文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ 〜ようとする (Try to 〜) ]

〜ようとする (Try to 〜) - Try to do something, but the nuance is
that it was unsuccessful.

--- Notes ---

uses the conjectural/hortatory form of the verb

--- Examples ---
I tried to use this computer, but I couldn't.

I was about to get on the train when the door closed on me.

He was trying to kiss his girlfriend when his mom walked in the room. (so I
did not get to kiss her)

--- Comments ---
I'm not sure if this is warranted... but I think so. I'll try to clean it
up once I get home tonight :)

(contributor: ninja_k)

--- View this entry online ---
http://www.jgram.org/pages/viewOne.php?tagE=Try to 〜

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for these posts - they are really helpful. I hope you kept up your japanese practice!
