor: dc)

(n-adv,n-t) Noun-Adverb (a noun that can be used as an adverb) +
Noun-timelike (a noun that can be used where a 'time' reference is

Noun use 'ageku no hate' - ageku modifies hate
'time-like' use 'ageku kare no sasoi wo kotawatte shimatta.' (ageku
specifies when 'kare no ...') (contributor: Amatuka)

あげくに seems to be used much as あげく、(obviously you can't have
あげくにの though). (contributor: Amatuka)

electrocute : ile'ktrэkju`:t vt usu passive 感電しさせる
(contributor: Miki)

what's the difference between あげく & 後? (contributor: shrek)

後 is just 'after'
挙(げ)句 implies 'there was the process to reach the result' or
'after all'. (contributor: Miki)

I always thought that あげく is used for negative results. (contributor:

It might be that the -process- has negative mood, but the result is not
necessarily bad. See ex5 above.

eg After a lot of hard work, I passed the test.

I added a note to this, pending confirmation. (contributor: dc)

In the second exmaple, 彼と結婚することにした should be
translated as 'I decided to marry him.' If you say,
彼と結婚することとなった, than it is possible to say 'it was
decided that I marry him.'
(contributor: bamboo4)

↑ changed.
And the notes are accurate with ageku and yatto? (contributor: dc)

In notes, they are not natural.
勉強したあげくに卒業しました It's better to add adjectives to
make it natural.
→suggestion : 散々(さんざん) or

→suggestion : 折角(せっかく)
Since I studied it all the way, I passed with a teacher's license.

after studying, I passed. (contributor: Miki)

you should update your entry with Miki's corrections, she is absolutely

Since I studied it all the way, I passed with a teacher's license ->
I think i understand your Japanese but I am not sure about your English
translation. Which of the two do you mean:
1. Since I studied all the way, I graduated with the help of my teacher's


2. Since I studied all the way, I passed my teacher's license exam.
(contributor: ezi)

i quickly copied these suggestions above. if someone can combine/edit the
two notes, i will delete the extra ones. (contributor: dc)

The use of 折角 in せっかく勉強したので is archaic. Nowadays,
people would say 一生懸命 or 頑張って勉強したので. In modern
usage, 折角 is used in negative sense, such as
折角勉強したのに落第した (Though or despite the fact that I
studied hard, I failed to make the grade)
(contributor: bamboo4)

I don't think there is a に at the back of
あげく、 色々勉強したあげく、卒業しました。
(contributor: 誠)

Since I had made all the effort of studying, I obtained my teacher's
license and graduated with it. (contributor: 誠)

In the See Also section, it says that 挙句 is always used in the
negative. However the examples and comments suggests that it can be used in
both the negative and positive.
(contributor: xabre24)

Hi, In this example

Since I had made all the effort of studying, I obtained my teacher's
license and graduated with it.

The translation is incorrect... since the Japanese mentions nothing about a
teacher's license. This simply says 'After studying so much, I graduated'
(contributor: マリ)

Hi マリ, 誠's translation left out the
part but is implying the same thing as miki's example. (contributor:

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