文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ のことだから (nokotodakara) ]

のことだから (nokotodakara) - as usual for

--- Notes ---
〜のことだから :〜という特徴のある...だから...(〜と予想される)
Since it's (someone who...), therefore it is natural to have

〜ことから : 〜という理由で
Since ....

--- Examples ---
Hiroko as usual will be late.

I know you did great!

--- Comments ---
so wait, is this like の then こと and then (だ)から? like the
thing of the subject and then dakara? Is that what this is like but
contains a meaning of 'as usual'? (contributor: k-dogg)

My grammar book, 500 Essential Japanese Expressions: A Guide to Correct
Usage of Key Sentence Patterns, has [のことだから],
[ことだから], and [ことだ] meaning the same thing:
[なのだから]. (contributor: Paul)

When I took JLPT 2級 they tested the difference between [ことから] and
[ことだから]. It is quite easy to mix them up. (contributor: blabby)

This came up several times in something I was translating. I translated
'a-san no kotodesukara...' as 'It's a-san so...'. It seems more natural
than saying 'A-san as usual...'. For example in the example sentence above
saying 'It's Hiroko so she'll be late' or 'Since it's Hiroko she'll be
late' might be more natural. (contributor: kryptolus)

This entry should be combined with the entry of ' kotodakara' since it is
the same. (contributor: 誠)

I agree with kryptolusさん。
' Since it's Hiroko (who always late), therefore it is natural to have her
late (this time around).' (contributor: 誠)

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