文法: Grammar List

1. http://www.japonin.com/intermediate-grammar-list.php

文法: Expressing a Lack of Change

To express a lack of change, you can use


Grammar Pattern:

for Verb:
V-plain past affirmative form (V-ta form + MAMA) + MAMA
V-plain present negative form (V-nai form) + MAMA
Example: つけたまま, あけたまま, 消さないまま, 閉めないまま

for i-Adjectives
i + MAMA
Example: 若いまま 赤いまま

for na-Adjectives
na + MAMA
Example: 便利なまま 元気なまま

for Nouns
no + MAMA

In Japan, you must not keep your shoes on inside the house.

I went to bed with the lights still on.

Don't sleep with the windows open.

He remained single all his life.

The weather stayed bad.

It is often used with sono or kono:
このままでいいです。 kono mama de ii. It is ok just like this.

文法: Expressing State of Action using TOKORO DA and BAKARI DA

To express a state of action stressing a certain point in time, you can use


1. TOKORO DA connects to the dictionary form, V-te iru form, V-ta form to express state of an action.

1.1. V-dictionary form + TOKORO DA
-shows that a certain action is about to start.
-may be used together with KORE KARA, [CHOUDO]IMA KARA,etc which makes the meaning clearer

Have you had lunch yet?
...No, I'm going to have it now

1.2 V-te iru form + TOKORO DA
-shows that a certain action is now being done
-may be used together with IMA

Do you know what caused the breakedown
...No, we are investigating it now

1.3 V-ta form + TOKORO DA
-shows that a certain action has just been completed at this very moment.
-may be used together with TATTAIMA.

The train has just left.


2. V-ta form + BAKARI DA
-shows that a certain action has just been completed and not much time has passed since then.
-may be used together with SAKKI
-often used with the form -BAKARI DE, -BAKARI NA NODE, -BAKARI DA KARA, -BAKARI NA NONI, which
express a reason or opposition.

I just came to Japan three months ago, so I don't know anything at all.

Have a cake
...I just had lunch only a while ago, so I'll have it later.

I just bought this window a year ago but it's has already broken down.

文法: Expressing Similarity

To express similarity or likeness


(1) A + NO YOU NA + B(noun)
B like/similar to A

a house like a castle

a car like a toy

(2) A + NO YOU NI + B(verb)
do B like A

swim like a fish

cry like a baby

(2) A + NO YOU NI + B(adjective)
as B as A

as cold as ice

as lovely as a rose

as white as snow

文法: Expressing Intention or Plan

To express intention or plan, you can use

1. V-plain form + YOTEI
2. V-plain from + TSUMORI
3. V-volitional form + TO OMOU

(1) V-plain form + TSUMORI

I'm planning to study tonight.

I'm going to sell my house.

I will do my best.

I am going to be an engineer.

Because I have a headache, I intend to go home early.

I intend not to buy that book.

I have no intention to buy that book.

イギリスからフランスへ行くつもりでしたが、おかねが なかったので、行かなかったんです。
I intended to go to France from U.K.,but because I had no money, I didn't go.

(2) V-plain form + YOTEI
I'm planning to stay at the hotel.

I planning to leave for Europe next week.

We are to get married in June.

We are going to make a test of the engine tomorrow.

I plan to go to Hokkaido this summer.

I have no plan to go to Hokkaido this summer.

I plan not to go to Hokkaido this summer.

I planned to go to Hokkaido this summer.

(3) V-volitional form + TO OMOU

I think I'll take this tie.

I think I will consider it carefully and decide

I think I will go to bed early tonight.

Formation of Volitional Verbs
1. U-verb
The final "-u" of the dictionary form is replaced by "-oo"
Ex. kaku -> kakoo yomu -> yomoo

2. RU-verb
The final "-ru" of the dictionary form is replaced by "-yoo"
Ex. taberu -> tabeyoo neru->neyou

3. Irregular verb
kuru -> koyoo
suru -> shiyoo


文法: Expressing hearsay (I hear that...)

To express hearsay you can use

-used to convey information you have obtained from another source without adding your own point of view
-usually accompanied by NI YORU TO

Grammar pattern:
1. plain form + SOU DESU

Sample Sentence:
1. 彼は海外に行くそうです。
I hear that he will go abroad
2. ご病気だったそうですね。
I hear you have been sick.
3. 英語を習っているそうですね。
I hear you are taking English lessons.
4. 彼は麻雀が上手だそうです。
I hear he is good at Mahjong.
5. 天気予報によると、明日は雨だそうだ。
According to the weather forecast, it will rain tomorrow.
6. 新聞によると名古屋に大火災があったそうです。
The papers say that there was a big fire at Nagoya.
7. 今日の新聞によると、また台風がやってくるそうだ。
Today's paper says that another typhoon is on its way.

-same as SOU DESU but the information comes from more reliable source.

Grammar pattern:
1. V plain form + RASHII
2. N plain form + RASHII (exception see no.3)
3. N plain present form (w/o DA) + RASHII
4. A-i plain form + RASHII
5. A-na plain form + RASHII (exception see no.6)
5. A-na plain present form (w/o DA) + RASHII

1. iku rashii, ikanai rashii, itta, rashii, ikanakatta rashii
2. yasumi ja nai rashii, yasumi datta rashii, yasumi ja nakatta rashii
3. yasumi rashii
4. itai rashii, itakunai rashii, itakatta rashii, itakunakatta rashii
5. genki ja nai rashii, genki datta rashii, genki ja nakatta rashii
6. genki rashii

Sample Sentence
1. キャロルとウィルはわかれちゃったらしいよ。
I heard that Carol and Will have split up.
2. 今年はラテン音楽が流行ってきているらしい。
I hear Latin music is taking the music industry by storm this year.
3. 彼は近ごろ健康状態がよくないらしい。
I hear he is in bad health these days.
4. 今日の天気予報によると明日は晴れらしい。
Today's weather forecast says that it is likely to be fine tomorrow.
5. 新聞によると彼は今日はここに来るらしい。
According to the newspaper, he will be here today.
6. 彼らの話によると、あの男の子は歌がうまいらしい。
According to their opinions, that boy is very good.
7. 聞いたところによると彼らの結婚は破綻をきたしているらしいよ。
From what I've heard, their marriage is on the rocks.

会話: Replying to an Invitation in Email

If you got an invitation through email from your boss or colleague to join his/her in company gathering, party, exhibition,etc., do you know how to reply?

Here's an example of an invitation email:



12月20日 ni kaisai sareru tenjikai ni okonau to omoimasu.
I think there will be an exhibition going to be held on Dec. 20.

Issho ni ikimasen ka.
Won't you come with me?

Moshi, issho ni ikesou nara watashi made henshin o kudasai.
If you think you can go, please reply to me.


If you want to go, you may reply using the following phrases:



Hai, zehi go issho ni sasete kudasai.
Please let me join you.

Shousai ni tsuite, mada go renraku kudasai.
Please give me the details.


SAMPLE "YES" REPLY 2: (Less formal)


Hai, issho ni ikimashou.
Yes, let's go together.


Or if you want to politely refuse the invitation, you may write the following phrases:



Zannen nagara, sono hi wa iku koto ga dekimasen.
I'm afraid I can't go on that date.

Osasoi arigatou gozaimasu.
Thank you for the invitation though.

Mata kikai ga areba okoe ga itadakeru to ureshii desu.
I would appreciate if you could invite me on another chance.




申し訳ありませんが、[ reason ] のため、
Moushiwake arimasen ga, [ reason ] no tame,
I'm sorry, because [ reason ],

Goenryo sasete itadakimasu.
I will not attend [the exhibition].

Osasoi arigatou gozaimashita.
Thank you for the invitation.


Source: Yahoo Answers. Thanks to orangenana, Taichiro K, DemonnPrincess's answers.

会話: Giving Directions

Yesterday night, on my way back home, someone approached and asked me for direction to the building where I am working at. But the only words that came out of my mouth is “Eeto, mou sugu”, and then pointed my finger at the building. I realized later that what I've said didn't make sense at all. In Japanese, “Eeto” means “Err...” and “mou sugu” means “very soon”. Combine the words and it becomes “Err...very soon”. I gave direction by saying “Err...very soon”. What I was really trying to say to him is to just continue going straight , which can be said in Japanese as “Massugu itte kudasai”. I used “Mou sugu” instead of “Massugu”. As they sound alike, I just hope that the man who asked for direction figured out what I was trying to say and didn't get lost.

What should you say when you want to give directions in Japanese?

To tell someone to

Go straight, you say
Massugu itte kudasai
Please go straight.

Turn left/right, you say
Hidari/Migi e magatte kudasai.
Please turn left/right.

Go left/right, you say
Hidari/Migi e itte kudasai.
Please go to the left/right

Stop (in case you are in taxi and want to let the driver know when and where to stop), you say
Asoko de tomete kudasai
Please stop there.


Kono michi o massugu itte kudasai.
Go straight on this street please.

Tsugi no kado wo migi e magatte kudasai.
Please turn right at the next corner.

Saisho no shingou wo hidari e magatte kudasai.
Please turn left at the first traffic light.

Futatsu me no kado de migi ni magatte kudasai.
Please turn right at the second corner.

Gakkou no tonari de tomete kudasai.
Please stop next to the school.

会話: Answering a Business Telephone Call

Sometimes, I'm the one who answer a telephone call in our office here in Japan. For someone who just starting to learn Nihongo , like me, what should be a rather simple task becomes a difficult one. Though it's a difficult task, it does have its benefits too. I got to practice my Nihongo listening and speaking skills. Fortunately, I already have a "ready-made" script of answering a phone call in Nihongo, which was given to me by my Japanese colleague.

If there's a call, the first thing I say is,
  • ”会社名”でございます。
  • "Company Name" de gozaimasu.
  • おはようございます。”会社名”でございます。
  • Ohayou gozaimasu. "Company Name" de gozaimasu. (add the morning greeting when you answer the call before 10 AM)

Then I may follow it with a greeting/salutation
  • お世話になっております。
  • Osewa ni natte orimasu.
  • お疲れ様です。
  • Otsukare sama desu. (salutation for colleagues only)

To transfer the call immediately,
  • はい、少々お待ちください。
  • Hai, shou shou omachi kudasai
In case you want to ask the caller's name again ,
  • 申し訳ございません、もう一度お名前を伺いしてもよろしいでしょうか。
  • Mouskiwakegozaimasen, mou ichido onamae wo ukagaishitemo yoroshii deshou ka.

In case the person, who the caller is looking for, is not on his/her desk
  • 申し訳ございません。ただいま席をはずしておりますが。
  • Moushiwake gozaimasen. Tadaima seki wo hazu shite orimasu ga.

In case the person, who the caller is looking for, is on leave.
  • 申し訳ございません。 本日はお休みをいただいておりますが。
  • Moushiwake gozaimasen. Honjitsu oyasumi wo itadaite orimasu ga.

In case the person, who the caller is looking for, is talking on other phone.
  • 申し訳ございません。ただいまほかの電話に出ておりますが。
  • Moushiwake gozaimasen. Tadaima hoka no denwa ni dete orimasu ga.

In case the peson, who the caller is looking for, is on a business trip or go out.
  • 申し訳ございません。。ただいま(本日)が外出しております。
  • Moushiwake gozaimasen. Tadaima (Honjitsu) gaishutsu shite orimasu.

In case the person, who the caller is looking for, is on a meeting.
  • 申し訳ございません。打ち合わせ中です。
  • Moushiwake gozaimasen. Uchiawase chuu desu.

その他: Airline and Bus Ticket

Where to buy cheaper airline ticket in Japan?

The best way to buy cheaper airline ticket in Japan is to go to travel agency.
"No. 1 Travel" and "Etour" are travel agencies that can provide discount fares .
Please check their site:

"No. 1 Travel":


Then, if you want to travel around Japan, taking a bus is one of cheapest way to get to your destination. You can book bus ticket through 123bus.net. Check their site.


Another bus company is Kakuyasu Bus (but their site is only written in Japanese).


その他: Nihongo de "Word of Wisdom"

Taisetsu na no wa yume wo motsu koto. Soshite, yume ni mukatte ganbarou koto desu.
What is important is to have dreams for the future, and to strive to realize those dreams.

その他: Greetings in Business Email

When writing email to your colleagues (or someone within your company), the appropriate greeting is:
--start of the message--
"your name" desu. Otsukare sama desu.

--end of the message--
Yoroshiku onegai shimasu

But in case your writing email to clients/customers, the more appropriate greeting at the start of the message is:
--start of the message--
"your company name" no "your name" desu. Osewa ni natte orimasu.

Greeting at the end of the message can be the same, but if you want to be more polite you can use:
--end of the message--
Yoroshiku onegai itashimasu.

その他: JLPT Level 3 Exam Notes (1991)

I tried to answer the past 1991 JPLT Level 3 exam and made some notes on the mistakes I committed on the exam.



(1) 計画 [けいかく] (n,vs) plan; project; schedule; scheme; program; programme.
(2) 用意 [ようい] (n,vs) preparation.
(3) 電話代 [でんわだい] (n) telephone charge
(4) 人口 [じんこう] (n) [1] population. [2] common talk.
(5) 代 [だい] (n,n-suf) [1] charge; cost; price. [2] generation; age; era; reign. [3] counter for decades of ages, eras, etc.. [4] switchboard (number). [5] on behalf of; for (someone).
(6) 売店 [ばいてん] (n) shop; stand.
(7) 黒板 [こくばん] (n) blackboard.
(8) 写し [うつし] (n) copy; duplicate; facsimile; transcript.
(9) 湖 [みずうみ] (n) lake.
(10) 深さ [ふかさ] (n) depth; profundity.
(11) はっきり (adv,n,vs) clearly; plainly; distinctly.
Dekiru dake hakkiri to itte kudasai.
Please speak as clearly as you can.
(12) うっかり (adv,n,vs) carelessly; thoughtlessly; inadvertently.
Ukkari machigai wo okashita.
I made a careless mistake.
(13) ゆっくり (adv,n,vs) slowly; at ease; restful.
Yukkuri unten shinasai.
Drive slowly.
(14) すっかり (adv) all; completely; thoroughly.
Sukkari wasureta yo.
I've completely forgotten.
(11) ピンポン の れんしゅう - pingpong practice
(12) みずうみ の ふかさ  - depth of lake
(13) え が かけて あります - picture hanging
(14) テストを うける - to take test
(15) 床屋 [とこや] (n) barber.
(16) 立派 [りっぱ] (adj-na,n) splendid; fine; handsome; elegant; imposing; prominent; legal; legitimate.
(17) 残る [のこる] (v5r,vi) to remain; to be left.
がくせいが きょうしつに のこって います。
There are still students (remain) inside the classroom.


(1) りょこう/りょうこう

旅行 [りょこう] (n,vs) travel; trip.
Jibun de ryokou wo keikaku suru no ha tanosshii desu.
It's fun to plan a trip by by myself.

良好 [りょうこう] (adj-na,n) favorable; favourable; satisfactory.
Shinamono wa ryoukou na joutai de touchaku shita.
The goods arrived in good condition.

(2) きょねん/きょうねん

去年 [きょねん] (n-adv,n-t) last year.
凶年 [きょうねん] (n) bad year; bad harvest.

(3) しゅじん/しゅうじん

主人 [しゅじん] (n) master; head (of a household); landlord; one's husband; employer; host.
囚人 [しゅうじん] (n) prisoner.


(1) 部屋/部室 

部屋 [へや] (n) [1] room. [2] sumo stable.
部室 [ぶしつ] (n) clubroom.

(2) 席/度

席 [せき] (n) seat.
度 [ど] (n,n-suf) [1] degree (angle, temperature, scale, etc.). [2] counter for occurrences; times. [3] strength (of alcohol). (pref) [4] (uk) very; totally.

その他: Yoshinoya Coupon

Got a Yoshinoya discount coupon.

Discount Coupon 1 (front side):

Discount Coupon 1 (back side):

神奈川県限定サービス券 072吉野家
有効期限 2008年 11・30(日)15時まで

  • 丼・定食お買い上げ1食につき、本券1枚のみご利用いただけます。サイドメニューにはお使いいただけません。
  • 他のサービス券と併用はできません。ただし、秼主優時券およびグルメカードは併用できます。
  • 値引サール期間中はご利用いただけません。
  • 本券と現金のお引き換えばご容赦願いします。
  • 神奈川県店舗のみでご利用いただけます。


Discount Coupon 2 (front side):

Discount Coupon 2 (back side):

神奈川県限定サービス券 167吉野家
有効期限2008年 11・30(日)15時まで

  • 牛丼弁当お買上げ3食につき、本券1枚のみご利用いただけます。サイドメニューにはお使いいただけません。
  • 他のサービス券と併用はできません。ただし、秼主優時券およびグルメカードは併用できます。
  • 値引サール期間中はご利用いただけません。
  • 本券と現金のお引き換えばご容赦願いします。
  • 神奈川県店舗のみでご利用いただけます。

語い: Basic Colors

語い: Parts of the Body

image from www.city.shibuya.tokyo.jp

Parts of the body:

hair - 紙
face - 顔
ear - 耳
chin - あご
neck - 首
chest - 胸
stomack - おなか
navel - おへそ
tekubi - 手首
ashi - 足
heel - かかと

head - 頭
forehead - 額
eyebrow - 眉毛
eye - 目
nose - 鼻
throat - のど
shoulder - 肩
back - 背中
arm - 腕
elbow - ひじ
lower back - 腰
buttocks - お尻
finger - 指
thigh - 桃
knee - ひざ

語い: Family

In Japanese language, the vocabulary for family relationships differ according to whether you are talking about your own family or someone else's family.

English Japanese
(own family)
(someone else's family)
father chichi
mother haha
older brother ani
older sister ane
younger brother otouto
younger sister imouto
husband otto
wife tsuma
son musuko
daughter musume
grandfather sofu
grandmother sobo
uncle oji
aunt oba
cousin itoko
anata no itoko

Other useful vocabulary relating to family relationships are shown in the table below.

English Japanese
family kazoku
parents ryoushin
child kodomo
sibling kyoudai
cousin itoko
relatives shinseki

その他: Farewell Message in Nihongo

Today is my last day of work at my client's office. I have to prepare a short message to my boss and co-workers who assisted me during my stay there.

message to my boss:


Kono kaisha de hataraku no wa ii keiken deshita. Takusan no koto wo manabimashta. Kono kaisha ni taizaichuu ni wa osewa ni narimashita.

Working in this company is a good experience. I have learned a lot. Thank you for your kind assistance while working for this company.

message to my co-workers:


Kono kaisha ni taizaichuu ni wa watashi wa minasan kara takusan no koto wo manabimashita. Minasan no adobaisu itsumo watashi ni wa yuueki deshita. Osewa ni narimashita.

I learned a lot while working for this company. All of your advice were always very helpful to me. I really appreciate all of your kindness.

漢字: Kanji by Shape HEART

Group HEART:

心 必 泌 秘

Once your HEART is stab with knife DEFINITELY it will OOZEs blood. It's not a SECRET.

漢字: Kanji by Shape ENTER

Group ENTER:

入 久 込

ENTERING in Kuji Park takes a LONG TIME because the "road" is CROWDED.

漢字: Kanji by Shape ANOTHER


他 池 地

That "person" is building ANOTHER POND above GROUND.

漢字: Kanji by Shape ELDER BROTHER

Group ELDER BROTHER (2 kinds)

兄 悦 説 鋭 税

My evil-"hearted" ELDER BROTHER is very ECSTATIC about his THEORY that he "told" me while ago. THAT, a "gold" SHARP KNIFE is good for cutting "TAX"-free "cereal crop".

兄 祝 克 況

My 2nd ELDER BROTHER (the good one) always "shows" up during family CELEBRATION. Not only that, during family's difficult "SITUATION, he is always the one who carry the "cross" and OVERCOMES the problem.

漢字: Kanji by Shape FATHER


父 交 効 郊

My politician FATHER (who likes wearing "hat") likes to MINGLE with other people as he sees it BENEFICIAL to get political "power" in the SUBURBAN AREA.

漢字: Kanji by Shape MOTHER


母 毎 侮 悔 海

Beware of my MOTHER! EVERY "person" who INSULTED her has "whole-heartedly" REGRETTED doing it because it's like facing SEA of troubles.

漢字: Kanji by Shape BEGINNING


元 完 院

This is the BEGINNING of the END of "B" INSTITUTION.

漢字: Kanji by Shape EVENING


夕  多  移

This EVENING, there are MANY bats MOVING on that 2-branch tree.

漢字: Kanji by Shape MUST

Group MUST:

可 司 同 洞

What the government MUST DO is to ADMINISTER the preservation of the IDENTICAL CAVES near the open waters.

漢字: Kanji by Shape DOOR

Group DOOR:

戸 戻 涙

Standing on the big DOOR is the lost child who just RETURNED to his home and bursting into TEARS.

漢字: Kanji by Shape KING

Group KING:

王 主 住 往

The KING who is the CHIEF of state where I DWELL is BOUND FOR
Thailand (to meet another king).

王 [おう] (n,n-suf) [1] king; ruler; sovereign; monarch.
王位 [おうい] (n) the throne; the crown.
王座 [おうざ] (n) throne.
王子 [おうじ] (n) prince.
王妃 [おうひ] (n) queen.
王者 [おうじゃ] (n) king; monarch; ruler.
王女 [おうじょ] (n) princess.
王宮 [おうきゅう] (n) royal palace.
法王 [ほうおう] (n) Pope.

主 [おも] (adj-na,n) chief; main; principal; important.
主 [しゅ] (n,adj-no) (one's) master; (our) lord.
家主 [やぬし] (n) landlord.
主婦 [しゅふ] (n) housewife; mistress.
主管 [しゅかん] (n,vs) supervision; management; supervisor; manager.
主催 [しゅさい] (n,vs) organization; organisation; sponsorship.
主人 [しゅじん] (n) master; head (of a household); landlord; one's husband; employer; host.
主題 [しゅだい] (n) subject; theme; motif.
主任 [しゅにん] (n) person in charge; responsible official.
神主 [かんぬし] (n) (sens) Shinto priest.
店主 [てんしゅ] (n) shopkeeper.
盟主 [めいしゅ] (n) leader; leading power.
主食 [しゅしょく] (n) staple food.
主張 [しゅちょう] (n,vs) claim; request; insistence; assertion; advocacy.
民主的 [みんしゅてき] (adj-na) democratic.
民族主義 [みんぞくしゅぎ] (n) nationalism.

住む [すむ] (v5m,vi) to abide; to reside; to live in; to inhabit; to dwell.
住い [すまい] (n,vs) dwelling; house; residence; address.
移住 [いじゅう] (n,vs) migration; immigration.
永住 [えいじゅう] (n,vs) permanent residence
仮住 [かりずまい] (n,vs) temporary residence.
住僧 [じゅうそう] (n) chief priest (of a Buddhist temple).
住民 [じゅうみん] (n) citizens; inhabitants; residents; population.
住宅街 [じゅうたくがい] (n) residential area.

往き [ゆき] (n) [1] bound for.
往年 [おうねん] (n,adj-no) former; one-time; years ago.
往復 [おうふく] (n,vs) (col) round trip; coming and going; return ticket.
往来 [おうらい] (n,vs) coming and going; road; correspondence; street traffic; highway.
既往症 [きおうしょう] (n) medical history; anamnesis.

漢字: Kanji by Shape BOW

Group BOW:

弓 引 弔 弟

To shoot a BOW and arrow, you must learn how to PULL the
string. If not, you might end up going to the FUNERAL of

弓 [ゆみ] (n) bow (and arrow).
弓矢 [ゆみや] (n) bow and arrow.
弓道 [きゅうどう] (n) (Japanese) archery.

引く [ひく] (v5k,vi,vt) [1] to pull. [2] to draw back. [3] to draw (a card). [4] to draw (plan, line, etc.). [5] to catch (cold). [6] to play (string instr.). [7] to look up (e.g., dictionary); to consult.
手引 [てびき] (n,vs) guidance; guide; introduction
値引き [ねびき] (n,vs) price reduction; discount.
引き下げ [ひきさげ] (n) reduction; cut.
引き継ぐ [ひきつぐ] (v5g,vt) to take over; to hand over.
引き出す [ひきだす] (v5s,vt) to pull out; to take out; to draw out; to withdraw.
引っ越す [ひっこす] (v5s,vi) to move (house); to change residence.
割引 [わりびき] (n,suf) discount; reduction; rebate; tenths discounted.
万引 [まんびき] (n,vs) shoplifting; shoplifter.
籤引 [くじびき] (n,vs) (uk) lottery; drawn lot.
手引書 [てびきしょ] (n) handbook; manual; guide.
東京証券取引所 [とうきょうしょうけんとりひきじょ] (n) Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE).

弔う [とむらう] (v5u,vt) to mourn for; to hold a memorial service for; to condole.
弔意 [ちょうい] (n,vs) condolence; sympathy; mourning.
弔辞 [ちょうじ] (n) message of condolence; memorial address.
慶弔 [けいちょう] (n) congratulations and condolences.

弟 [おとうと] (n) (hum) younger brother.
子弟 [してい] (n) young(er) people.
師弟 [してい] (n) teacher and student.
従兄弟 [いとこ] (n) (uk) male cousin.
弟妹 [ていまい] (n) younger brother and sister
兄弟 [きょうだい] (n) (hum) siblings; brothers and sisters.

漢字: Kanji by Shape VALLEY, SAY, INSPECTION

Today, I tried to learn kanji by using the "kanji by shape" method.
I looked up in the Kanji List, chose kanji characters with the same shapes or radicals and then grouped them together. Here's the kanji character group I was able to come up with:


谷 俗 浴  

When you hike that VALLEY, it's a CUSTOM to take a BATHE on its spring first.


谷間 [たにま] (n) [1] valley; ravine;
谷底 [たにそこ] (n) bottom of valley or ravine

風俗 [ふうぞく] (n) [1] manners; customs. [2] sex service; sex industry.
民俗 [みんぞく] (n) folk customs; folkways; ethnic customs.
通俗的 [つうぞくてき] (adj-na) plain and popular.

浴びる [あびる] (v1,vt) to bathe; to bask in the sun; to shower.
浴衣 [ゆかた] (n) bathrobe; informal summer kimono; yukata.
浴室 [よくしつ] (n) bathroom; bath.
日光浴 [にっこうよく] (n,vs) sunbathing.
海水浴場 [かいすいよくじょう] (n) swimming area (in the ocean); swimming beach; seawater baths.

Group SAY:

言 計 討

The soldiers SAY a PLAN of ATTACK.


言う [いう] (v5u) to say.
言語 [げんご] (n) language.
言質 [げんち] (n) commitment; pledge or promise
言葉 [ことば] (n) word(s); language; speech.
無言 [むごん] (n) silence.

助言 [じょげん] (n,vs) advice; suggestion.
宣言 [せんげん] (n,vs) declaration; proclamation; announcement.
提言 [ていげん] (n,vs) proposal; motion.
伝言 [でんごん] (n,vs) verbal message; rumor; rumour; word.
発言 [はつげん] (n,vs) utterance; speech; proposal.
方言 [ほうげん] (n) dialect.
合言葉 [あいことば] (n) password; watchword.
証言 [しょうげん] (n,vs) evidence; testimony.
言い表す [いいあらわす] (v5s,vt) [1] to express (in words). [2] to confess.

計 [けい] (n,n-suf) [1] plan. [2] meter; measuring device. (pref) [3] (in) total; total (of).
家計 [かけい] (n) househol
d economy; family finances.
計る [はかる] (v5r,vt) to measure; to weigh; to survey; to time (sound, gauge, estimate).
時計 [とけい] (n) watch; clock.
余計 [よけい] (adj-na,adv,n) too much; unnecessary;
会計 [かいけい] (n) account; finance; accountant; tre
asurer; paymaster; reckoning; bill.
計画 [けいかく] (n,vs) plan; project; schedule; scheme; program; programme.
計算 [けいさん] (n,vs) [1] calculation; reckoning; count. [2] forecast.
計測 [けいそく] (n,vs) measurement;
measure; instrumentation.
合計 [ごうけい] (n,vs) sum total; total amount.
設計 [せっけい] (n,vs) plan; design.
計上 [けいじょう] (n,vs) appropriation; summing up.
計量 [けいりょう] (n,vs) measurement; computation.
寒暖計 [かんだんけい] (n) thermometer.
目覚まし時計 [めざましどけい] (n) alarm clock.
公認会計士 [こうにんかいけいし] (n) certified public accountant.

討つ [うつ] (v5t) [1] to shoot (at). [2] to attack; to defeat; to destroy; to avenge.
討議 [とうぎ] (n,vs) debate; discussion.
検討 [けんとう] (n,vs) consideration; examination; investigation; study; scrutiny; discussion.
討論 [とうろん] (n,vs) debate; discussion.


視 現 規

The company did the INSPECTION of their EXISTING STANDARD.


監視 [かんし] (n,vs) observation; guarding; inspection; surveillance.
警視 [けいし] (n) police superintendent; metropolitan police.
検視 [けんし] (n,vs) autopsy; inquest; investigation of death.
視察 [しさつ] (n,vs) inspection; observation.
視点 [してん] (n) opinion; point of view; visual point.
凝視 [ぎょうし] (n,vs) stare; gaze; fixation.
視力 [しりょく] (n) eyesight.
重視 [じゅうし] (n,vs) importance; stress; serious consideration.
警視庁 [けいしちょう] (n) police headquarters.

現に [げんに] (adv) actually; really.
現場 [げんば] (n) actual spot; scene; scene of the crime.
現地 [げんち] (n) actual place; local.
現す [あらわす] (v5s,vt) to show; to indicate; to display.
現金 [げんきん] (adj-na,n) cash; ready money; mercenary; self-interested.
現在 [げんざい] (n-adv,n-t) now; current; present; present time.
現代 [げんだい] (adj-no,n-adv,n) nowadays; modern era; modern times; present-day.
実現 [じつげん] (n,vs) implementation (e.g., of a system).
現況 [げんきょう] (n) present condition.
表現 [ひょうげん] (n,vs) [1] expression;

規格 [きかく] (n) standard; norm.
規制 [きせい] (n,vs) regulation; (traffic) policing.
規則 [きそく] (n) rules; regulations; conventions.
規範 [きはん] (n) model; standard; pattern; norm; criterion; example.
規約 [きやく] (n) agreement; rules; code; protocol; convention.
新規 [しんき] (adj-na,adj-no) [1] new; fresh. [2] new customer. [3] new rules or regulations.
大規模 [だいきぼ] (adj-na,n) large-scale.
小規模 [しょうきぼ] (adj-na,n) small scale.

漢字: 333 Kanji-in-a-Day: Group HEAVEN


天 [てん] (n) heaven; sky.
雨天 [うてん] (n) rainy weather
天気 [てんき] (n) weather
天皇 [てんのう] (n) Emperor of Japan.
天災 [てんさい] (n) natural calamity; disaster.
天神 [てんじん] (n) heavenly gods; Michizane's spirit.
楽天家 [らくてんか] (n) optimist; easy-going person.

矢 [や] (n) arrow.
矢っ張り [やっぱり] (adv,exp) (uk) also; as I thought; still; in spite of; absolutely; of course.
矢鱈に [やたらに] (adv) (uk) randomly; recklessly; blindly.

医 [い] (n,n-suf,vs) medicine.
医科 [いか] (n) medical science; medical department.
医師 [いし] (n) doctor; physician.
医院 [いいん] (n) doctor's office (surgery); clinic; dispensary.
医者 [いしゃ] (n) (sens) medical doctor; physician.
医薬 [いやく] (n) medicine.
歯科医 [しかい] (n) dentist.
歯医者 [はいしゃ] (n) dentist.
獣医 [じゅうい] (n) veterinarian.

疾病 [しっぺい] (n) illness; disease.
疾っくに [とっくに] (adv) (uk) long ago; already; a long time ago.
疾患 [しっかん] (n) disease; ailment.
疾風 [しっぷう] (n) squall; gale; hurricane.

知る [しる] (v5r,vt) to know; to understand; to be acquainted with; to feel.
知事 [ちじ] (n) prefectural governor
無知 [むち] (adj-na,n) ignorance.
英知 [えいち] (n) intelligence.
知らせ [しらせ] (n) notice.
知識 [ちしき] (n) knowledge; information.
知名 [ちめい] (adj-na,n) well-known.
通知 [つうち] (n,vs) notice; notification.

愚痴 [ぐち] (adj-na,n) idle complaint; grumble.
方向音痴 [ほうこうおんち] (n) (person with) no sense of direction; poor sense of locality.

漢字: 333 Kanji-in-a-Day: Group PERSON


人 [ひと] (n) man; person;
一人 [ひとり] (n) one person.
個人 [こじん] (n,adj-no) individual; private person; personal; private.
人気 [にんき] (n,adj-na) popular; business conditions; popular feeling.
人事 [じんじ] (n) personnel affairs; human affairs; human resources; HR.
大人 [おとな] (n) adult.
婦人 [ふじん] (n) woman; female.
夫人 [ふじん] (n) wife; Mrs; madam.
死人 [しにん] (n) corpse; dead person.

大 [おお] (pref) big; large.
医大 [いだい] (n) medical university; medical school.
過大 [かだい] (adj-na,n) excessive; too much; unreasonable.
私大 [しだい] (n) (abbr) private university or college.
大屋 [おおや] (n) landlord; landlady.
大家 [たいか] (n) expert.
大使 [たいし] (n) ambassador.
大師 [だいし] (n) (Buddh) great teacher; saint.
大事 [だいじ] (adj-na,n) important; valuable; serious matter.
大豆 [だいず] (n) soya bean.

太い [ふとい] (adj) fat; thick.
太る [ふとる] (v5r,vi) to grow fat (stout, plump); to become fat.
丸太 [まるた] (n) log.
太もも [ふともも] (n) [1] thigh. [2] (col) buttocks; arse; ass; butt.
太り肉 [ふとりじし] (n) corpulent; fat; chubby.
太平洋 [たいへいよう] (n) Pacific Ocean.
太陽系 [たいようけい] (n) solar system

犬 [いぬ] (n) dog
愛犬 [あいけん] (n) pet dog.
番犬 [ばんけん] (n) watchdog.

伏 [ふく] (n,vs) stoop; bend down;
伏せる [ふせる] (v1,vt) to lay something upside down; to turn something over; to cover; to lay (pipes); to lay (an ambush); to hide.
降伏 [こうふく] (n,vs) capitulation; surrender; submission.

夫 [おっと] (n) (hum) (my) husband.
夫妻 [ふさい] (n) man and wife; married couple.
夫婦 [ふうふ] (n) married couple; spouses; husband and wife; couple; pair.
夫れ夫れ [それぞれ] (n-t) each; every; either; respectively; severally.
大丈夫 [だいじょうぶ] (adj-na,adv,n) safe; all right; OK.

漢字: 333 Kanji-in-a-Day: Group MOUTH


口 [くち] (n) mouth; orifice; opening
口笛 [くちぶえ] (n) whistle.
戸口 [とぐち] (n) door; doorway.
出口 [でぐち] (n) exit; gateway; way out; outlet; leak; vent.
蛇口 [じゃぐち] (n) faucet; tap.
口実 [こうじつ] (n) excuse.v
口座 [こうざ] (n) account (e.g., bank).
悪口 [あっこう] (n,vs) abuse; insult; slander; evil speaking.

日 [ひ] (n-adv,n-t) [1] day. [2] sun; sunshine.
月日 [がっぴ] (n) (the) date.
明日 [あす] (n-t) tomorrow.
後日 [ごじつ] (n-adv,n-t) in the future; another day; later.
日記 [にっき] (n) diary; journal.
日課 [にっか] (n) daily lesson; daily work; daily routine.
期日 [きじつ] (n) fixed date; settlement date.

目 [め] (n) [1] eye; eyeball
駄目 [だめ] (adj-na,n) useless; no good; hopeless.
見た目 [みため] (n) appearance.
真面目 [まじめ] (adj-na,n) diligent; serious; honest
一目 [ひとめ] (n-adv,n-t) [1] (a) glance; (a) glimpse. (n) [2] bird's-eye view.
目次 [もくじ] (n) table of contents.
科目 [かもく] (n) (school) subject; curriculum; course.

冒す [おかす] (v5s,vt) to brave; to risk; to face; to venture; to desecrate; to profane.
冒険 [ぼうけん] (n,vs) risk; venture; adventure.
冒頭陳述 [ぼうとうちんじゅつ] (n) opening statement.

唱える [となえる] (v1,vt) to recite; to chant; to call upon.
合唱団 [がっしょうだん] (n) chorus group; choir.
歌唱 [かしょう] (n,vs) song; singing.

液晶テレビ [えきしょうテレビ] (n) liquid crystal television.
結晶 [けっしょう] (n,vs) crystal; crystallization; crystallisation.
水晶 [すいしょう] (n) crystal.

文法: が

も -> "but"


Watashi no tokei wa furui ga kare no wa atarashii.
My watch are old but his are new.

Kanojo wa kanemochi da ga shiawase ja nai.
She is rich but she is not happy.

Anata wa chiisai ga tsuyoi desu.
You are small but strong.

文法: を

を -> direct object particle


terebi wo mimasu
watch a tv

ocha wo nomimasu
drink a tea

tegami wo kakimasu
write a letter

文法: から~まで

から~まで -> "from"~"to"


Watashi wa getsuyoubi kara kinyoubi made hatarakimasu.
I work from Monday to Friday.

Koko kara eki made ha tooi desu.
It is far from here to station.

Kanojo wa ichi ji kara roku ji made terebi wo mimasu.
She watches television from 1 to 6 o'clock.

文法: で

文法: で

で -> means of transport


Jitensha de eki e ikimasu.
I will go to the station by bicycle.

Densha de Yokohama e ikimasu.
I will go to Yokohama by train.

文法: に

に -> time marker


Kesa watashi wa hachi ji ni okimashita
I got up 8 o'clock this morning.

Juuichi ji ni nemasu.
I go to bed at eleven.

Nan-ji ni shokuji desu ka?
What time is the dinner?

文法: へ

へ -> destination marker


Watashi wa eki e ikimashita.
I went to the station.

Doko e iku no?
Where are you going?

Ie e kaerimashou.
Let's go home.

文法: も

も -> "also", "as well as", "too"


Watashi mo gishi desu.
I am also an engineer.

Kare mo konai.
He will also not come.

Watashi mo itta.
I also went.

文法: と

 -> "and'


enpitsu to pen
pencil and pen

neko to inu
cat and dog

terebi to rajio
television and radio

文法: の

-> "of" or "belonging to"


Kimura san no jisho
dictionary of Mr. Kimura

watashi no hon
my book

anata no heya
your room

neko no shashin
picture of the cat

teeburu no ue
top of the table

漢字: JLPT Level 2 Kanji

Listed below are the kanji for JLPT Level 2 exam based on JLPT Test Content Specification (as of 2007). The list contains 739 kanji and sorted by "Grade".

虫 竹 草 石 糸 玉 貝 王 毛 鳴 米 番 麦 馬 内 当 点 直 谷 組 船 線 雪 晴 星 数 寺 算 細 才 公 交 戸 原 形 記 岩 丸 活 角 絵 科 黄 園 雲 羽 和 路 練 列 礼 緑 両 流 落 陽 葉 様 予 遊 由 油 役 面 命 放 返 平 福 部 負 秒 表 氷 筆 鼻 美 皮 悲 板 反 畑 箱 倍 配 波 農 童 等 湯 投 島 登 鉄 庭 定 追 調 柱 談 炭 第 対 打 他 速 息 相 想 全 昔 整 身 神 申 深 植 章 消 商 勝 助 宿 拾 州 受 酒 守 取 実 式 次 歯 指 皿 坂 祭 根 号 港 幸 向 湖 庫 血 決 係 君 具 苦 曲 局 橋 級 球 客 期 岸 感 階 荷 化 温 横 央 泳 育 委 録 老 労 連 歴 冷 例 令 類 輪 量 良 陸 利 浴 要 勇 約 無 未 満 末 望 法 包 辺 変 兵 粉 副 府 夫 付 標 必 飛 費 敗 念 熱 毒 得 灯 努 徒 伝 的 底 停 兆 貯 仲 置 単 達 帯 孫 卒 続 束 側 争 然 選 浅 戦 節 折 積 席 静 清 成 臣 信 賞 象 笑 省 照 焼 初 順 祝 周 種 失 辞 治 児 史 司 残 散 参 殺 札 察 刷 昨 材 最 差 告 航 康 候 固 健 結 欠 芸 景 型 軍 訓 極 協 共 競 漁 給 泣 求 救 議 季 機 希 器 喜 願 関 観 管 官 完 覚 各 害 械 改 貨 課 果 加 億 塩 栄 印 衣 胃 囲 位 案 愛 領 留 略 率 容 預 余 輸 綿 迷 夢 務 防 貿 暴 豊 報 保 編 仏 複 復 武 布 富 婦 貧 評 備 非 比 犯 版 判 破 能 燃 任 独 銅 導 適 程 張 築 断 団 退 損 測 則 造 増 像 総 祖 絶 設 接 責 績 税 製 精 政 性 勢 制 職 状 条 情 常 招 承 準 述 術 修 授 識 示 似 資 枝 支 志 師 賛 雑 財 罪 在 際 採 妻 再 査 混 鉱 講 耕 構 厚 効 故 個 限 現 減 険 検 券 件 経 群 禁 均 境 許 居 旧 久 逆 技 規 寄 基 慣 刊 額 確 格 快 解 過 河 可 価 仮 応 演 液 永 営 因 移 易 圧 論 律 裏 卵 乱 翌 欲 幼 郵 優 枚 棒 忘 亡 訪 宝 暮 補 片 閉 並 腹 批 否 晩 背 拝 脳 認 乳 難 届 党 展 痛 賃 頂 庁 著 宙 値 段 暖 探 担 宅 尊 存 蔵 臓 装 窓 操 層 善 泉 専 針 蒸 城 将 除 諸 署 処 純 収 若 捨 誌 詞 冊 済 座 砂 困 骨 刻 降 紅 誤 呼 権 劇 警 敬 勤 胸 供 吸 疑 机 危 簡 看 干 巻 割 革 拡 灰 延 宇 域 異 腕 湾 恋 齢 零 涙 療 涼 了 粒 絡 頼 踊 溶 与 戻 娘 眠 埋 磨 忙 帽 坊 抱 募 捕 壁 沸 払 幅 封 舞 膚 符 浮 普 怖 匹 被 疲 彼 販 般 抜 髪 肌 爆 薄 泊 杯 濃 悩 猫 軟 鈍 曇 突 逃 到 筒 盗 塔 凍 倒 怒 途 渡 塗 殿 滴 泥 珍 沈 超 駐 畜 遅 恥 濯 袋 替 贈 憎 燥 掃 捜 双 占 姓 吹 震 辛 寝 伸 触 畳 紹 昇 床 召 緒 柔 舟 湿 脂 刺 伺 咲 歳 婚 込 腰 香 郊 荒 肯 硬 更 御 互 雇 枯 軒 賢 肩 迎 恵 傾 靴 掘 隅 偶 狭 況 挟 恐 叫 巨 詰 喫 祈 含 甘 環 汗 換 乾 較 皆 介 菓 欧 押 奥 汚 煙 越 鋭 違 偉 依

More detailed information regarding the JLPT Level 2 Kanji can be found at www.jlpt-kanji.com and www.jlptstudy.com sites.

漢字: JLPT Level 3 Kanji

The following sites were a great help to me in studying JLPT Level 3 Kanji.

I consider this as the best site in studying JLPT Level 3 Kanji as it provides vocabulary look-up for JLPT Level 3 as well as other levels (Level 1, 2, 4). It has very user-friendly interface.

This site also gives kanji compounds that have been specially selected and consist only of other kanji within JLPT Level 3 list. 

This site gives a list of kanji compounds arranged into different sections such as adjectives, verbs and nouns (building, family, people, food, culture and customs, shopping, signs, nature, etc.)

This is JLPT Level Online quiz. The quiz is also arranged into different sections such as adjectives, verbs and nouns. Good to test your knowledge of JLPT Level 3 kanji.

Listed below are the kanji for JLPT Level 3 exam based on JLPT Test Content Specification (as of 2007). The list contains 284 kanji and sorted by "Grade".

力 夕 字 文 早 村 林 森 正 犬 田 町 赤 青 音 京 体 作 元 兄 光 冬 切 台 合 同 回 図 地 場 声 売 夏 夜 太 妹 姉 室 家 工 市 帰 広 引 弟 弱 強 心 思 教 方 明 春 昼 曜 朝 楽 歌 止 歩 池 海 牛 理 用 画 知 秋 答 紙 考 肉 自 色 茶 親 計 走 近 通 遠 野 門 頭 顔 風 首 鳥 黒 世 主 乗 事 仕 代 住 使 写 勉 動 区 医 去 味 品 員 問 始 寒 屋 度 待 急 悪 意 所 持 旅 族 暑 暗 有 服 業 死 注 洋 漢 物 界 病 発 県 真 着 短 研 究 終 習 者 薬 起 転 軽 送 進 運 都 重 銀 開 院 集 題 館 不 以 低 便 借 働 別 堂 好 建 料 民 特 産 英 菜 試 説 飯 験 貸 質 映 洗 私

More detailed information regarding the JLPT Level 3 Kanji can be found at www.jlpt-kanji.com and www.jlptstudy.com sites.

漢字: JLPT Level 4 Kanji

The following sites were a great help to me in studying JLPT Level 4 Kanji.

I consider this as the best site in studying JLPT Level 4 Kanji as it provides vocabulary look-up for JLPT Level 3 as well as other levels (Level 1, 2, 3). It has very user-friendly interface.

This site also gives kanji compounds that have been specially selected and consist only of other kanji within JLPT Level 4 list.

This site gives a list of kanji compounds arranged into different sections such as adjectives, verbs and nouns (building, family, people, food, culture and customs, shopping, signs, nature, etc.)

This is JLPT Level Online quiz. The quiz is also arranged into different sections such as adjectives, verbs and nouns. Good to test your knowledge of JLPT Level 4 kanji.

Listed below are the kanji for JLPT Level 4 exam based on JLPT Test Content Specification (as of 2007). The list contains 103 kanji and sorted by "Grade".

一 七 三 上 下 中 九 二 五 人 休 先 入 八 六 円 出 十 千 口 右 名 四 土 大 天 女 子 学 小 山 川 左 年 手 日 月 木 本 校 気 水 火 生 男 白 百 目 空 立 耳 花 見 足 車 金 雨 万 今 会 何 分 前 北 午 半 南 友 古 国 外 多 少 店 後 新 時 書 来 東 母 毎 父 社 聞 行 西 言 話 語 読 買 週 道 長 間 電 食 高 魚 安 飲 駅 

More detailed information regarding the JLPT Level 4 Kanji can be found at www.jlpt-kanji.com and www.jlptstudy.com sites.

文法: か

-> question marker


Anata wa gishi desu ka?
Are you an engineer?

Nihonjin desu ka?
Are you Japanese?

漢字: Kanji

Japanese texts are generally composed of 3 scripts:
1. Hiragana
2. Katakana
3. and the Kanji
Occasionaly, it may also include Roman letter.

Among these scripts, I find Kanji the most difficult to learn. That is why I created a "KANJI (漢字)" section on this blogsite that is dedicated to the study of Kanji.

Kanji are Chinese scripts. Japanese adapted these scripts along time ago as they have no writing system of their own at that time. Today, there are currently around 2000 Chinese characters approved by the Japanese government for general use.

Fortunately, the kanji-a-day site made a list of the 100 commonly used kanji on the web. The information from the list originally comes from The Kanji Project at po-ru.com. I think starting learning kanji from this list is a good idea.

文法: noun は noun です・じゃありません

noun は noun です・じゃありません
は is the topic marker
です means "am/is/are" while じゃありません means "am not/is not/are not"


Watashi wa Jyou desu.
I am Joe.

Watashi wa gishi desu.
I am an engineer.

Watashi wa isha ja arimasen。
I am not a doctor.

Anata wa gakusei ja arimasen.
You are not a student.

会話: Basic Phrases

Here are some of the basic phrases I find useful while living in Japan.


My name is _____.
Watashi no namae wa _____ desu.

What's your name?
Onamae wa?

Nice to meet you.


Good morning./Good afternoon./Good evening.
Ohayou gozaimasu./Konnichiwa/.Konbanwa.

Thank you.
Arigatou gozaimasu.

I really appreciate it.
Hontou ni kansha shite imasu.

You're welcome.
Dou itashimasite.

This/That/That thing over there

This place/That place/That place over there

How are you?/I'm fine.
Choushi wa dou desu ka?/Genki desu.

I'm home./Welcome home.

Itadakimasu. (spoken before eating. it means "thanks for the meal")

Drink. Cheers!

Good night.


See you later.
Mata ne.

Take care.
Ki wo tsukete.

Excuse me.

I'm sorry.
Sumimasen (you can also say Gomenasai which is less formal)

Please (when requesting)
Onegai shimasu.

Please (when offering)

Are you alright?/No problem.
Daijoubu desu ka/ Daijoubu desu.

I understood.

I'm sorry but I don't understand Nihongo well.
Sumimasen ga watashi wa Nihongo ga yoku wakarimasen.