文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ 〜て (te) ]

〜て (te) - (-te, connects two sentences)

--- Notes ---
te is more of a 'parallel' tense in Japanese. It reflects that the verb
goes on along with the rest of the sentence or in a sequence.
te-iru is the same way, the verb is going on at the same time 'you exist'
hence the -ing.

The -te form has many uses; here there are just some of them:

1) It's a way to connect two sentences (a kind of equivalent expression for

2) Equivalent to English '-ing'.

3) -te+iru: to describe an action that is now happening or that is not
already finished.
[There are similar grammatical structures with verbs like 'shimau',
'ageru', 'yaru', 'miru'... but I guess they should have their own section]

4) Replacing an adverb.

5) Motte+iku/kuru: to bring, to take, to carry something.

6) Present perfect in some cases.

When the -te form is applied to adjectives finished in -i, it has also a
copulative function: joining two or more adjectives by adding -kute instead

The weather was bad, and that bothered us.

That film is short and amusing.

--- Examples ---
この赤くて大きい車は田中さんのです。 [kono akaku1teookii
kuruma ha tanakasan no desu.
This large and red car is Mr Tanaka's.

I'm going to the book shop and buying it.

Brining the bowl up to your mouth and shoveling rice in with Chopsticks is
bad manners.

He ate some melon and drank some coffee.

I come on foot (walking).

My younger sister is playing (right now).

The director is very angry (he became angry and is still angry).

It'll be a pleasure to help you out.

I brought the letter (lit. 'having the letter, I came').

Mr. Tanaka's gone out (Mr. Tanaka is not here).

--- Comments ---
Note, many, many, other uses of . (contributor: Amatuka)

Hmm, not the most natural example sentence in the world ^^v (contributor:

Also -i adjectives join with -kute -くて
The copula has the 'te' form of で. (contributor: Amatuka)

Verbs with auxillary verbs and auxillary adjectives use the -te form. e.g.
やる(in -te form, to do) みる (in -te form, to try) ください
(request). All together Please try to do it. (contributor: Amatuka)

It is sometimes much the same as 'and'. (contributor: Amatuka)

(contributor: Amatuka)

It's a JLPT level 4 grammar point (both the -て and -くて forms, btw),
and not a level 3 one; Only some of the -て + verb forms are part of the
JLPT level 3 grammar requirements

(contributor: Aria)

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