文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ をはじめ (wohajime) ]

をはじめ (wohajime) - not only, but also starting with

--- Notes ---
を始め is used to preface a list of items, and also to emphasize the
first one.

A をはじめ、B, C ...

English equivalents might be not only, but also
Not only A, but also B and C
Especially A, but also B and C

similar to which is mostly used for negative things.

I really dislike him, especially because of his foul mouth.

--- Examples ---
The singer started with a recent hit, and then sang 25 other new songs.

Today I am leaving the company, and I would like to thank not only the
President, but everybody.

Starting with Mercedes, we sell (implied: other types of) imported cars.

not only mobile phones, but all kinds of appliances, we intend to implement
a flash interface on.

at today's celebration, not only the Prime Minister but also lots of
politicians are here

--- Comments ---
used when giving a list of things, the first example being X (contributor:

を is used to mark a noun or noun phrase.

N = noun. (contributor: Amatuka)

This puts emphasis on the first item strongly
'First and foremost X, and also ... ' (contributor: dc)

can this be used with a verb?
 first singing, but also dancing (contributor: dc)

It is weird to be used with a verb. I cannot think of any good eamples
using a verb using 始め.
>>歌うことから始め、踊りもした。 (contributor: Miki)

> 歌うことから始め <
so that is turning the verb into a noun..
after singing , dancing... (contributor: dc)

を始め does not necessairly mean 'to start with' but the means of
enumeration. 彼は英語を始め、フランス語とロシア語にも堪能だ
only serves as the means of enumeration. 'He is conversant not only in
English but also in French and Russian.'
(contributor: bamboo4)

but it might also mean especially, as in this example:

I Have been helped by everyone in this school, but especially by Mr.
Tanaka. (contributor: dc)

but it might also mean especially, as in this example:

I Have been helped by everyone in this school, but especially by Mr.

from here
(contributor: dc)

Yeah, but even then, はじめ still has the connotation of first
enumeration, among the others, and does not suggest 'started with' as used
in the first example. (contributor: bamboo4)

note this is wohajime and not wohajimeTE - i often confuse. (contributor:

could somebody explain the difference btw をはじめ &
をはじめとする if any

i know that the formation is N+をはじめ & N1+をはじめとする+N2
(contributor: frenkly)

In some cases it can also mean 'such as...' or 'like...'

There are a lot of animals at Ueno Zoo that are popular with children, such
as pandas. (contributor: Monte Cristo)

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