文法: Grammar a Day - Level 3 [ たり する form (tari suru form) ]

たり する form (tari suru form) - doing things like V+ing

--- Notes ---
The [-tari] form is used when a sequence of verbs occur in a row. The last
one cannot be a tari, it needs to conclude the sentence.

 Eating and drinking, I relaxed.

 not reading, not going, not doing anything, he was a bad guy.

with adjectives:
 good service, low prices... alright eh?

neg with adjectives:
 the service is not bad, the prices aren't high...

Is also used fo repeated actions, like:
Watashi wa nomitari tabetari shimasu.
(I drank and ate repeatedly)
You must add 'suru/shimasu' at the end.

I changed this grammar note a little.
form means 'doing things like'. the Verb takes the plain past tense form IE
食べる become 食べた and then you add the り
買う will become 買った then you add the り,etc...

きのう、私は テレビを見たり、ゲームをしたり しました。

--- Examples ---
We drank, ate, sung, danced - we generally had one big fun time!

パーテイーで飲んだり, 食べたり, 踊ったりした。
We did things like drinking, eating and dancing at the party.

私達は, 先生に誉められたり, 叱られたりします。
Sometimes we are praised and sometimes scolded by our teachers.

夏には, 登山したりする。
In summer I do things like mountain climbing.

私は, 朝コーヒーを飲んだり, 飲まなかったりする。
Sometimes I drink coffee in the morning and sometimes I don't.

天気によって富士山が見えたり, 見えなかったりする。
Sometimes Mt.Fuji can be seen and sometimes it can't be seen, depending on
the weather.

金曜日には木村さんは来たり, 来なかったりします。
On Fridays, Mr.Kimura sometimes comes and sometimes he doesn't.

あの店の包装紙は, 赤かったり, 白かったり,
The wrapping paper at that store is sometimes red, sometimes white and
sometimes blue.

The data in this report is sometimes correct and sometimes not (correct).

--- Comments ---
in notes, neg: it should be 何もしなかったり instaed of
何もしなかたり. (contributor: Miki)

fixed. thanks for your help explaining this one... if only entering it in
the website would substitute for remembering it! (contributor: dc)

This should be in GR category.
(contributor: bamboo4)

My teacher told me -たり actually means more like 'we did things such
as... blah blah.' It's more generalizing, not specifying, isn't it? That is
what my teacher told me. He also told me the same meaning for -し, but I
can't really find such an explanation for the usage of -し anywhere - is
it the same? (contributor: gtunak85)

is more like a separate word (conjunction?) whereas [-tari] is a verb
ending (conjugation?) (contributor: dc)

-し is usually used for phrases that describes your subject. for example
you can say that you like a certain singer because he has a good voice,
nice attitude and he is handsome. you end the sentence with a conclusion
that you like the singer, and enumerate the reasons by using し.
(contributor: infinite_trial)

can anyone come up with the conjugation rule? (contributor: wrooffy)

to my understanding the [V-tari] is simply the [V-ta] + 'ri', hence (as in
the WWWJDIC example):
飲む - 飲んだり
食べる - 食べたり
歌う - 歌ったり
する - したり
and (as gtunak85's 先生 says) it's used to 'examplify' things done, eg,
'we did things like this and this and that', where (as usual) the last verb
determinates the tempus for all the verbs in the sentance.

At least that's my understanding of it, but I've only been studying since
august so I could be wrong... (contributor: mojibake)

I have never encountered a たり form where the last verb was not する.
I learned you should do:

V-たり、V-たり、V-たりする。 (contributor: KyleGoetz)

Many rather stupid and simple examples. :3; ...Vocabulary practise, yes?
(contributor: Naino)

do the actions follow the exact sequence? for example maiasa koohii o nonde
kara shimbun o yomimasu. or shimbun o yomu maeni koohii o nomimasu. here
the sequence is explicit. does this apply to tari form as well?
(contributor: molu)

do the actions follow the exact sequence? for example maiasa koohii o nonde
kara shimbun o yomimasu. or shimbun o yomu maeni koohii o nomimasu. here
the sequence is explicit. does this apply to tari form as well?
(contributor: molu)

Hey Molu, tari doesn`t specify what order the things happened in. it just
expresses the idea that you did things like Vtari, and Vtari.

Also I think that a Vtari statement must end in する or できる。 
(contributor: tigert)

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