文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ だけに (dakeni) ]

だけに (dakeni) - as expected, after all

--- Notes ---
see for examples, explanation. identical.

だけに can be used for both good and bad merits. However,
だけあって is used for good merits. It should not be used for negative

--- Examples ---
As might be expected of those who trod the path of hardships, he is a man
of character.

As might be expected of a city like Tokyo, world-wide cuisine is available

Mars is all the more interesting for its close resemblance to our earth.

As expected of someone who studied in France, her pronunciation of French
is lovely.

(Her) parents are living together in the countryside. As expected of those
getting older, they worry about their daughter.

As expected he performed well and got the promotion

--- Comments ---
ex#3094 can be read as 'only in Tokyo world-wide cuisine is available.'
(contributor: Miki)

To avoid that, I have added やっぱり.
(contributor: bamboo4)

I have seen Dakeni in several Level 2 grammar books before, so I think it
would be safe to say that Dakeni should be a Level 2 expression, instead of
level 1. (contributor: nhk9)

nhk9 - updated thanks. (contributor: dc)

[ex#6176] This may be picky, but I disagree with the translation. If I am
mistaken please correct me as it is important for other learners to
understand. 'Her parents are living alone in the countryside. (As one would
expect) Since they are getting older, as a daughter she is worried (about
them).' (contributor: benni)

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