文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ 〜を (wo-2) ]

〜を (wo-2) - area passed through (通過点)

--- Examples ---
I walked (through/in) the park.

I could swim * across the river when I was twelve.

This train runs * between New York and Boston.

Than you very much for coming despite the fact that. you were busy.

--- Comments ---
The three uses of を are
1. objective / target (目的)
2. area passed through (通過点)
3. departure point (出発点) (contributor: Amatuka)

を is used to mark a noun or noun phrase.

N = noun. (contributor: Amatuka)

を is a particle which is essentially acusative case. It also serves as
connective of opposing thoughts,as shown in #4962. (contributor: bamboo4)

If you're used to seeing を as marking a direct object, and having it mark
an area passed through seems strange, consider this: Even English does this
occasionally to what grammatically ought to be direct objects, as in
'travel the world' and 'sail the seven seas'. While you wouldn't normally
say 'I walked the park' (#889) in English, it's the same concept.
(contributor: KWhazit)

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