文法: Expressing hearsay (I hear that...)

To express hearsay you can use

-used to convey information you have obtained from another source without adding your own point of view
-usually accompanied by NI YORU TO

Grammar pattern:
1. plain form + SOU DESU

Sample Sentence:
1. 彼は海外に行くそうです。
I hear that he will go abroad
2. ご病気だったそうですね。
I hear you have been sick.
3. 英語を習っているそうですね。
I hear you are taking English lessons.
4. 彼は麻雀が上手だそうです。
I hear he is good at Mahjong.
5. 天気予報によると、明日は雨だそうだ。
According to the weather forecast, it will rain tomorrow.
6. 新聞によると名古屋に大火災があったそうです。
The papers say that there was a big fire at Nagoya.
7. 今日の新聞によると、また台風がやってくるそうだ。
Today's paper says that another typhoon is on its way.

-same as SOU DESU but the information comes from more reliable source.

Grammar pattern:
1. V plain form + RASHII
2. N plain form + RASHII (exception see no.3)
3. N plain present form (w/o DA) + RASHII
4. A-i plain form + RASHII
5. A-na plain form + RASHII (exception see no.6)
5. A-na plain present form (w/o DA) + RASHII

1. iku rashii, ikanai rashii, itta, rashii, ikanakatta rashii
2. yasumi ja nai rashii, yasumi datta rashii, yasumi ja nakatta rashii
3. yasumi rashii
4. itai rashii, itakunai rashii, itakatta rashii, itakunakatta rashii
5. genki ja nai rashii, genki datta rashii, genki ja nakatta rashii
6. genki rashii

Sample Sentence
1. キャロルとウィルはわかれちゃったらしいよ。
I heard that Carol and Will have split up.
2. 今年はラテン音楽が流行ってきているらしい。
I hear Latin music is taking the music industry by storm this year.
3. 彼は近ごろ健康状態がよくないらしい。
I hear he is in bad health these days.
4. 今日の天気予報によると明日は晴れらしい。
Today's weather forecast says that it is likely to be fine tomorrow.
5. 新聞によると彼は今日はここに来るらしい。
According to the newspaper, he will be here today.
6. 彼らの話によると、あの男の子は歌がうまいらしい。
According to their opinions, that boy is very good.
7. 聞いたところによると彼らの結婚は破綻をきたしているらしいよ。
From what I've heard, their marriage is on the rocks.

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