文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ 〜もの (mono) ]

〜もの (mono) - because, should, like to

--- Notes ---
だって。。。。もの。it is used by girl.

--- Examples ---
It's not good to make call tommorow because it is already late.

It can't be helped. He's just a kid.

どうして食べないの? だって、まずいもの。
Why don't you eat it? Because it doesn't taste good.

--- Comments ---
doesn't もの here simply refers to the 'thing' that is `already late',
more than marks it as a `reason' ? Or would that be only with こと ?
(contributor: David)

I thought the translation was, 'Wouldn't it be better to call tomorrow,
because it's already late (as far as today goes)?' (contributor: diana)

wouldn't that be :

I have the feeling the translation of te current example is correct,
however the importance of `もの’is a bit misplaced... (contributor:

diana your right!
The meaning is backwards. (contributor: wynnej2)

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