文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ まいか (maika) ]

まいか (maika) - will not

--- Notes ---
Although this structure is still used in Modern Japanese, it is derived
from the Classical Language of long past. まい is a negator, as can be
seen in phrases such as 「行くか行くまいか」 ('will or won't
go'), which is equivalent to the more modern 「行くかどうか」.
Another similar phrase is 「行くか否か」.

Within the structure V-るまいか, the meaning is 'will probably not
V', as in
食べるまいか. It is important to note that this phrase does not
change in meaning when the final か is dropped. Observe:
My son will probably not receive good grades this semester.

This is an auxiliary which expresses the negative volition or conjecture of
the speaker. It is basically a written form, used in formal writing.

For Gr. 2 verbs, Vmasu is occasionally used instead of Vinf・nonpast.
For irregular verbs, すまい and こまい are sometimes used instead of
するまいand くるまい, respectively.

--- Examples ---
However, whether they wish to go or not children do get sent to school.

Whether you go or you don't go, it is none of my business.

I debated whether to ask her about it or not.

It is evident from his behavior that he lies.

What do you infer from her strange behavior?

She hung between refusing or accepting the invitation.

--- Comments ---
As in 行こうか行くまいか (I'd list as '〜こうか〜まいか')
(contributor: Amatuka)

Translation is a little loose. (contributor: Amatuka)

Hmm, offsite links don't work. (contributor: Amatuka)

そうですね。日本語が今一つです。How about this?
(contributor: Miki)

Not 学校に行きます but it should be 行かせられます.
I.E., they are compelled to go to school.
I agree that the Japanese version of the example should be scrapped and
replaced by
Listing should be: と〜まいとand が〜まいが.
(contributor: bamboo4)

Links seem to be working fine offsite... offsite This is a link to the alc
dict def for まいか (contributor: dc)

Examples #3763 and #3764 do not belong here. They should be deleted.
(contributor: bamboo4)

agree. ふるまい is one word. (contributor: Miki)

none of these examples inspire confidence... まいか? doesn't this mean
'the hell with it,' or is that local dialect? (contributor: LJFURLONG)

Example #496 has a typo: 思わない is correct, not 思はまい. Check
hiragana and try again ;) If it was changed to 思うか思うまいか,
then it is correct.

@LJFURLONG, you are thinking of ま〜、いいか, which is often
pronounced ま〜いっか, meaning literally 'well, is it ok?' but
figuratively 'nothing to do about it' or something else difficult to
translate into English. But, yes, you can use it to loosely mean 'to hell
with it.'

There are many まいか constructions in Japanese for different contexts.
It seems that everyone is including examples of the form V-るかまいか
(do or not do VERB), when in fact V-るまいか is in fact a phrase unto
食べるまいか, which is equivalent to 食べないだろう. I have
included information on the second form, because there ought to be a
different entry for V-るかまいか, since the construction requires more
than just まいか.

Edit: 2006/03/09
I changed the English meaning to more closely match the phrase being taught
(まいか). The English meaning originally given (will or won't) is
incorrect. The construction whoever wrote that was thinking of is
V-るかV-るまいか. まいか, as I've said before, merely expresses a
little doubt. It is a related, but not equivalent, construction to the
'will or won't' construction. (contributor: KyleGoetz)

行かせられます can be replaced by 行かされます.
(contributor: 誠)

1.〜(う)ようが〜まいが = 〜(う)ようと〜まいと
: 〜ても、そうじゃなくても
which means : 「whether will or will not doesn't matter, still....」
ex : 行こうと行くまいと = 行っても行かなくても

2.〜(う)ようか〜まいか :
〜う/ようか、それとも...のを止めようか which
means :「 whether to do or not to do, (where there is uncertainty left /
something undecided yet) 」
ex : 行こうか行くまいか :

Example ex #496 and ex #1238 belongs to the 1st category. ex #3762 and ex
#3765 belongs to the 2nd category. The rest is different usage of
まいか。 (contributor: 誠)

両親に学校へ行かされます。 (contributor: 誠)

If you want to use 思う in the 1st category , it should be
思おうと思うまいと。Or for the 2nd category, is
(contributor: 誠)

#3762, #3763, #3764 have the highlight in the wrong place. The か is part
of から not part of まいか.

Also this entry should be まい _NOT_ まいか, there is nothing special
about the use of か with まい. (contributor: paulblay)

ex# 3763 furumai isa complite word means behavour in this case how mai is
is used to give negation meaning ? (contributor: jmondal)

I repreat again, ex #3763 and ex #3764 do not belong here.

(contributor: bamboo4)

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