文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ だけのことはある (dakenokotohaaru) ]

だけのことはある (dakenokotohaaru) - is surely because 〜; not
surprising that 〜; It was worth 〜

--- Notes ---
haaru and are the same, but with the sentence order reversed.

That movie was really interesting. That's what I expect of a Woody Allen

Woody Allenが作った映画だけあって、面白かった。
As I'd expect from a Woody Allen film, that was really interesting.

both meanings are basically:
as you'd expect for a melon that was so expensive, this is delicious.


You should only use this grammar for positive nuances.

Vnormal form + だけのことはある
N + だけのことはある
いA + だけのことはある
なA + な・だった + だけのことはある

I changed the entry tag from だけのこと to だけのことはある
because they are different. だけのこと was the original intent for
this entry, but everyone was using it as an entry for the latter.

This grammar has several meanings depending on your preference or on
context. 気を付けてね。

--- Examples ---
He did not go to college for nothing.

this melon was sweet, and very delicious. It was expensive, and it was
worth it.

When I'm going out with a girl but I'm not in a relationship where I can
just phone anytime I often just get my mobile to display her number.

You must do all you can lest you should regret later.


She got full points on the listening part of her test. No surprise really
since she's always talking to her American boyfriend.

That movie was really interesting. That's what I expect of a Woody Allen

--- Comments ---
ex 1: sasuga='he is smart so as expected' and 'dake no koto' has some
implication of 'it was worth it' (contributor: dc)

A little more literal translation of the first example would be
'Impressive, that shows the result of his having gone to university.' So
'大学へ行った だけのこと' is 'Just (from) the fact of having
gone to university' (contributor: Amatuka)

Is there another だけのこと for 'just / a little thing' in your
textbook? (contributor: Miki)

(さすが)〜だけのことはある = only 〜 could
LIT : 〜だけができる = only 〜can do (contributor: Amatuka)

> Is there another だけのこと for 'just / a little
> thing' in your textbook?
Probably, but I don't have my text book with me. ;-)

Do you think this should be split into two entries and some more examples
found? (contributor: Amatuka)

I'm not sure if that last example is ロマンチック or 情けない ^^v
(contributor: Amatuka)

I think the meaning here is more like 'That's what you'd expect' or 'You
would expect no less.' I puzzled over this and 'dakeatte' for a while with
my girlfriend here, and that's what we arrived at. I've submitted a couple
of sample sentences to demonstrate this meaning. So, for example, #326
might translate a little more literally as 'This melon is great. As you'd
expect, since it was so expensive.' (contributor: cdo4)

hi cdo4 - thanks for your contrib... but:
-- translate 'as expected' - do you mean ?
-- where did you submit the samples? I cant see them on this page...
(contributor: dc)

hi dc - i submitted the examples, but perhaps they haven't been checked
yet? nothing ever appeared. my 1st time posting, so perhaps i did something
wrong. i'll re-enter them again when i get back home this week, but not
sure why they're not here.
anyway, the understanding i have (and checked with a few native speakers)
is that 'dakenokotohaaru' and 'dakeatte' are the same, but with the
sentence order reversed. thus
is essentially the same as
meanings are basically, 'as you'd expect for a melon that was so expensive,
this is delicious.' (contributor: cdo4)

the examples will show up immediately if you hit the right button (and we
dont have a bug). we check 'em live! (contributor: dc)

okay, i managed to get the examples in correctly this time. not sure what
happened before. anyway, please have a look. i've put the 'dakeatte'
version in as an alternate in the Woody Allen movie example. this is my
first time posting, so please let me know if i've done anything
incorrectly. (contributor: cdo4)

nearly - but not quite. I should really write up a better 'how to' one day.
Basically the 'grammar' field is just for the hilite in red part, eg in
this case. Not the whole sentence. so you need to break up the sentence.
This is so other parts of the site like our flash quiz can just pick out
the grammar parts of a sentence.
If you use the basic add example form we try and parse out the grammar
automatically, but only in the japanese.
The 'prior form' field is for the verb or whatever that goes right before
the grammar. This is usually very important in japanese (eg you have to use
dictionary form with this grammar).
Thanks again and sorry its not very well explained. (contributor: dc)

I also put your form on the relevant other page. (contributor: dc)

Example #4442 doesn't belong in this category. It should go into the だけ
category under that grammar's secondary meaning: as much/long/many as. This
is a good English translation: 'You have to do as much as you can so that
you have no regrets later.' (contributor: rubyhatchet)

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